Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

Since I have to go to work Shannon, I will offer this. If you think that if this was a one time thing that it makes it ok, then you are also justifying what the man did to that girl. You don't have to say it directly. There's no way around it.

It's typical of a person who was beat as a child to justify abusive actions...so its not surprising she has those views of the situation at all...
your not delusional you just have a warped perspective on what is considered effective and moral behavior, in the video parents being pisssed about online games and beating her each with the belt as well as pushing her around and verbally demeaning her

this is how you train animals not people

it is abusive, because their are more constructive and non violent ways of dealing with said situation in video and in no way warranted a belt, CONTEXT LEARN THE WORDS DEFINITION

this is the only way these kinds of people know how to MAKE people respect them WITH FEAR that is ABUSE look up the definition of abuse its fairly obvious that the punishment doesnt it the crime

CRUEL AND UNUSUAL seems adequate

remember we are PEOPLE not livestock to be herded
People are animals... Or do you not know that..?
Since I have to go to work Shannon, I will offer this. If you think that if this was a one time thing that it makes it ok, then you are also justifying what the man did to that girl. You don't have to say it directly. There's no way around it.

You and others here keep making up what you want out of what I say... As a one off thing I couldn't give two shits or even one about a teenager getting that treatment, that is not justifying it... it's just not caring...
Ive had my ass beat, been slapped, etc... I dont consider it abuse, because it didnt happen all the time, and when it happened I was being a little shit. Ive been hit with hangers, belts, hands, a two liter thrown at my head, been shoved to the ground repeatedly, slapped upside the head and across the face, shit my mom gave me a fat lip at my grad party.
yet I never had an experience like that girl had. even if my mom does lash out at me when she's angry, she knows when to stop, and usually its only a few hits.
when I was younger and deserved a spanking my dad would negotiate how many swats i got, and with what. He never went over ten swats with the belt.
There's a difference between the fear her dad is trying to give her, and getting slapped across the face for being mouthy like me. My parents never used violence like that

dont peddle your i deserved it shit here

thats really fucked up, what kind of role models did you have growing up

if my dad or mom had ever attacked me in my adolescence I would have beat some over 30 ass bottom line
I'm sorry, did we watch a different video? Because what I saw was an excessive use of violence on a child, especially in regards to the circumstances that provoked this behavior. To me there is a fine line between discipline and abuse, and too many people cross it. I really am not surprised that youth suicide has climaxed!
this summs it all up. way too excessive given the circumstances no matter what. i dont understand how you do that over somthing she downloaded and its not like it was porn! that was the only thing i ever got in trouble for doing on the computer from my parents!
It's typical of a person who was beat as a child to justify abusive actions...so its not surprising she has those views of the situation at all...

Firstly I am a man and should not be referred to as a she and again I have not justified it... for you to consider me justifying his actions you would also have to call the girl a liar and state that that was the only belting she ever got...

As I said that if it was a constant thing that it was not right and it would be abuse...
You and others here keep making up what you want out of what I say... As a one off thing I couldn't give two shits or even one about a teenager getting that treatment, that is not justifying it... it's just not caring...

if you have lost you will for compassion for your fellow humans then thats your deal, DONT BREED,

thats my suggestion then you never have to put be in the position to beat your kids or punish them severly what ever PC crap expression you need to rationalize your attitude

the video speaks for itself, frequent or not, stories or not and media or not

hes a judge!

off with his head

im out before i look like a fucking crazy myself
Ive had my ass beat, been slapped, etc... I dont consider it abuse, because it didnt happen all the time, and when it happened I was being a little shit. Ive been hit with hangers, belts, hands, a two liter thrown at my head, been shoved to the ground repeatedly, slapped upside the head and across the face, shit my mom gave me a fat lip at my grad party.
yet I never had an experience like that girl had. even if my mom does lash out at me when she's angry, she knows when to stop, and usually its only a few hits.
when I was younger and deserved a spanking my dad would negotiate how many swats i got, and with what. He never went over ten swats with the belt.
There's a difference between the fear her dad is trying to give her, and getting slapped across the face for being mouthy like me. My parents never used violence like that

