Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

This is a clear case of child abuse, both parents are to blame, not the child, she was not misbehaving in any way that justified using a belt on her,them leaving the room twice and returning to satisfy the evil urge they felt was not her fault. She only made concrete proof to show what was happening. Do i agree with here choice to post this online, no !handling this with some class instead of a taste for revenge would have looked a lot better, why did she wait 7 years ??? No sure but people do weird things when the parents they are suppose to trust to protect them hurt them in ways so may of us could never understand :(

Hey April, there was an interview on the today show today with her and her mother about it...you can watch it here: http://www.twirlit.com/2011/11/03/j...speaks-out-about-beating-on-today-show-watch/
Yeap...I am a bigot when it comes to things like this...I bet you are religious too arn't you? Oh hey look I'm attempting to stereotype you now...I'm singling out your entire argument as its completely uncalled for...so have a nice life...i'll be peacing out from this thread because i'm being rude and uncaring towards your fucked up view of life and punishment...have a good day.

All you got from what I posted was what you wanted to read out of it and not what I was actually saying... I do have a nice life and I wish you all the best in yours... you still insist on being insulting, offensive and confrontational...
Spare the rod spoil the fucking child. You think I could tell my mom get out of my room or I hate you, give her back chat, get an attitude... Fuck I'd be missing teeth rite now. In some cases the only way to get thru to some of these children is to beat the fuck outta them. Your grounded, your in time out... That's the reason these kids are getting worse and worse.
This is a clear case of child abuse, both parents are to blame, not the child, she was not misbehaving in any way that justified using a belt on her,them leaving the room twice and returning to satisfy the evil urge they felt was not her fault. She only made concrete proof to show what was happening. Do i agree with here choice to post this online, no !handling this with some class instead of a taste for revenge would have looked a lot better, why did she wait 7 years ??? No sure but people do weird things when the parents they are suppose to trust to protect them hurt them in ways so may of us could never understand :(

A common feature of abuse situations is a feeling of being trapped, of having no options. I consider it very likely that the girl was in fear of major harm if she challenged the "order" of things, but ultimately felt that she was headed for major harm regardless ... so the public video was her way of making sure she'd get a good lick in, under the very reasonable assumption she'd get no chances after that. Considering her dad was a judge, I applaud her sense of effect.
If I were in a similar situation, with the certainty that I had one chance to express myself, I would also see to it that when my moment came, my response would be (to use the military term) ... total. What's Arabic for "is the nuke ready?" cn

I'll ask you a direct simple yes or no question. Do you think the content of that video is child abuse?
INB4 , I saw this video the other day and it made me so angry, I literally feel like opening fire with a .50cal on that fucker lol The fact that you can do this to your own flesh and blood makes me sick! He's got it coming to him anyway!
this whole story is so messed up

bottom line is this man is abusive and overbearing and hes a judge,

this man deserves to go to jail, and the mother for a long time

it is beyond abuse its psychological abuse as well, this guy is a nut job,

being in a similar situation when younger i can tell you the belt dont hurt that bad after a while

it the threat of what else will they do, if my father had not have changed i would have left or done somthing worse

today he admits to his fualts and accepts them

and we are cool

I'll ask you a direct simple yes or no question. Do you think the content of that video is child abuse?

It really is not as simple as yes or no answer and you know that, I do not believe the yelling or the strapping as displayed is child abuse... if it was to be only delivered once... If it happens all the time then yes it would be abuse...

I have only watched this video and no other news stories about this, so I have not been corrupted in my thinking by possible lies or mistruths told by the girl or her mother or the father..

If constant strappings and verbal assaults are delivered to an individual, it is counter productive to curbing misbehaviour and not the right course of punishment...

And I know that my answer to this is just going to lead you to say that I need help, I'm delusional, blahblahblahblahblah and so on that that is so definitely child abuse etc... I really couldn't care less what you or the admitted bigot or anyone else has to say about what is child abuse and what is not...
some kids that do not get beat should be beat and maybe they would turn out better.Thank god I do not have kids because if they fucked up I would beat them

shit all the dude had to do is smoke some calm down stand at the door and tell her "im not going anywhere neither is this belt so take your time to prepare your getting it if you like it or not" then she would have gotten a classic to the ass spanking. or he could have been firmer and grabed her by the hand led her over the lap and done it that way. i honestly think she did this out of spite. listen to the mom when she says IM going to leave the room. she raises the voice for the division of herself against her husband. if someone didnt state this already.it sounds like mom knew about the camera. and maybe she didnt turn over on her belly on purpose.maybe she wanted to show ONE of the bad ones as opposed to one proper child spanking. yeah its wrong how he handled it and how bad it got. she was in the wrong for not taking it like every kid. ive heard my brothers and sisters and seen my little sister spanked. you were over the knee or bed and you got one hell of the belt.

