Who Will you Vote For

Where will your vote Go?

  • Republican- Mcain

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Democrat - Obama

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • Democrat - Clinton

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 9 18.4%

  • Total voters
8 years of clinton then 8 yrs of bush. which eight years were better ...? hmmmmmmmmmmmm? at least the democrats care about whats happening here and not spending all our time and money on so called protection.
I just laugh to see how malleable most Americans are now by the media. And your incorrect, Med, its not factual, most of the shit I've seen you blabber on is typical media spin and rhetoric that you seem to eat up.

And to whoever boooky is, is that supposed to be an insult? Something about barney..I don't know, sounds like you are a child.

"Now we have a so called conservative government who want to chop the hell out of public spending to reign in inflation."

Would you rather it be wasted on pointless social programs or maybe just give it massively to welfare. At least I'd rather have my tax cuts then the money diffuse in inefficient bureaucracy.
Selfish is as selfish does. AKA "stupid is as stupid does", Forest Gump. Just saying. Yes, I'd rather see your tax cuts be spent on helping those less fortunate, sorry to burst your bubble, but there are people in need in this country. No Jobs, no future, sort of like screaming.......help, help. Come on, do the right thing, give back your excessive tax cuts,~LOL~.
Do what??!

Do you even have a clue. If your a black on welfare, chances are your whole life, your not going to get off of it. They do not help themselves, they just milk our country and they are for the most part a drain on society. Call me what you will but its a fact, we are pouring money into welfare with nothing coming back. They are not less fortunate. They are lazy.
Do what??!

Do you even have a clue. If your a black on welfare, chances are your whole life, your not going to get off of it. They do not help themselves, they just milk our country and they are for the most part a drain on society. Call me what you will but its a fact, we are pouring money into welfare with nothing coming back. They are not less fortunate. They are lazy.

Should we start building internment camps and gas chambers and crematoriums? Sounds like you are ready.
What I'm ready for is your democrats to continue to pass restrictions on the Second amendment to disarm the populace then wait for one day for them to come and take away our jews.
Obama...Because Mccain just hates to be wrong and a person with power cant throw toddler tampers over milk issues..

The guy is a fucking nut and hes off his rocks voting for him is just like voting for bush

well said!!! bush sux!!! look at the mess we have now!!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
What I'm ready for is your democrats to continue to pass restrictions on the Second amendment to disarm the populace then wait for one day for them to come and take away our jews.
You've obviously got me pegged wrong. I am a strong advocate of 2nd amendment rights. I personally own around 20 guns and am very proficient in their usage. I have a carry permit for my .45, my glock 9MM, and my little .380. I don't usually carry but occasionally take one with me in my truck, you know, on those dangerous missions to the grocery store where I have to go among "THEM".
USA is a 51/49 country. If Obama is elected, there is 0% chance his agenda (whatever it is) will go through. If he has such wonderful, earth-shaking ideas, he can introduce them as legislation today in the Senate. I think most would agree his agenda is well left of center in the States - he'll have a tough time getting moderate Dems to go along for the ride, let alone and Republicans.

All candidates are long on rhetoric, short on specifics. Expect 4 more years of roughly what we have now - much like the previous eight years were, policy-wise, similar to the 90s.
I see your playing the race card on me because I said black's on welfare tend to stay on it and not actual contribute to society. Thats fine, I am prepared to suffer your jabs because I calls it hows I sees it. I'm not going to hide from telling the truth because someone might call me a racist like a coward.

And I knew you were an advent gun owner and that I why I brought up the continuous democratic attempts at disarming the populace. Its sickening.
I see your playing the race card on me because I said black's on welfare tend to stay on it and not actual contribute to society. Thats fine, I am prepared to suffer your jabs because I calls it hows I sees it. I'm not going to hide from telling the truth because someone might call me a racist like a coward.

And I knew you were an advent gun owner and that I why I brought up the continuous democratic attempts at disarming the populace. Its sickening.
I have been a member of the NRA numerous times, I let it lapse recently, no apparent reason. I will support any and all efforts to suppress any legislation that curtails gun ownership by eithar party. Believe me, I don't go for all the democratic agenda, I just believe they are more a peoples party than the repukes which are the business owners party. I also don't believe in judging people by their lack of funds or the color of their skin. I much rather judge people with excessive wealth that are selfish and hoard wealth. You know who you are.
medicineman - how much is excessive? What is the maximum yearly income or maximum net worth that's acceptable?
medicineman - how much is excessive? What is the maximum yearly income or maximum net worth that's acceptable?
It's hard to put an exact figure on it, but if you are one, you know it. Lets just say if when you make a major purchase, Home, Car, yacht etc, money isn't the deciding factor.
I don't go for all the democratic agenda, I just believe they are more a peoples party than the repukes which are the business owners party. I also don't believe in judging people by their lack of funds or the color of their skin. I much rather judge people with excessive wealth that are selfish and hoard wealth. You know who you are.

well said!! i feel the same way!!!!!!!! +rep for you!
Would you rather it be wasted on pointless social programs or maybe just give it massively to welfare. At least I'd rather have my tax cuts then the money diffuse in inefficient bureaucracy.

What, in your opinion would be considered a "pointless" social program?

And can you please elaborate on your use of the term "Inefficient bureaucracy"?
What, in your opinion would be considered a "pointless" social program?

And can you please elaborate on your use of the term "Inefficient bureaucracy"?

1. Three trillion dollars thrown down the drain on LBJ's War on Poverty since the 1960s ... and according to liberals, we have more poverty now than ever before.

2. The departments and bureaucracies that manage number 1.

Would you rather it be wasted on pointless social programs or maybe just give it massively to welfare. At least I'd rather have my tax cuts then the money diffuse in inefficient bureaucracy.
Yeah we should be spendin more money on tomahawk cruise missiles huh???
Do what??!

Do you even have a clue. If your a black on welfare, chances are your whole life, your not going to get off of it. They do not help themselves, they just milk our country and they are for the most part a drain on society. Call me what you will but its a fact, we are pouring money into welfare with nothing coming back. They are not less fortunate. They are lazy.

no, apparently YOU dont have a clue. african americans just milk 'your' country and drain your society?

idiot.... and i mean that in the most insulting way.

you obviously need to pick up a fucking book, go do some more research.

so before i proceed to rip you a new asshole (with factual information), may i ask how you came to that conclusion? the part that i bolded.