Well-Known Member
But then again... Jesus says if someone slaps you turn the the other cheek.
Why would anyone believe a regular preacher is God(That taught about love)? Unless he said he was God and proved it.
But then again... Jesus says if someone slaps you turn the the other cheek.
yeah he proved it to a bunch of uneducated tribesmen. those people wouldnt be easy to deceive, would they?
To be completely honest, I rather let me kids stay home alone. I don't want anyone around my kids unless I am there or until I realize they are trying to outsmart me.
There are many storys about working on sunday.he also said that if you should so see your neighbor doin work on sunday you need to off em.
Come on Marlboro, that's not what I asked you, letting them stay home alone isn't an option.
Would you rather have a convicted serial killer born again Christian babysit your kids or an, in all intent and purposes, average guy who simply lacks a belief in God?
What are you talking about man?? He was in Rome, there were buildings.
Like I said I gotta test you both bro. I gotta see how you both walks, talks, stands, and if he lies just to get a conversation going, ect.
What are you talking about man?? He was in Rome, there were buildings.
Dude, he wasn't in Rome. Go read that part of the Bible again. He was in the Roman empire. Rome is a city in Italy.
Dude, he wasn't in Rome. Go read that part of the Bible again. He was in the Roman empire. Rome is a city in Italy.
so if its possible, its probably true? that professor was telling you conspiracy theories. if you want to find evidence, look for it. dont just expect it to be true because it sounds good...
what about just having unprotected sex in general? like if you pick up a chick in a bar or something
You always think you are sooooo right, right? do people like you in the real world?
I dont go to bars and i dont speak with whores. Im pretty sure it was spread more by the gay community back in the day then straight people.
I have seen how so extremely gay dudes act and it seems they'll sleep with anyone who has a dick, thaft mtv show, the real life, it was a gay 4way relationship and that was just sickening what sluts they are!
You have gay friends yet you make broad generalizations about the majority using the worst aspects of the minority. Brilliant.Dont get me wrong, i got a few gay friends and they hate those types of gay guys,.
Are you not familiar with Revelations? You said you don't believe in the OT, the foundation of your religion, because Jesus didn't speak in any of it (because he wasn't born yet), OK.. that's kind of important, but moving on...
The ONE and ONLY anti-Christ is supposed to stand up and be supported by a faction of humanity in the end days and take control of the world, yadda yadda, 7 years of tribulations, yadda yadda.. So how could we ALL be anti-Christs?
I've got a question for your Christian mind...
For the sake of this hypothetical, pretend you have kids if you don't...
Would you rather let Jeffrey Dahmer babysit your kids or me?
Jeffrey Dahmer is a guy who murdered and mutilated 17 boys/men and became a born again Christian during his prison sentence.
I'm an atheist with no belief in any god.
Be honest.
Would you rather let Jeffrey Dahmer babysit your kids or me?
no one really knows, bottom line... to say that you do, is one of the most ignorant things for any human being in the existence of existences to say. fuckin ignorant humans. know the truth, that the truth cannot be known.