So your saying that as long as it only happened the one time it wouldn't be abuse right?
A common feature of abuse situations is a feeling of being trapped, of having no options. I consider it very likely that the girl was in fear of major harm if she challenged the "order" of things, but ultimately felt that she was headed for major harm regardless ... so the public video was her way of making sure she'd get a good lick in, under the very reasonable assumption she'd get no chances after that. Considering her dad was a judge, I applaud her sense of effect.
If I were in a similar situation, with the certainty that I had one chance to express myself, I would also see to it that when my moment came, my response would be (to use the military term) ... total. What's Arabic for "is the nuke ready?" cn

Well the statue of limitations is 5 years for her to report and charge him with child abuse, at this point she was holding the trigger and kinda threatening to pull it, makes me wonder why??? I dunno i think a lot more skeletons will come tumbling from a hidden door , seems both "sides" (hehe pardon my snicker), are not answering any direct questions they have been asked ;) Well Judge said "he spanked her cause she stole " lol , Dude was gettin a chubby the entire time ;)
I dunno seems like pure revenge, contradicts what she says she wants to get from posting this, not even sure what that is, she says she wants him to get help, but not loose his job? But the letter she wrote with the video, damn girl needs to get he revenge plans straight and in order, her intention is attention at this point ;)
It really is not as simple as yes or no answer and you know that, I do not believe the yelling or the strapping as displayed is child abuse... if it was to be only delivered once... If it happens all the time then yes it would be abuse...

I have only watched this video and no other news stories about this, so I have not been corrupted in my thinking by possible lies or mistruths told by the girl or her mother or the father..

If constant strappings and verbal assaults are delivered to an individual, it is counter productive to curbing misbehaviour and not the right course of punishment...

And I know that my answer to this is just going to lead you to say that I need help, I'm delusional, blahblahblahblahblah and so on that that is so definitely child abuse etc... I really couldn't care less what you or the admitted bigot or anyone else has to say about what is child abuse and what is not...

your not delusional you just have a warped perspective on what is considered effective and moral behavior, in the video parents being pisssed about online games and beating her each with the belt as well as pushing her around and verbally demeaning her

this is how you train animals not people

it is abusive, because their are more constructive and non violent ways of dealing with said situation in video and in no way warranted a belt, CONTEXT LEARN THE WORDS DEFINITION

this is the only way these kinds of people know how to MAKE people respect them WITH FEAR that is ABUSE look up the definition of abuse its fairly obvious that the punishment doesnt it the crime

CRUEL AND UNUSUAL seems adequate

remember we are PEOPLE not livestock to be herded
shannon you might think you turned out fine but you should pick up a child physiology book and youd understand all the weird feelings you have deep inside that you want to let out for all the world to hear! no homo

the idea here is that for every 1 ok case like shannons there 10 cases were the kids have serious physiological problems later in life.
if i saw some shit like that id fuck him up. judge or not. fuckin piece of shit. dont get me wrong my dad beat my ass growing up and ill spank my kids but this dude fuckin lost it. disgusting.
your not delusional you jsut have a warped perspective on what is considered effective and moral behavior, in the video parents being pisssed about online games and beating her each with the belt as well as pushing her around and verbally demeaning her

this is how you train animals not people

it is abusive, becuase their are more constructive and non violent ways of dealing with siad conversation in video and in now way warranted a belt, CONTEXT LEARN THE WORDS DEFINITION

the very idea of corporal punishment is to "demean" a person. physical punishment doesnt always work. shit put her ass to work with that and sign her up for community services or something agree that it doesnt have to go this far there are other means like ive stated and much more.
Ive had my ass beat, been slapped, etc... I dont consider it abuse, because it didnt happen all the time, and when it happened I was being a little shit. Ive been hit with hangers, belts, hands, a two liter thrown at my head, been shoved to the ground repeatedly, slapped upside the head and across the face, shit my mom gave me a fat lip at my grad party.
yet I never had an experience like that girl had. even if my mom does lash out at me when she's angry, she knows when to stop, and usually its only a few hits.
when I was younger and deserved a spanking my dad would negotiate how many swats i got, and with what. He never went over ten swats with the belt.
There's a difference between the fear her dad is trying to give her, and getting slapped across the face for being mouthy like me. My parents never used violence like that
Since I have to go to work Shannon, I will offer this. If you think that if this was a one time thing that it makes it ok, then you are also justifying what the man did to that girl. You don't have to say it directly. There's no way around it.
It really is not as simple as yes or no answer and you know that, I do not believe the yelling or the strapping as displayed is child abuse... if it was to be only delivered once... If it happens all the time then yes it would be abuse...

I'm sorry, did we watch a different video? Because what I saw was an excessive use of violence on a child, especially in regards to the circumstances that provoked this behavior. To me there is a fine line between discipline and abuse, and too many people cross it. I really am not surprised that youth suicide has climaxed!
Well the statue of limitations is 5 years for her to report and charge him with child abuse, at this point she was holding the trigger and kinda threatening to pull it, makes me wonder why??? I dunno i think a lot more skeletons will come tumbling from a hidden door , seems both "sides" (hehe pardon my snicker), are not answering any direct questions they have been asked ;) Well Judge said "he spanked her cause she stole " lol , Dude was gettin a chubby the entire time ;)
I dunno seems like pure revenge, contradicts what she says she wants to get from posting this, not even sure what that is, she says she wants him to get help, but not loose his job? But the letter she wrote with the video, damn girl needs to get he revenge plans straight and in order, her intention is attention at this point ;)

I didn't know about the five years. It does complicate my scenario. To quote the guy in the movie: "If ya gotta shoot, shoot; don't talk!" cn