Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

iv taken some fucked up beatings at the hands of my brother while my parents stood by idle just ignoring me because i "deserved it". eventualy you have to stand up for yourself whaether physicaly or legaly. because hes easily 2 times my size so i would have to do ridiculous things to protect myself like get a knife or a bat or a gun. one time my brothers friends made me play paintball with them (except theres a catch i didnt get to have a gun), they took me as a hostage and took all my clothes except my underwear and then made me run and started just shooting the shit out of me, then my brother who was 6 years older and starting defensive end on an undfeated champion highschool football team tackled my almost butt naked ass into a gravel pit were now to add to the 50 paintball welts i had hella bad scraps and rocks in my skin hella deep n shit. thats not nearly the worst thing that happend but what i did stopped them from ever fucking with me again, i took a fucking wooden baseball bat out of garage and walked right up behind my brothers friend who lives up the street and with fucking tears in my eyes and yelling with a high pitched cracking voice i hit him square in the back of the head with the bat and knocked him the fuck out. no bull shit

they used to make me put on gloves and box them when i was in 7th grade and they were juniors and seniors and they would just beat the shit out of me i rember i had a busted lip and black eye forsure and i was crying telling my brothers friend to stop and he kept fucking hitting me so i started to run to towards the bathroom and he was chasing me laughing at the whole thing. btw my mom thought it was hilarious too i was actually scared and deffintly over the situation of boxing sombody 2 times my size when there actually trying as hard as they can and i dont even have developed muscles yet. anyway i ended up getting to bathroom and throwing a hour old peice of poop at this kid! he never came back over to our house again

haha i love the shit iv been through its just too fuckign funny when i think back on it all.

now riu knows afew things about keepitcoastal... if you fuck with me i will throw poop at you or hit you with a bat
Why does it sound weird when you talk about your Dad's hands on your 'bare ass?' Does it to anyone else but me? I mean, really? Belt only when it's really bad? What the fuck kind of white trash trailer were you raised in, if you're being serious?

Well he knew it wouldnt hurt, and after I turned 10 no more bare ass spankings, except the time I broke the front door.
Its not trailer trash, its called rules. Suspension from school, theft, beating up kids, etc= belt. stuff like talking back, being rude, not doing what your told after many chances= hand on ass spanking
you would really lift a hand to your mom or dad for hitting you? i could never do that. I wasnt raised that way. My sister would beat the shit out of my mom though if my mom ever hit her, and my brother wouldnt take it either. Too bad my bro got hit half as much as me, and my sister not at all. Look at what a fine woman my sister has become.... (sarcasm)

you are the reason i dont try and date when im single
you would really lift a hand to your mom or dad for hitting you? i could never do that. I wasnt raised that way. My sister would beat the shit out of my mom though if my mom ever hit her, and my brother wouldnt take it either. Too bad my bro got hit half as much as me, and my sister not at all.

because they stood up for themselves...simple as that....

i would kill my dad for spankin me is fooooked up.

maybe spankings do work?

didn't the egyptians get the jews to build the pyramids with spankings?
Fuck all the bleeding hearts... 17 times with a belt is nothing... Boo fucking hoo

I'm sorry Shannon, I can't make babies with you :sad:

But seriously

My parents never hit me, and to this day my friend's parents are actually scared by the way I behave around them.

They say I'm too polite and it makes them uncomfortable. I do not speak out of turn, remember pleases and thankyous (even if they tell me to just have what I want) ask permission before entering the fridge or leaving the house, come immediately when called etc

My mother sits down and puts her leg up and I take my cue to remove her boots for her. My dad walks him and I get up and make him a cup of coffee. No ifs, no buts, I do it.

On the very rare occasion that I do talk back if I think my parents are being genuinely unreasonable (they are very used to being unchallenged) their screaming or just 'the look' terrifies the fuck out of me. They do not need to hit me, I have seen them beat the shot out of eachother enough to know what they are capable of. The times my dad has tried to take a swing at me I bit him very hard, the last time I ran off for three days.

He realised he was totally in the wrong when I came back he apologised and life has been better.

I think spanking can teach a child the way to dominate others and get them to do what you want is to hit them. This behaviour is often carried into adulthood, and gets people into trouble.

But, that being said, it depends on the nature of the child and their own intrinsic sense of morality. Sometimes the only way to et through to them or perhaps stop them from doing something stupid in the moment is to strike them. Repeated, deliberate acts of destructiveness or defiance may need that kind of correction. But my brother and I have always been kids who it was not in our nature to consciously be bad when our parents weren't standing over us threatening. It's a good thing for a child to want to be good because it's nice to, not because they want to avoid punishment. Something needs to be instilled on the inside by parents.

Too much discipline leads to rebellion, and too little discipline results in recklessness. It's a difficult balance to maintain, and my mother had learned this after many years working in a school. Knowing my mama would go nuts If I arrived home at 8:45pm instead of 8:30 at the age of 17 only made me dread calling her to tell her if I'd be out late at all, which only worried her. He acknowledged it was stupid to get so angry and I acknowledged that regardless,I should have called her to let her know I was held up on the bs another 15 minutes. No screaming, no spanking, but it took 17 fucking years to reach that 0_o

It really depends in the child, their age, maturity, desire to please and level of compassion for others. I'd like to think some kids can learn to avoid displeasing others out of their own heart and not through fear of someone bigger hitting them.

