Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

Saying that this beating was justified is outrageous to say the least. The child probably did deserve some punishment for what she had done, but that was way over the top. It was abuse, not discipline.
never mind the fact that he beat a young disabled girl, this asshole judge is literally in charge of deciding the fate of so called "bad people". he specializes in child abuse cases for god's sake. i would LOVE to know what criteria he uses when he's handing out sentences. it's like someone from the dea getting caught trafficking heroin, and then slapping cuffs on someone else who did the same thing. hipocracy is one thing, but this level of hipocracy is nauseating.

According to Judge William Adams, all children are 'fantasizers' and their testimony should just be ignored in court cases.
Nobody is saying that the beating was deserved...
But it doesn't deserve to be a big news story... And we all know the only reason it is, is because he's a judge.

Ask yourself this:
If you were her age, video taped yourself getting the same exact beating, and then called the cops and showed them the video... What do you think would happen?
I bet that Judge chokes his wife out too.

He did beat her as well, they are divorced now due to this... the wife is saying she was forced in to these situations to assist with the beatings and not get in the way or she too would be beat.

Ask yourself this:
If you were her age, video taped yourself getting the same exact beating, and then called the cops and showed them the video... What do you think would happen?

The video was taken years ago, she has been receiving steady harassment from her father since and after a particularly ugly phone call he made to her she posted this video... the guy is a nut, needs to be in jail, and needs to be relieved of his position as a judge of law.
never mind the fact that he beat a young disabled girl, this asshole judge is literally in charge of deciding the fate of so called "bad people". he specializes in child abuse cases for god's sake. i would LOVE to know what criteria he uses when he's handing out sentences. it's like someone from the dea getting caught trafficking heroin, and then slapping cuffs on someone else who did the same thing. hipocracy is one thing, but this level of hipocracy is nauseating.

Go fucking figure. He probably gets off on hearing testimonies of abused children. Acting out his fantasies, thankfully it was caught on camera.
Nobody is saying that the beating was deserved...
But it doesn't deserve to be a big news story... And we all know the only reason it is, is because he's a judge.

Ask yourself this:
If you were her age, video taped yourself getting the same exact beating, and then called the cops and showed them the video... What do you think would happen?

i wouldnt do that 1. because my dads in a large motorcycle club 2. i'm not a girl with cerabyl palsy getting abused by a grown ass man.
Nobody is saying that the beating was deserved...
But it doesn't deserve to be a big news story... And we all know the only reason it is, is because he's a judge.

Ask yourself this:
If you were her age, video taped yourself getting the same exact beating, and then called the cops and showed them the video... What do you think would happen?

Those lopsided cupcakes in your avatar look so good. I'll be back in a bit. Gonna go chow. I still think the Judge should get thrown in a cell with a maniac that was beat by his dad. Back in 5.
Nobody is saying that the beating was deserved...
But it doesn't deserve to be a big news story... And we all know the only reason it is, is because he's a judge.

Ask yourself this:
If you were her age, video taped yourself getting the same exact beating, and then called the cops and showed them the video... What do you think would happen?

honestly the judge aspect IS the story. "child abuse" is a pretty big umbrella and we can't make a story out of every case, but child abuse by a judge who sentences child abusers? that's a fucking story if i ever heard one.
iv taken worse beating than that but i fucking deserved it and my dad knew when i got the point... over a computer download like wtf!!! i got hit all the way up until i was like 16 and started working out alot and my dad tried to chase after me like usual and then he would slam me down and fucking hit me with his fists or a belt. or a shoe or anything. but it only took 1 time of me not running away and holding my ground we got into a wrestling match and i choked my dad out on the ground and he never really came after me again after that.

but like really i think this video is way out of line. i was getting beat for getting kicked out of privet schools and getting arrested and costing my family money. like stupid fucked up shit that i needed to learn a lesson but downloading an illegal game or some music like wtf i think every computer freindly household in america has some illegal music downloads even if they dont know it!

the beating itself isnt what bothers me its what it was over. and the fact i know that old man wouldent be acting to fucking big and mighty if me or any other guy who could hold his own was in her place hes be getting the tables turned real quick
That was not abuse, no where near actual abuse... And that is hardly a beating, a belting, a strapping, not a beating... We have different points of view on something and all of you resort to childish name calling... You all missed what I was saying and just purely focused on what you wanted to out of what I wrote... That's fine, I understand people do that...
Nobody is saying that the beating was deserved...
But it doesn't deserve to be a big news story... And we all know the only reason it is, is because he's a judge.

