The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Drug addiction will never go away. Legal drugs or illegal drugs, doesn't matter. There are people who are just prone to become addicts.

Might as well get Americans back to work growing poppie fields and coca fields. Better than letting violent gangbangers do it. Test for strength and purity. Sell in small quantities to try and prevent OD.

Now you can call me crazy. :P
On an unrelated note I wanna show my personal disdain of Mitt Romney, he is the biggest tool I have ever seen and a puppet, if we put him up as the nominee against Obama America and much less the republican party is screwed!

Check it out [video=youtube;jw26CLX4VvE][/video]
ok thanks for the haha...but imagine this you have a beautiful little girl that is now in college...she goes to a party and does heroin for it is now legal..she likes it, because it makes her feel she does it only on the weekend..she loves it for it makes her feel powerful...she now starts doing it on the weekday as well ( after class)..hey it is legal now so she is all good, but what about her life..??? Now we have daddy's little girl hook on heroin with the help of daddy for he thought it to be a good idea to make it legal and readily obtainable

I don't sacrifice liberty for safety. Scare tactics do not convince me. I would raise my daughter to make logical decisions, and if that so happened to result in drug use, than she reaps what she sews.
at least you didn't try to defend the use of heroin like these others...I do believe that our government must make some harmful drugs illegal..Thats why they have them categorize ...Weed should not be one of them for it does not harm you ...never heard anyone dieing from weed, but herion, crack, and shit like that does nothing but hurt..but hey thats me

Who decides what is harmful? A lot of people think marijuana is harmful, they think alcohol is harmful, they think caffeine is harmful. Why stop at drugs? Doesn't a huge part of the country think abortions, being gay, having guns, ect ect ect are harmful? At what point do you decide where the cut off is at? Do you like being marginalized over marijuana use? There are many things that are harmful that we don't outlaw because it isn't right to meddle in the lives of others. Why do you think your opinion of what is right and wrong is more important that someone else's opinion, especially when it is their life and not your own.
Who decides what is harmful? A lot of people think marijuana is harmful, they think alcohol is harmful, they think caffeine is harmful. Why stop at drugs? Doesn't a huge part of the country think abortions, being gay, having guns, ect ect ect are harmful? At what point do you decide where the cut off is at? Do you like being marginalized over marijuana use? There are many things that are harmful that we don't outlaw because it isn't right to meddle in the lives of others. Why do you think your opinion of what is right and wrong is more important that someone else's opinion, especially when it is their life and not your own.
tell you what you do..first go roll the biggest joint you can....smoke it and remember how you this for a week...then go shoot up some heroin for a week...when done post and tell us what you think...Now don't post before you do this for I really want to prove a point to you ...good luck
tell you what you do..first go roll the biggest joint you can....smoke it and remember how you this for a week...then go shoot up some heroin for a week...when done post and tell us what you think...Now don't post before you do this for I really want to prove a point to you ...good luck
Same thing with pharmaceuticals though....
tell you what you do..first go roll the biggest joint you can....smoke it and remember how you this for a week...then go shoot up some heroin for a week...when done post and tell us what you think...Now don't post before you do this for I really want to prove a point to you ...good luck

While you argue that this drug should be illegal, the next post you are telling someone to go do it for a week... Amazing.
wow you really didn't get it...right over your head

i think he got it but was just trying to make a point.

i have stayed out of this heroin legalization debate that i spurred unintentionally while i form my opinion.

i am still on the fence.i think i lean towards legalization, but either way it is a shitty choice to make.
i think he got it but was just trying to make a point.

i have stayed out of this heroin legalization debate that i spurred unintentionally while i form my opinion.

i am still on the fence.i think i lean towards legalization, but either way it is a shitty choice to make.