I am by no means a perfect child- a short-tempered, potsmoking flirt- but I try. I know my parents love me, but if they took the step of hitting me, I would probably say 'fuck it' to my usual subservience towards them. That would be the last straw and I would have been a more rebellious teen.

They seemed to think I was some awful kid before I left and they missed me, what other kid runs around the house cooking and cleaning and removing boots without having to be told? X3

That was pretty fucking sadistic. Is this after he told her once not to download things? Did he explain to her the implications her actions? Resorting to threatening to incur physical damage on someone to get them to do what you want it kind of weak...

I'm not saying the girl is the completely innocent party but I'd be scared with a man like that being part of the criminal justice system... And the woman who was on his side while he beat his daughter? Didn't you guys just say she in turn got beaten? You can't trust someone who lashes out like that, even if you support what they do to others wholeheartedly, even if you're married to them. You're next. If not, you'll probably end up inflicting in on someone else.
Ftr, I didn't know she had CP, but I don';t think it shold matter that she's a girl. The reverse sexism lol. A girl can take a beating just as good as a man can!

I'm not so sure this deserves to be a big deal, but I will say that it wasn't a healthy beating. Usually you just get beat enough to know you did something wrong, not 17 ucking times. He's got a serious anger problem, that's for sure.
And for those of you who've never been hit before, by the time your 16 years old, the belt doesn't hurt anymore, it stings. When your 16 you play like it hurts so they don't go get a wooden spoon or something ie "daddy that's enough" or whatever she said.
Nobody is saying that the beating was deserved...
But it doesn't deserve to be a big news story... And we all know the only reason it is, is because he's a judge.

Ask yourself this:
If you were her age, video taped yourself getting the same exact beating, and then called the cops and showed them the video... What do you think would happen?
.............which means he should be held to a higher standard. End of story!:twisted:
Supposedly daddy pays for her Mercedes and her own house and all she wants to do is work part time at a game store and he threatened to stop paying for all of her stuff. Thats why the video was leaked.

Sorry if someone already said that, didn't wana read through 15 pages
If that is the case then we have 2 crimes. One is beating a child, the other is blackmail.
Supposedly daddy pays for her Mercedes and her own house and all she wants to do is work part time at a game store and he threatened to stop paying for all of her stuff. Thats why the video was leaked.

Sorry if someone already said that, didn't wana read through 15 pages
Ive had my ass beat, been slapped, etc... I dont consider it abuse, because it didnt happen all the time, and when it happened I was being a little shit. Ive been hit with hangers, belts, hands, a two liter thrown at my head, been shoved to the ground repeatedly, slapped upside the head and across the face, shit my mom gave me a fat lip at my grad party.
yet I never had an experience like that girl had. even if my mom does lash out at me when she's angry, she knows when to stop, and usually its only a few hits.
when I was younger and deserved a spanking my dad would negotiate how many swats i got, and with what. He never went over ten swats with the belt.
There's a difference between the fear her dad is trying to give her, and getting slapped across the face for being mouthy like me. My parents never used violence like that

Damn bitch. You're fucking crazy.
Ftr, I didn't know she had CP, but I don';t think it shold matter that she's a girl. The reverse sexism lol. A girl can take a beating just as good as a man can!

I'm not so sure this deserves to be a big deal, but I will say that it wasn't a healthy beating. Usually you just get beat enough to know you did something wrong, not 17 ucking times. He's got a serious anger problem, that's for sure.
And for those of you who've never been hit before, by the time your 16 years old, the belt doesn't hurt anymore, it stings. When your 16 you play like it hurts so they don't go get a wooden spoon or something ie "daddy that's enough" or whatever she said.

Nothing quite like having the wooden spoon broken on you... lol... Those were the days...
Nothing quite like having the wooden spoon broken on you... lol... Those were the days...

never broke one.....been wacked in the back of the head with one few times tho....

could always be worse
my cousins dad put him in a wheelchair....took a bat and went from knees up....my cousins paralyzed....and now his bro has seizures from assumed the same thing......so the spoon dont always look too bad......
There's always going to be people responding on forums about this saying "I got beat like that and I turned out fine."

That's not normal, and it's not conducive to a healthy mental state of mind even as you grow older. That man is psychotic.

Besides my twitch and the fact that I abuse my kids and small animals, I turned out just fine :) I'm also a drug addict and alcoholic...and I can't keep a job and I kill people... but, besides all that, JUUUUSSSST fine!
never broke one.....been wacked in the back of the head with one few times tho....

could always be worse
my cousins dad put him in a wheelchair....took a bat and went from knees up....my cousins paralyzed....and now his bro has seizures from assumed the same thing......so the spoon dont always look too bad......

ummm...has anyone suggested fucking that piece of shit up?
Weird, no one ever freaked out like this when my dad beat this fuck out of us, and I mean...the whole fucking town knew. Yeah, I'll just stay over here in jaded "fuck you I got worse and I'm fine, just bitter" land.