The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Ron Paul weekly audio update.

Title: Super Congress: Easy Prey for the Military-Industrial Complex
Ron Paul Marijuana/Hemp/Medical Marijuana Video Compilation From 2003 to 2011

Ron Paul pushes for Marijuana Legilization 2011

Medical Marijuana Patient Confronts Ron Paul in 2007

2007 speech

2006 - Ron Paul Introduces HR 1009 - American Hemp Farmers Act - To Legalize Hemp

Ron Paul on Medical Marijuana in 2003

Ron Paul 1998 - Speech on the floor opposing Drug War - Specifically marijuana

Ron Paul 1988 - Ron Paul talks about the drug war and the CIA involvement

How does Ron Paul feel about Super Pacs and the 2010 Supreme Court decision to allow corporations, unions and individuals the right to donate unlimited funds to outside groups to campaign for or against candidates.
How does Ron Paul feel about Super Pacs and the 2010 Supreme Court decision to allow corporations, unions and individuals the right to donate unlimited funds to outside groups to campaign for or against candidates.

Obviously Ron Paul would follow the constitution and allow super pacs.
If you won the lottery right now, would you perhaps campaign for or against a politician? Let us say you really believe Ron Paul fucks turtles and hates black people. Wouldn't you want to do your best to try and keep him from winning? So you decide, IM GOING TO HELP OUT! So you take a million of your 150 million dollar win. (75 after being raped by taxes) and you go oh yea, Im going to cause a stir. BUT WAIT. You can't, you are federally limited in how you are allowed to spend your money.

Ron Paul and you might not agree - but he would still want you to be allowed to represent yourself using your money. It is YOUR money after all. There is no reason why I should not be allowed to spend all the money I want supporting a candidate.

Whether it is a business or a person - why would they not be allowed to spend money in support or opposition of any law or politician? Not supporting a private individual or businesses right to spend their own money promoting their ideas is the same thing as being against free speech. The government should of never been allowed to limit it to begin with.
Obviously Ron Paul would follow the constitution and allow super pacs.
If you won the lottery right now, would you perhaps campaign for or against a politician? Let us say you really believe Ron Paul fucks turtles and hates black people. Wouldn't you want to do your best to try and keep him from winning? So you decide, IM GOING TO HELP OUT! So you take a million of your 150 million dollar win. (75 after being raped by taxes) and you go oh yea, Im going to cause a stir. BUT WAIT. You can't, you are federally limited in how you are allowed to spend your money.

Ron Paul and you might not agree - but he would still want you to be allowed to represent yourself using your money. It is YOUR money after all. There is no reason why I should not be allowed to spend all the money I want supporting a candidate.

Whether it is a business or a person - why would they not be allowed to spend money in support or opposition of any law or politician? Not supporting a private individual or businesses right to spend their own money promoting their ideas is the same thing as being against free speech. The government should of never been allowed to limit it to begin with.
I'm sorry where in the constitution does it say "Super Pacs"..I find it hard to believe the Founding fathers would agree that money should influence elections..
Obviously Ron Paul would follow the constitution and allow super pacs.
If you won the lottery right now, would you perhaps campaign for or against a politician? Let us say you really believe Ron Paul fucks turtles and hates black people. Wouldn't you want to do your best to try and keep him from winning? So you decide, IM GOING TO HELP OUT! So you take a million of your 150 million dollar win. (75 after being raped by taxes) and you go oh yea, Im going to cause a stir. BUT WAIT. You can't, you are federally limited in how you are allowed to spend your money.

Ron Paul and you might not agree - but he would still want you to be allowed to represent yourself using your money. It is YOUR money after all. There is no reason why I should not be allowed to spend all the money I want supporting a candidate.

Whether it is a business or a person - why would they not be allowed to spend money in support or opposition of any law or politician? Not supporting a private individual or businesses right to spend their own money promoting their ideas is the same thing as being against free speech. The government should of never been allowed to limit it to begin with.

If he is following the Constitution by interpreting the ideals of the founding fathers he would be anti-corporation:

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson

[/FONT]“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

I don't know what the founding fathers would think about the workers unions.
I'm sorry where in the constitution does it say "Super Pacs"..I find it hard to believe the Founding fathers would agree that money should influence elections..

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about the Federal Reserve, income tax, foreign aid, ObamaCare, bailing out banksters, bailing out ANYBODY, competition stifling regulations, continually adding to the debt without a repayment plan, invading sovereign nations for no good reason, stationing troops in over 140 countries or taking from some to give to another?
If he is following the Constitution by interpreting the ideals of the founding fathers he would be anti-corporation:

I don't know what the founding fathers would think about the workers unions.

