Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

Oh, and being that I don't post here, you can't call me fat because you don't know. You can't insult me for living at home because you don't know. You can't insult my level of education, because you don't know. How about no personal insults and let's discuss this based on it's merits. I see you have no interest in discussing the original post, or do you?
He can't show you that number because it doesn't exist.
What I can easily find on the DOJ site if I were so inclined would be the percentage of black on white violent crime vs the percentage of white on black violent crime, and those numbers are not per capita. IIRC, while blacks make up 18% of the population, there is an 80/20 split on violent crime.
I'm not going to help you prove your erroneous point. You need to back up that 800% number using DOJ stats that show EXACT same circumstances. I'll be waiting.
He can't show you that number because it doesn't exist.
See, that's the funny thing about stats. Biased websites can manipulate them to show whatever they want. If you were to read Tim Wise, he promotes a theory of white privilege that justifies crimes. But when you look into it, Tim Wise is merely someone who has figured out a way to profit heavily on political correctness and white guilt. Unfortunately, I suffer from neither.
Well, I can't imagine a group of unruly people black or white doing this and thinking that there will not be someone with a firearm and willing to use it to defend themselves. I'd like to know why some stats on a piece of paper makes it ok to beat up and put someone in a hospital?
If you look into it, this is a trend all over the country. And most places, after the first violent flash mob works, it becomes a repeat event. Uncle Buck is avoiding the original topic and trying to twist it into something else because the raw stats do not help his argument. I live in an area where violent flash mobs occur, and rather than prove how tough I am by visiting those cities, I choose not to patronize those cities. Until they can get their population under control, the local businesses will get not one slim dime from me, and it will affect the cities with a decreased tax base. Before people laugh at me and say "what do they care about one person?", they should consider I'm far from the only one who chooses to avoid cities that are known for violence against people that look like me. I harbor no false illusions that if I shoot at a mob of 50 unarmed kids that are trying to kick my teeth out, that I will possibly win in court.
If you look into it, this is a trend all over the country. And most places, after the first violent flash mob works, it becomes a repeat event. Uncle Buck is avoiding the original topic and trying to twist it into something else because the raw stats do not help his argument. I live in an area where violent flash mobs occur, and rather than prove how tough I am by visiting those cities, I choose not to patronize those cities. Until they can get their population under control, the local businesses will get not one slim dime from me, and it will affect the cities with a decreased tax base. Before people laugh at me and say "what do they care about one person?", they should consider I'm far from the only one who chooses to avoid cities that are known for violence against people that look like me. I harbor no false illusions that if I shoot at a mob of 50 unarmed kids that are trying to kick my teeth out, that I will possibly win in court.
Well cited. Unclebuck lives in white suburbia in Portland Oregon, he doesn't have any experience he just gets spoon fed establishment shit and bites right into it. Then proceeds to quote it and recite it .
Unreliable sources, crying, lies, calling anyone he doesn't agree with racist, and make shit up, also likes to point out grammar or typo mistakes when ever given the opportunity without fail.
Well cited. Unclebuck lives in white suburbia in Portland Oregon, he doesn't have any experience he just gets spoon fed establishment shit and bites right into it. Then proceeds to quote it and recite it .
Unreliable sources, crying, lies, calling anyone he doesn't agree with racist, and make shit up, also likes to point out grammar or typo mistakes when ever given the opportunity without fail.

I recommend he moves to an inner city on the east coast where he can have the most positive impact on what he believes. Funny how "enlightened progressives" won't make personal sacrifices to help the cause they believe in. He could make a much bigger impact helping his cause if he lived in, say, inner city Atlanta, inner city Baltimore, etc....
I recommend he moves to an inner city on the east coast where he can have the most positive impact on what he believes. Funny how "enlightened progressives" won't make personal sacrifices to help the cause they believe in. He could make a much bigger impact helping his cause if he lived in, say, inner city Atlanta, inner city Baltimore, etc....
It would do him some damn justice, might make him less full of shit, but then again, there would have to be a whole lot of tugging to get someones head out of their ass when it is shoved that far up it.
it should be a racial thing, if 500 of any kinda people attacked me , id be really pissed off at whoever it was