Another clear case of child abuse, Urca ur in denial, in a few years when u have children and ur life views mature u will see it was abuse, not saying u have bad parents or be angry, but please don't repeat this type of personal release as "punishment" on ur future children when U can keep ur cool ;) I fear u write this stuff for a reason, if u are angry or resentfull deal with it, it was not ur parents helping u learn from a mistake, only abusing their rights as bigger people being able to hurt u and not inform u ;)
if you have lost you will for compassion for your fellow humans then thats your deal, DONT BREED,

thats my suggestion then you never have to put in the position to beat your kids or punish them severly what ever PC crap you need to rationalize your attitude

I care for the humans that matter to me...
you would really lift a hand to your mom or dad for hitting you? i could never do that. I wasnt raised that way. My sister would beat the shit out of my mom though if my mom ever hit her, and my brother wouldnt take it either. Too bad my bro got hit half as much as me, and my sister not at all. Look at what a fine woman my sister has become.... (sarcasm)
Another clear case of child abuse, Urca ur in denial, in a few years when u have children and ur life views mature u will see it was abuse, not saying u have bad parents or be angry, but please don't repeat this type of personal release as "punishment" on ur future children when U can keep ur cool ;) I fear u write this stuff for a reason, if u are angry or resentfull deal with it, it was not ur parents helping u learn from a mistake, only abusing their rights as bigger people being able to hurt u and not inform u ;)

Should Urca be made sterile from having children? This, after these messages.
Another clear case of child abuse, Urca ur in denial, in a few years when u have children and ur life views mature u will see it was abuse, not saying u have bad parents or be angry, but please don't repeat this type of personal release as "punishment" on ur future children when U can keep ur cool ;) I fear u write this stuff for a reason, if u are angry or resentfull deal with it, it was not ur parents helping u learn from a mistake, only abusing their rights as bigger people being able to hurt u and not inform u ;)

I thought Urca was just here to troll all threads and was a made up person by some asshole...
Another clear case of child abuse, Urca ur in denial, in a few years when u have children and ur life views mature u will see it was abuse, not saying u have bad parents or be angry, but please don't repeat this type of personal release as "punishment" on ur future children when U can keep ur cool ;) I fear u write this stuff for a reason, if u are angry or resentfull deal with it, it was not ur parents helping u learn from a mistake, only abusing their rights as bigger people being able to hurt u and not inform u ;)

I believe in my dad's approach. Swift slap upside the head for super disrespect, spankings for other things, hand on bare ass, and only a certain amount of swats. Belt only when its really bad.
I dont like my mom's approach of go apeshit and start swinging on Erica
I didn't know about the five years. It does complicate my scenario. To quote the guy in the movie: "If ya gotta shoot, shoot; don't talk!" cn

One needs to decide if they prefer to dance with the devil at 3am or softly dream of angels and only feel their sweet kiss :)
Just watch fucking super nanny, kids don't need fucking mind games and all that bullshit, a good old fashioned 'cut-ass' is what they need so when they go to do crap they get that moment in ratatouille with the critic but instead they remember a steamy Fucking cut-ass, snap back to reality and refrain from doing the said crap.
Should Urca be made sterile from having children? This, after these messages.

Not at all, she is a bright young women with tons of potential, thank baby Jesus she found RIU and has so many wonderful adults to help her make well informed future life choices ;)
I believe in my dad's approach. Swift slap upside the head for super disrespect, spankings for other things, hand on bare ass, and only a certain amount of swats. Belt only when its really bad.
I dont like my mom's approach of go apeshit and start swinging on Erica

Why does it sound weird when you talk about your Dad's hands on your 'bare ass?' Does it to anyone else but me? I mean, really? Belt only when it's really bad? What the fuck kind of white trash trailer were you raised in, if you're being serious?
this is how you train animals not people...it is abusive, because their are more constructive and non violent ways...

CRUEL AND UNUSUAL seems adequate

remember we are PEOPLE not livestock to be herded

Looking back at this post of yours that I have removed parts of that are not relevant to my argument... I will not be mentioning the parts that aren't relevant to my argument because hell you are just a random person on the other end of an internet connection and my point can be made better without all the other annoying bits... so here goes...

It is clear that you are saying abuse of animals is okay, that it is okay to punish animals in cruel and unusual ways because they are not people... I'm certain that somebody that so openly admits to the abusing of animals as okay is not really able to accurately judge the merit of an other persons value system when it comes to punishment...