I pretty much agree with you snyc0s...I do feel they would have tolerated the unions as long as they are for the people, but as we know SOME unions have become greedy and act more like management..some not all...!!!
Where in the Constitution does it say anything about the Federal Reserve, income tax, foreign aid, ObamaCare, bailing out banksters, bailing out ANYBODY, competition stifling regulations, continually adding to the debt without a repayment plan, invading sovereign nations for no good reason, stationing troops in over 140 countries or taking from some to give to another?

He asked a specific question out of general curiosity. It's best to try to give the best appropriate answer rather than going off on a tangent and dancing around it.
I pretty much agree with you snyc0s...I do feel they would have tolerated the unions as long as they are for the people, but as we know SOME unions have become greedy and act more like management..some not all...!!!

The only thing I know is the founding fathers saw unions as representatives of the citizens themselves. I don't think they imagined a union could get as big as they are today, however, those unions are often tied with the corporations. Eliminate corporations, I would imagine you might see the massive unions disappear as well.
don't think he can provide one thats why I just ignored him...I was really curious as to why Ron Paul did not speak out on this one.. I don't think corporations should control should not control see how Romney just made an easy 1,000,000 bucks and this guy really didn't have to report who or where it came from...What if China create a company and donated 50,000,000 bucks to a candidate is that right..well it can be done now and we would never know
don't think he can provide one that why I just ignored him...I was really curious as to why Ron Paul did not speak out on this one.. I don't think corporations should control should not control see how Romney just made an easy 1,000,000 bucks and this guy really didn't have to report who or where it came from...What if China create a company and donated 50,000,000 bucks to a candidate is that right..well it can be done now and we would never know

Right, and that is a major flaw of the American government. If we didn't have to deal with things like that our country today would be much different. Perhaps he has never spoken on it because it has never been asked. He talks a lot about certain issues like drugs because those are the ones he gets pounded with questions on.
I'm sorry where in the constitution does it say "Super Pacs"..I find it hard to believe the Founding fathers would agree that money should influence elections..

Basically, anything not specifically outlawed in the constitution is legal - or at least it isn't within the federal governments power to outlaw. Any power not specifically given to the federal government is given to the states and the people.

Would the founding fathers have decided that someone could not print ads in the newspapers of the day to promote themselves or a candidate? Would the founding fathers have decided that you could not spend your money in whatever way you chose?
Basically, anything not specifically outlawed in the constitution is legal - or at least it isn't within the federal governments power to outlaw. Any power not specifically given to the federal government is given to the states and the people.

Would the founding fathers have decided that someone could not print ads in the newspapers of the day to promote themselves or a candidate? Would the founding fathers have decided that you could not spend your money in whatever way you chose?
founding fathers would have said hell no to this BS today, but you say what you must..hurts your guy more then mine..Romney vs Obama 2012
If he is following the Constitution by interpreting the ideals of the founding fathers he would be anti-corporation:

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson[/FONT]

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

I don't know what the founding fathers would think about the workers unions.

Those quotes don't go against what Ron Paul stands for. The first one is a condemnation of the Federal Reserve. The second one was in reference to the monopolies that were contracted by the English crown. He wasn't referring to corporations as we know them.
Those quotes don't go against what Ron Paul stands for. The first one is a condemnation of the Federal Reserve. The second one was in reference to the monopolies that were contracted by the English crown. He wasn't referring to corporations as we know them.

ummm I think its more to the mind-frame of how the founding fathers thought...but hey if you think that Ron Paul think its ok to give unlimited amounts of money to an election without knowing who or what gave it then ok...One more reason for me not to like him..but to be honest I think it would go against his character from the picture you guys have made him out to be..but what do I know about Ron Paul
founding fathers would have said hell no to this BS today, but you say what you must..hurts your guy more then mine..Romney vs Obama 2012

Neither of those two are a choice of mine. Both of them are fundamentally disgusting to me. My only hope for the election is that whoever wins is ineffectual instead of effectually destructive. They founding fathers would of revolted and had them both murdered, and for good cause. They would be thoroughly sickened by the election that only determines who gets to decide which scraps that are left of the freedoms they left us get destroyed next. Amusingly, the people in the USA would probably not vote for George Washington.(I' started to say first president, but he wasn't)

As far as you saying it hurts Romney more than Obama - are you serious?