The truth and nothing but the truth. People please wake up

If fluoride was so good for you why doesn't the rest of the world use it? Fluoridation is predominantly an American practice. Many socialized countries have removed fluoride from their water. Water is drank, its not swished around the mouth and spat out. Fluoride only helps teeth when it comes in contact with enamel, it does your teeth no good in your belly. Know how they found out Fluoride did stuff to your teeth? Cuz high levels of it fucks teeth up, bad.
Dangerous or not they shouldn't add drugs to water, especially if it will be given at uncontrolled dosages, thats not proper medical practice, you don't give a 100lb woman the same amount of drugs as a 200lb man, common fucking sense don't put drugs in water, simple as that, dangerous or not.
would you give a 100lb women the same does as a 7lb baby?
If fluoride was so good for you why doesn't the rest of the world use it? Fluoridation is predominantly an American practice. Many socialized countries have removed fluoride from their water.
as you have modern socialized countries with proper healthcare *not* giving flouride compared to the same but *with* flouride. then then must be larges amounts of credible data around to prove your theories
Good stuff. Didn't read all of it yet but I will.

Watch the documentary "A beautiful truth"

Will change ur life

How bout those amalgam tooth filllings? Full of mercury! Yum.
I agree to not drug water. Fluoride is not a drug; it's a nutrient. Like selenium. cn

Its an inorganic chemical from fertilizer and aluminum waste discharged from factories...hardly a "nutrient"...If you agree we shouldn't add what you classify as "drugs" to water..then why wouldn't you agree that we shouldn't add "nutrients" to water.
care to quote from each of them their damming of fluoride?

i scanned thru the first you put up (the uk one) and couldnt find their evidence that its bad

Was my government warning not enough for you or something? I thought I gave plenty of examples in my previous post that are credible enough.

Again beside the point....

Why do you think we should add drugs/chemicals to water aside from just cleaning and filtering it? Please answer that one.
Does the sight definitively say that steve jobs was the vicitim of a conspiracy or does it simply say that some people speculate such?

After his recent death many people have been questioning weather Steve Jobs died of a natural cause, or if he was killed.
Steve Jobs was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas in 2004, but it was treatable and he tumor was successfully removed the same year.

It is important to point out that Steve Jobs fought the tumor in 2004, but was still having health issues and even underwent a liver transplant in 2009.

Steve Jobs kept himself alive for seven more years, but only a little over a month after he resigned as the CEO of Apple and had to let go of all his influence in the company he build, he suddenly passed away.

Was he killed because he was not needed anymore?

Steve Jobs was one of the very few successful CEO's that was not Jewish.
is as idiotic and insidious as say you saying something like

Something happened to those buildings, Whether it was Nano thermite, directed energy weapons, Israelis, OBL or Martians is irrelevant at this point.

and then claiming to not be a conspiracy theorist
Was my government warning not enough for you or something? I thought I gave plenty of examples in my previous post that are credible enough.

Again beside the point....

Why do you think we should add drugs/chemicals to water aside from just cleaning and filtering it? Please answer that one.

what gov warning?
I was inspired to do a bit of reading about flouride. I learned back in the day that eliminating fluoride from mammals causes deficiency illness. This result has been challenged, so i'm undecided on this one now.
The single paper that NoDrama has multilinked strongly suggests that the epidemiology supporting fluoride's role in reducing dental disease is complicated by the general improvements in oral hygiene and hygiene awareness. There really is no humane way to do the controlled experiment to winkle out fluoride's actual contribution.
I have trouble considering fluoride a drug though. While perhaps technically admissible as a substance that has an effect on the organism (and administratively admissible in that nutrients toxic in overdose, like many vitamins, require regulation) the words "drugs in the water supply" are very difficult to separate from the insinuation that large-scale population control (like the premise of Dr. Strangelove, lol) is being undertaken. cn
I will write one more time and be more vague this time as to appeal to everyone:

We shouldn't put ANYTHING in the public water supply outside the filtration proccess.....I don't care if its fucking gummy bears and rainbow kisses....don't put shit in the water...common sense people..
I will write one more time and be more vague this time as to appeal to everyone:

We shouldn't put ANYTHING in the public water supply outside the filtration proccess.....I don't care if its fucking gummy bears and rainbow kisses....don't put shit in the water...common sense people..

Yeah! We should let water take it's natural course to our faucets, regardless of the bacteria, viruses, and diseases that may be picked up along the way.
Yeah! We should let water take it's natural course to our faucets, regardless of the bacteria, viruses, and diseases that may be picked up along the way.


No we should filter and clean it and then not add a chemical thats only purpose is that it MIGHT help our teeth. Fluroide is added after the fact and only because it MIGHT help our teeth, its not part of the cleaning process.
I will write one more time and be more vague this time as to appeal to everyone:

We shouldn't put ANYTHING in the public water supply outside the filtration proccess.....I don't care if its fucking gummy bears and rainbow kisses....don't put shit in the water...common sense people..


No we should filter and clean it and then not add a chemical thats only purpose is that it MIGHT help our teeth. Fluroide is added after the fact and only because it MIGHT help our teeth, its not part of the cleaning process.

What were you saying now?