I have seen what heroin does first hand, so I left that fence a long time ago...shit can wreck your life with just ONE fix..One is too many and 1000 is never enough
I have seen what alcohol can do to people. Not pretty, sad way to end your life. Shit can wreck your life before you even know what hit you. Should it be illegal? Better yet Oxycontin.
I have seen what heroin does first hand, so I left that fence a long time ago...shit can wreck your life with just ONE fix..One is too many and 1000 is never enough

3.8 million people (1.5 percent of the population above 12) say they have tried heroin at least once in their lifetimes.

Meaning less than 1 in every 100 Americans has tried heroin. The only way to not have seen heroin's effects first hand is to be blind, ignorant, or sheltered.
Heroin has never killed a single person in the history of mankind, people have killed themselves by using heroin. Giving a drug the magic power of deciding on who lives or dies is anthropomorphism to the extreme. The deadliest drug/substance known to man is for the most part 100% legal, sold in every corner of the USA. right now a 4 year old could very easily obtain this drug and use it by emulating their parents or other adults.
Ron Paul would not legalize heroin, next Ron Paul conspiracy theory please....all conspiracies currently debunked

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While you argue that this drug should be illegal, the next post you are telling someone to go do it for a week... Amazing.

sync0s... you're dropping the context of his argument, and then using it against him. I think his opinion on this is wrong, but what you just did there was dishonest. I've seen your arguments in here and I didn't expect that from you...

londonfog, nobody I've seen here is saying that heroin isn't a sure way to throw your life in the gutter. Carthoris has a hell of a good point I'd like to expand a bit. With as many people in this country as there is, there are almost as many different value systems. Who gets to decide? What if Romney or Huntsman gets in the White House? They're both Mormon, and if they hold true to their beliefs, they think ANY non-medicinal mind altering substance is not just harmful, but a moral wrong. What is to stop them from signing an executive order to outlaw those substances? JWH-018 (a synthetic cannabinoid) was just banned earlier this year, and not even by executive order - but by bureaucratic means from the DEA.

So who gets to decide what we are allowed to do? Are you going to leave this decision up to politicians and bureaucrats, who make these arbitrary decisions with special interest groups and the next election in mind? Or would you leave this to each and every individual to do what they think is best for themselves, based on each person's beliefs and values? I'm not asking you to answer any of these questions (they're more for others to ponder), but if possible I would like you to answer the following question with stark-naked honesty.

In conceptual terms, what is government's proper role, purpose, and limit (if any) in our lives? I don't need specifics, but I looking for more general ideas of what it should and should not do.

Anyone else here feel free to take a stab at this, I'd love to hear your answers (but I think I can guess a few of your answers already).
The most important roles are to represent the people and follow the constitution, of which they do neither federally...
The Governments number one function is to protect the rights of its citizens. Of course in the USA our government is sometimes the antithesis of that Ideal.
I have seen what heroin does first hand, so I left that fence a long time ago...shit can wreck your life with just ONE fix..One is too many and 1000 is never enough

three of my brother's best friends died from heroin in their 20's. he was the only one in that circle not to die, and only because we moved the year before they all got hooked.

i did heroin a few times when i thought it was opium. it is a HORRIBLE drug. i freebased it.

it will still be available to the abusers, legal or not. my decision on the issue is based on whether or not legalization will curb this deadly availability or not. i lean towards yes, but i have my doubts.

if you like puking up your guts after getting high, heroin is for you and should be legally prescribed.
londonfog, nobody I've seen here is saying that heroin isn't a sure way to throw your life in the gutter.

yes it is.

i sit on the fence on this issue having listened to the news of family members dying on several occasions due to heroin.

it is a VERY addictive drug.

it has HORRIBLE effects. those who compare it to oxycontin are fools.

if it were legal and regulated, would use go down?

all i want is to see less people fall victim to this drug.
well this seems like a discussion I will not convince you guys on...I guess you guys would also feel that it should be you right to wear a seat belt or to put your child in a car seat...Thank you for letting me know that we actually have people in this world who feel that heroin should be legal in the name of liberty..I will now bow out of this debate on heroin...