See, that's the thing. It shouldn't be a racial thing. But it is. Uncle Buck posted a link that proudly stated white on black violence. But if you look, with the exception of this article, race is not mentioned. In fact, a Chicago paper calls out it's readers for an accurate description of the suspects. They say it doesn't matter. Unless it's the other way around. Google knockout kings, google polar bear hunting, etc.... I grew up in an inner city, and know the difference when you are the minority.
Im white and i have experienced being a minority many times throughout my life, in different areas i have explored and resided in, UB is downloading reality through his computer screen.
See, that's the thing. It shouldn't be a racial thing. But it is. Uncle Buck posted a link that proudly stated white on black violence. But if you look, with the exception of this article, race is not mentioned. In fact, a Chicago paper calls out it's readers for an accurate description of the suspects. They say it doesn't matter. Unless it's the other way around. Google knockout kings, google polar bear hunting, etc.... I grew up in an inner city, and know the difference when you are the minority.
my bad, i meant to type "shouldnt" thats why said 500 of any kind of not racist, i hate everyone equaly lol
Those with the mentality such as you UB is why racism is still prevalent in our modern societies...

i disagree.

those with the mentality of winterwoman, the OP, are the the ones why racism is still prevalent.

i have seen many posts and threads like this from winterwoman, highlighting whatever situation frames a minority in a negative light.

where are all the threads that show the positive contributions from minorities?

do you get it yet? if not, don't worry, i will spell it out to you.

there is a focus from certain people, winterwoman (among others), that highlights any issue like this and negates any issue that frames minorities in a positive light based on their accomplishments.

why do you suppose that is? why do you suppose she does not constantly post instances of white on black hate crimes, and not vice versa?

Well cited. Unclebuck lives in white suburbia in Portland Oregon, he doesn't have any experience he just gets spoon fed establishment shit and bites right into it. Then proceeds to quote it and recite it .
Unreliable sources, crying, lies, calling anyone he doesn't agree with racist, and make shit up, also likes to point out grammar or typo mistakes when ever given the opportunity without fail.

white suburbia?

that must be why my town is called "hillsburrito". all those white folks like me.

when have i called anyone a racist? go find it and quote it.

you may want to go check the mailbox for your unemployment check, that is, if you find time after attempting to incite revolution against the people sending you that check on pot websites.

Im white and i have experienced being a minority many times throughout my life, in different areas i have explored and resided in, UB is downloading reality through his computer screen.

your example of being persecuted was watching your neighbor beat the shit out of his wife with a 2x4, while the cops ignored it.

you poor thing.
What I can easily find on the DOJ site if I were so inclined would be the percentage of black on white violent crime vs the percentage of white on black violent crime, and those numbers are not per capita. IIRC, while blacks make up 18% of the population, there is an 80/20 split on violent crime.
I'm not going to help you prove your erroneous point. You need to back up that 800% number using DOJ stats that show EXACT same circumstances. I'll be waiting.

like i said, i am not your hands and fingers. you have a computer with internet access in front of you, if you want to dispute the numbers put out by the DOJ, be my guest.

i will apologize and send you a free ounce upon disproving the inequality that exists within the american judicial system.
Uncle Buck, why are you avoiding my questions? Is it just that much easier to launch personal attacks against those who disagree with you?
white suburbia?

that must be why my town is called "hillsburrito". all those white folks like me.

when have i called anyone a racist? go find it and quote it.

you may want to go check the mailbox for your unemployment check, that is, if you find time after attempting to incite revolution against the people sending you that check on pot websites.

Im not going looking for the quote, everyone on here knows you do pull the racist card all too often, besides even if i went looking for it probably wouldnt find it because you are either deleting it or its lost deep in forums and cant find it just by looking in your most recent posted comments because you spend to much time on here and have no life, go give your better half some attention he or she is lonely.