Prove to you There's a God?

He says beat kids with an iron rod to teach them what is good and bad, I haven't read anything about him killing or supporting killing children.
Like I said, I love you all and thats why I want you to stop talking crap about God.
Do something better with your time.

Wanna thank you all for helping me grow, can't wait to show you the nug porn!
People invent rules to control people not stories.
Rules turn into control because someone has to make those rules.

the ten commandments are rules on how to live your life. i know you think those came from god though.

The boogeyman is a myth, frankenstein was a myth, and bigfoot is still being hunted.

How stupid do you guys think previous humans were to not call out the bible or say where the heck did this come from?

uhh why would they throw away their holy book? they believe in it... remember, they had the education of todays 1st graders, if that. their fact checking skills arent the greatest

Why are Christians the biggest religion out there?

because it just happens to be the most popular. are you suggesting that because a lot of people believe it, we should?

Why are they the nicest? Why do they claim to know God and his works?

i think buddhists are the nicest. they dont say its ok to slaughter animals.
every religion claims to know god and his works! why is your religion the 'right' one? please dont quote scripture haha

Why do we accept Jesus? Why does it all make sense?

because you have been told jesus was actually god. you believe he is god, so you accept him because thats what you think you need to do.
christianity is nowhere close to making sense.

Why do we see athiesm as stupid?

because you obviously dont know what atheism is. i put that quote of you saying atheism means anti christ in my sig. thanks for that.

atheism is the LACK of belief in a god. we are unconvinced by your argument that god does exist. we are also unconvinced by other religions as well.
please do not confuse the definition by thinking it is "belief there is no god", because that is not what atheism is.

Why do athiests seem so lost and sad?

because you view us that way. we are far from lost and sad. we see the universe as a beautiful place that is full of wonder. we just dont attribute that wonder and mystery to an unseen god. atheists also tend to use science to help them see the world for what it really is.

Why do Christians seem so happy and forgiving?

because they believe they know who god is. they believe they are going to heaven. they are taught forgiveness is good.
happiness and forgiveness are not qualities only christians have

Is it because they have God in their heart? Or is it because they "Think," that they'll be saved?

it is all a function of the brain. it is nice to think that there is an afterlife when you die, and that it isnt the end. you will be in heaven for eternity, as long as you just believe. it is comforting to believe that. but that doesnt mean its true.

Wouldn't you know exactly how you feel? Why do Christians never convert back once they feel God inside their heart?

i dont understand the first question. but there are MANY former christians that converted to atheism. actually, im reading a book called the believing brain by michael shermer. he used to be an evangelical christian, going door to door telling about jesus. then he realized religion is all brain functions after majoring in psychology. he witnessed many experiments and tried to find proof of god, or at least the supernatural. he found none. the book is about why we believe the things we do, from religion to conspiracy theories to ghosts. i recommend it to you
Thus proving that they diddn't make the bible to control great masses.

i was being sarcastic. africa is one of the worst places to be born in the world. the survival rate is very low. not to mention the aids epidemic, which religion played a big part in making.
aids epidemic, which religion played a big part in making.

wow, now you are blaming AIDS on religion? why so? did they encourage the spread of AIDS by fucking everything that has an orifice?

NO, the AIDS is due to you... The gay community or at least that what scientists said...
wow, now you are blaming AIDS on religion? why so? did they encourage the spread of AIDS by fucking everything that has an orifice?

NO, the AIDS is due to you... The gay community or at least that what scientists said...

religions went to africa and did campaigns that taught kids that condoms are evil. they spread their religion, and at the same time taught them to not protect themselves by using condoms. what do you think happened next?
im not sure if it was just catholics, or christians also.
When your feeling like shit and you remember that Jesus suffered wayy more then anyone ever has, it gives you more then hope.
Because you know he was thinking about your pain right when he was dying, so he could take you to heaven after you die; to show you that earth really is a peice of shit.

Have you stopped drinking yet?
bullshit! AIDS or HIV or whatever comes first was spread from a damn monkey in the jungles in africa to some dude that had a hard on for monkeys, flew to america and spread it like wildfire especially in the gay community and drug community...

then our government USA sent all these air borne pathogens carrying the virus into africa and thats how they got it... the government needs live human subjects to do their sick tests on, you didnt know this?

religions went to africa and did campaigns that taught kids that condoms are evil. they spread their religion, and at the same time taught them to not protect themselves by using condoms. what do you think happened next?
im not sure if it was just catholics, or christians also.
bullshit! AIDS or HIV or whatever comes first was spread from a damn monkey in the jungles in africa to some dude that had a hard on for monkeys, flew to america and spread it like wildfire especially in the gay community and drug community...

i didnt say religion started the virus. dont forget about the straight people that spread it too.

then our government USA sent all these air borne pathogens carrying the virus into africa and thats how they got it... the government needs live human subjects to do their sick tests on, you didnt know this?

where did you hear that from?
where did you hear that from?

i had a really cool biology professor and he would tell us about all these conspiracies that he has heard over the ages, well he is old, 63 and about to retire, but he would say these things and i mean think about it dude? Here in the US it is unethical to perform such experiments on humans, there is no way possible to get that approved for funding or anything, but you send a few smart scientists to africa where they can and you get the picture? NO law or anyone to attest to what they are doing, send a couple million of our tax dollars so they can speak to warlords so they can take them people to test... i mean, my mind isnt that closed, it is possible

dont forget about the straight people that spread it too.