Ask yourself this:
If you were her age, video taped yourself getting the same exact beating, and then called the cops and showed them the video... What do you think would happen?

Actually Shannon feels the beating was deserved...and he would be hauled off to jail, and his wife and kids would be put into protective custody...at least here he would be...dunno about the backwards ass place they call Texas...its probably a normal thing for people down there to routinely beat their children into submission regardless of how old they are or how much they traumatize them...
Holy shit I'm arguing over a beating that happened 7 years ago...

Fuck this I'm going into work today, I need to get out of this place lol.
im not condoning what happened to her, but if she had just accepted the punishment, wouldnt have been so severe. He did cross the line, by going over ten strokes with the belt, and it on her legs.
Ive had to drop my pants and count off ten strokes with my dad's belt. Hurt, but it was easier since i accepted it.
she didnt deserve that beating, but resisting only helped him get off more on hitting her
But before I go:

Do I think the beating itself calls for a news story? No
But that doesn't mean the guy isn't a huge asshole anyway.

Come on people, that was a thick belt... Those are a treat compared to skinnier belts that hurt like a mutha.

[v. uh-byooz; n. uh-byoos]


   /v. əˈbyuz; n. əˈbyus/ Show Spelled [v. uh-byooz; n. uh-byoos] Show IPA verb, a·bused, a·bus·ing, noun
verb (used with object) 1.to use wrongly or improperly; misuse: to abuse one's authority.

2.to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way: to abuse a horse; to abuse one's eyesight.

3.to speak insultingly, harshly, and unjustly to or about; revile; malign.

4.to commit sexual assault upon.

5.Obsolete. to deceive or mislead.
I would say that qualifies as abuse. Hitting with a belt, in that manner is defnitely harmful and could do some serious damage both mentally and physically.

Are you telling me that it would be ok to do something like that in public and not get charged with child abuse?
Actually Shannon feels the beating was deserved...and he would be hauled off to jail, and his wife and kids would be put into protective custody...at least here he would be...dunno about the backwards ass place they call Texas...its probably a normal thing for people down there to routinely beat their children into submission regardless of how old they are or how much they traumatize them...

Nowhere in this thread have I said that she deserved it... So please don't lie...
wait so this girl is 23 now and shes NOW fucking her dads job over??? she had 7 years to think about this shit!! youd think she would have thought to just make a copy and black mailed her father instead of letting the media get ahold of this. i could see if she was still 16 and living at home she would want to release the video to cops or media so she gets coverage and isnt going to get touched. but if your 23 and living away from your parents i woulda fucking black mailed him for half a years salary... its that or no salary or retirment when it gets released

sorry to have to admit. where i come from this is just a spanking.
alot of times it's just necessity. i still have machinery that would literally make you kill yourself if it ever got ahold of your child, laying around. a sad day it would be if my dummy kid went pokin his fingers at it because i didn't beat his ass causing severe fright thus causing him pay fucking attention near it.

really violence is a psychological tool. fear is the intended reaction.

my five and a half year old son, regularly LAUGHS at the old lady when she spanks him. while she's doin it even. dad made sure next time he fakes it, and does what he's told. no games.

then there is the 12 year old. he rarely receives discipline. he learned from his experience, don't fuck with dad, he loves me, but doesn't accept bullshit well. especially when there's multi tonned equipment movin around. but when he does, spanking with a hand would hurt me, for fuck's sake! last thing he did was take the keys to the plane. taxiing around the yard and shit for his friends. thought i'd do more than "talk" to himm about it.