Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
How do you figure this? There have been others that were crucified. There have been others that have suffered more and longer than people that were crucified. Not only that, none of these other people expected that as soon as it was over they would be a powerful god in heaven.
I figured it because God could of just killed everyone.
Hes the only one that truely knows love and that truely loves EVERYONE.
He was killed by the people he loved.
He was God and did what he did so he wouldn't ever be seen as evil(thats why he diddn't break any laws).
Do some thinking man, im tired of answering these questions.

On top of everything he knew he was gonna die since birth.
He wasn't only cruified, he was the only one wearing a crown of 4inch thorns.
He was the only one who carried his cruifix through town while people laughed, spit, threw rocks, spoke blasphemy, ect.
WHILE people were crying in the backround wondering why this was happening and praying to the Father.


Well-Known Member
The bible was put togather by Rome to contol the masses. It's all about man contoling man. Look 2000 years later with man changing things to keep control. It still works to a point. If you need something to worship try the sun without it nothing lives.


Well-Known Member
The bible was put togather by Rome to contol the masses. It's all about man contoling man. Look 2000 years later with man changing things to keep control. It still works to a point. If you need something to worship try the sun without it nothing lives.
What the heck did they need to control? They were killing babys and getting away with it.


Well-Known Member
They invented the government to control masses. Africa doesn't have a government(a proper gov) and they know that there is a God.


Well-Known Member
People invent rules to control people not stories.
Rules turn into control because someone has to make those rules.


Well-Known Member
The boogeyman is a myth, frankenstein was a myth, and bigfoot is still being hunted.

How stupid do you guys think previous humans were to not call out the bible or say where the heck did this come from?


Well-Known Member
Ever wonder why there is never a book written about why the bible came out of no where?
Ever realize that if there was a book it would be famous?


Well-Known Member
Why are Christians the biggest religion out there?
Why are they the nicest? Why do they claim to know God and his works?
Why do we accept Jesus? Why does it all make sense?

Why do we see athiesm as stupid?


Well-Known Member
Africa.?. Religion has been abusing africa for a Long time. Pope requesting them to abandon Condoms? Witch Children? Africa would do better without Foreign Religions. So to a point yes, Africa has felt the hand of religion being used as a type of control.
They invented the government to control masses. Africa doesn't have a government(a proper gov) and they know that there is a God.


Well-Known Member
Why do athiests seem so lost and sad?

Why do Christians seem so happy and forgiving?

Is it because they have God in their heart? Or is it because they "Think," that they'll be saved?

Wouldn't you know exactly how you feel? Why do Christians never convert back once they feel God inside their heart?


Well-Known Member
Christianity is the Largest Religion. Islam is the FASTEST growing religion. Nicest? I think Buddhism > Christianity in the Nice Department.
Why are Christians the biggest religion out there?
Why are they the nicest? Why do they claim to know God and his works?
Why do we accept Jesus? Why does it all make sense?

Why do we see athiesm as stupid?


Well-Known Member
You are incorrect. I know many depressed religious people, mainly it's due to the religion & not getting what they feel they deserve from their "God".

& It is because they "Think" they will be given kudos from a figment of their imagination.
Why do athiests seem so lost and sad?

Why do Christians seem so happy and forgiving?

Is it because they have God in their heart? Or is it because they "Think," that they'll be saved?

Wouldn't you know exactly how you feel? Why do Christians never convert back once they feel God inside their heart?


Well-Known Member
You are incorrect. I know many depressed religious people, mainly it's due to the religion & not getting what they feel they deserve from their "God".

& It is because they "Think" they will be given kudos from a figment of their imagination.
What are these "religous" people not getting from their God?
I did say Christians are the only ones following the real God.


Well-Known Member
All Christians do not have Equal Beliefs. So when Christians are describing a Different God w/ different values from Other Christians.. Who is Correct & How do you know? Such as the many versions of the Bible, one has a merciful god, one has a God that will smite man in a heartbeat.. one has a Nice Jesus, another has a Jesus that promotes the killing of Bad Children.


Well-Known Member
Well believing that the Flying Spaghetti Monster will grant you an Eternity of MeatBalls after you die seems easier to obtain than having to read a huge book.


Well-Known Member
The worst part of all is that ignorance is what is running the anti-christs, even though they believe in science and evidence.

The devil hates us so much because we have the opportunity to live forever and to be perfect.

He hates those who worship him the most because their just blowing their chance by going to hell.
Which in turn makes him hate humans even more because he can't stand the fact that he can't live forever and humans are so stupid and that they can(obviously written from the uglyiest perspective, because humans are pretty smart).
So he tricks you into sinning and makes you a SLAVE so you go to hell for sure.


Well-Known Member
I don't even wanna respond to you guys... With these bad questions and anti-christ logic.
You can't ever describe Jesus differently, he says love one an other and everything else that he says supports it.

If he supports killing bad children its obviously to save their souls from the evil they will become and to save them from suffering for eternity.