they are included in the "drug community" by sharing needles and having unprotected sex for trade or for drugs
i had a really cool biology professor and he would tell us about all these conspiracies that he has heard over the ages, well he is old, 63 and about to retire, but he would say these things and i mean think about it dude? Here in the US it is unethical to perform such experiments on humans, there is no way possible to get that approved for funding or anything, but you send a few smart scientists to africa where they can and you get the picture? NO law or anyone to attest to what they are doing, send a couple million of our tax dollars so they can speak to warlords so they can take them people to test... i mean, my mind isnt that closed, it is possible

so if its possible, its probably true? that professor was telling you conspiracy theories. if you want to find evidence, look for it. dont just expect it to be true because it sounds good...

they are included in the "drug community" by sharing needles and having unprotected sex for trade or for drugs

what about just having unprotected sex in general? like if you pick up a chick in a bar or something
the ten commandments are rules on how to live your life. i know you think those came from god though.
I already said that I don't beleive that in the old testament. They don't have Jesus's words and that means the scriptures do not contain the word of eternal life.

uhh why would they throw away their holy book? they believe in it... remember, they had the education of todays 1st graders, if that. their fact checking skills arent the greatest
Since the old testament is false to me, because it doesn't contain Jesus's word.
The new testament is true to me because people know Jesus was alive, they would of said he wasn't and they would of said the miracles in the book were not done.
Obviously people weren't too stupid if they knew Jesus was God.
They questioned religion and searched and searched. The only edvidence of whether or not Jesus was alive and in fact God is the evidence proving that he was(the bible).

because it just happens to be the most popular. are you suggesting that because a lot of people believe it, we should?
No I am simple suggesting that a majority of the people alive like to do things the right way.

i think buddhists are the nicest. they dont say its ok to slaughter animals.
every religion claims to know god and his works! why is your religion the 'right' one? please dont quote scripture haha
Buddhists are nicest because they don't have to deal with anti-christs.
I claim that Christiananity is the right religion because of the bible(two quotes above).

because you have been told jesus was actually god. you believe he is god, so you accept him because thats what you think you need to do.
christianity is nowhere close to making sense.
I was not told. I read, its makes perfect sense! If you read the whole bible the only thing that doesn't make sense is the old testament.

because you obviously dont know what atheism is. i put that quote of you saying atheism means anti christ in my sig. thanks for that.
Atheism is dening God. Doesn't matter if it is because you have no evidence, it is denying God. If you deny the one who died for you, then your soul is corrupt.

atheism is the LACK of belief in a god. we are unconvinced by your argument that god does exist. we are also unconvinced by other religions as well.
please do not confuse the definition by thinking it is "belief there is no god", because that is not what atheism is.
Like I said, if you read; it is denying God. Simple "not believing" is agnostic not athiesm.

we see the universe as a beautiful place that is full of wonder. we just dont attribute that wonder and mystery to an unseen god. atheists also tend to use science to help them see the world for what it really is.
Then why is everyone complaining about everyone suffering? If its so beatiful why is everyone worried about money? And why is there so much pollution and shit in this world? Are tree huggers really christians?
I see you all as sad because your saying F the only person and God that truely knows the def of love and truely loves you in this world without knowing if he exists or not.

because they believe they know who god is. they believe they are going to heaven. they are taught forgiveness is good.
happiness and forgiveness are not qualities only christians have
We do believe we know who God is, which is why we praise Jesus; Because he preformed miracles that no one can explain with science without proving that he is in fact God.
We are happy because if we follow Jesus commandment Love one and other, then we mostly stay away from from unhappiness. Forgiveness is the right thing to do because you stop hating, you stop remembering who you hate, and you can live life with no regret.

it is all a function of the brain. it is nice to think that there is an afterlife when you die, and that it isnt the end. you will be in heaven for eternity, as long as you just believe. it is comforting to believe that. but that doesnt mean its true.
A function of the brain tells me that I am doing the right thing. It also tells me that I can't make any mistakes by beleiving in Jesus. Thus there is no regret.
Love one and other, and you don't have to worry about death. You don't have to worry about money, greed, and if you follow the rule that is to not talk to anyone who is an anti christ you will in fact be happier then ever.

i dont understand the first question. but there are MANY former christians that converted to atheism. actually, im reading a book called the believing brain by michael shermer. he used to be an evangelical christian, going door to door telling about jesus. then he realized religion is all brain functions after majoring in psychology. he witnessed many experiments and tried to find proof of god, or at least the supernatural. he found none. the book is about why we believe the things we do, from religion to conspiracy theories to ghosts. i recommend it to you
What I ment by the first question was that:
You know when its your brain or when there is something more powerful inside of your heart.
There is no denying it, and you know that satan is tempting you and making you unhappy and making it harder to continue living and loving one and other.
There is no point to denying Jesus if you realize that there is a battle inside of your brain/heart and there is a battle for your soul.
Christians who convert are probably ones who don't know how to answer their own questions.
Ever wonder why some christians have to ask priests and preachers things? Because they don't know everything. I can tell you that christians who completely study and read the full bible they will find God. NOT HOPE, but God. You WILL feel a change in your heart, you will notice it with every breath you take. You will not convert unless you were just like the one who betrayed Jesus.
I understand that by denying God you have evil sprits in you. Which is why I choose not to trust any athiests more then 15%. If I trust them any less, my posts will be worse then the OP.