The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would just use a stick to open the beers, I guess being a screw off top drinker you wouldn't know how to open one without a bottle cap opener. I'm not even sure what you were getting at to be honest. Let me try this game.

So Obama and the harlem globe trotters go on a picnic. They all fuck Obama in the ass and whank on his face. He loves it. Michelle pops out and whips his dick out too and fucks Obama. "Aha" Michelle cries. "I am a man and I have a big penis - but everyone can tell that by looking at me", and that's how the ant died and the grasshopper ate all his acorns.

Ron Paul and his personal assistant Carthoris were traveling through Texas, visiting his constituents. After a long and arduous day of hand shaking and baby kissing they retired to a restaurant for an evening meal. Ron noted Turtle Soup on the menu and recalling such soup from his childhood so long long long ago and decided to order the same.
After about half an hour and no sign of the soup, Ron sent his assistant Carthoris into the kitchen to find out about the delay.
The assistant entered the kitchen to find the chef with cleaver in hand and the turtle sitting on the bench. Inquiring as to the delay the chef informed Carthoris that he was having big problems. It seems that each time he brought the cleaver down to sever the unlucky turtles head the turtle withdrew his head into his shell.
The assistant Carthoris , very quickly taking in the situation offered his help.
“Ok, stand by with the cleaver”
He promptly inserted his finger into the rear end of the turtle right into its ass. At which “intrusion” the turtle immediately stuck his head out and the chef was able to sever the head with a single (and humane) blow.
Impressed, the chef inquired of the assistant how he knew that very useful little trick.
“Well, I do have to put Ron's tie on each morning”
It is only an insult because you don't think its true.

ah, the old internet psychic.

...You think that socialism sounds great...people like you will then think that communism sounds great....You would and do destroy the are destroying are making the world worse by the day and don't even understand were ignorant

more insults, lies, and internet psychic-ing by carthoris.

since you were so kind to state false things about me in a moment of extra sensory perception, allow me to reciprocate.

you hate freedom. you have no idea what liberty is, and you want hitler to stomp on a baby's neck. you think all old people should be forced to the butcher and their organs harvested so that younger people can get organ transplants. you want all children to get mandatory religious training so that they pray to the right god, and you believe man-turtle love should be compulsory.

yep, that is you to a tee alright. how do i know? well, this is the fucking internet. i don't have to actually know someone before i say a whole bunch of stupid shit about them, as if i did actually know them. fucking duh!
A 70-year-old Texas Rancher got his hand caught in a gate while working cattle. He wrapped the hand in his bandana and drove his pickup to the doctor. While suturing the laceration, the doctor asked the old man about Ron Paul being his representative

The old Texan said, "Well, ya know, Paul is a 'Post Turtle.'"

Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked what a Post Turtle was.

The old man looked at him and drawled, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a Post Turtle."

The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain:

"You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you just want to help the poor dumb bastard get down."

listen to the sound this turtle makes as it fucks a shoe.
Ron Paul and his personal assistant Carthoris were traveling through Texas, visiting his constituents. After a long and arduous day of hand shaking and baby kissing they retired to a restaurant for an evening meal. Ron noted Turtle Soup on the menu and recalling such soup from his childhood so long long long ago and decided to order the same.
After about half an hour and no sign of the soup, Ron sent his assistant Carthoris into the kitchen to find out about the delay.
The assistant entered the kitchen to find the chef with cleaver in hand and the turtle sitting on the bench. Inquiring as to the delay the chef informed Carthoris that he was having big problems. It seems that each time he brought the cleaver down to sever the unlucky turtles head the turtle withdrew his head into his shell.
The assistant Carthoris , very quickly taking in the situation offered his help.
“Ok, stand by with the cleaver”
He promptly inserted his finger into the rear end of the turtle right into its ass. At which “intrusion” the turtle immediately stuck his head out and the chef was able to sever the head with a single (and humane) blow.
Impressed, the chef inquired of the assistant how he knew that very useful little trick.
“Well, I do have to put Ron's tie on each morning”

Now that was actually funny and how a story is supposed to go. I wish I was Ron Paul's assistant.
and you lie to try to make a point...tsk tsk...go read up on the history of Allensworth colony and then tell me you still want to stick by your claim that the Civil rights movement caused its demise...I stand firmly by the fact the colony was dead before the civil rights movement..I say the colony was dead by 1930-40's...keep it real and you won't have to worry about shit coming to bite you in the ass...

Once again, i said that the residents i spoke to blamed the whole movement for it's demise. Is that what is written? Not completely. But then again, what would THEY know? They just live there lol.
I feel that you are wrong about Ron Paul, but I don't tell you to stop posting...I just debate you when you do... and if i feel that you guys are tin foil hat wearing nuts with some of these conspiracy theory's (Alex Johns) then its my right to voice my opinion even if its in satire...Now once again why are you trying to take my freedoms..are you and Ron Paul only to have freedoms...

You sound just like Bill O'Riley. "Don't censor me!" while interrupting, distracting, and twisting answers to loaded questions.
I have to say, after the millionth time I saw a turtle ron paul joke I laughed a little bit. Now, thanks to UB, I understand why justin beiber being over played made him so popular. Brainwashing :)
I have to say, after the millionth time I saw a turtle ron paul joke I laughed a little bit. Now, thanks to UB, I understand why justin beiber being over played made him so popular. Brainwashing :)

i will try my best to make santorum's "google problem" pale in comparison to ron paul's :razz:
Let's talk about RP some more....

Recently, Gaddafi threatened to attack Europe for it's actions against his forces in Libya:

In the speech, delivered by telephone to thousands of people marching in Green Square in Tripoli, Colonel Qaddafi warned that Libyans would be able to take the battle “to Europe, to target your homes, offices, families, which have become legitimate military targets, like you have targeted our homes,” The Associated Press reported.

If this isn't proof of what Ron Paul talks about when western powers intervene causing hate and lack of safety to be driven our way, I don't know what is...
question do you really think he will get the nod to run in the general election as the Republican candidate..???

Anything is possible. Ron Paul has more support this year than ever before. This includes support amongst his party. Either way, he will run as an independent regardless, and I will vote for him.

I just filled out the volunteer form for his campaign, so I'll help as much as I can in order to make it happen ;)