The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
my name is not uncle ben.

and congratulations! you have joined a growing group of ron paul cultists who vehemently oppose those who do not fall in lockstep with your old geezer cult leader.

you have expressed some similar sentiments to them, such as that i must be deluded and a tool for not worshipping at the altar of paul, failing to make a cogent counter argument to my complete dismissal of your little "poll", and displaying below average reading comprehension.

but you sir, have the trump card of all trump cards: a crudely fashioned, incorrectly labeled microsoft paint picture! gold medal!

be proud :cool:


Well-Known Member
Just found a random poll on my local news station:

Who is your pick for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination? Choice Votes Percentage of 5,613 Votes Mitt Romney 1,206
Sarah Palin 859
Tim Pawlenty 158
Michelle Bachmann 406
Ron Paul 1,760
Rick Santorum 73
Newt Gingrich 306
Herman Cain 689
Jon Huntsman 98
Gary Johnson 48
Thad McCotter 10
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according to polling i have conducted, ron paul fucks turtles. 5 out of 7 people concur.


Active Member
Ron Paul is actually trying to make things better, but the idiots in Washington fight him every step of the way. I have refused to vote for anyone other than local elections due to the constant lies and corruption I see in Washington since I voted for Carter (that was a waste). But with that said I will vote for Ron Paul in an instant, big Pharm and big Corp and the bankers be damned.
Time to take out the trash and hang the traitors from a tree.

Paul in 2012


Well-Known Member
again, there is a difference between an online poll, which is not scientific, and other, randomized polls, which are scientific and can even project a margin of error.

there can be no margin of error in an online poll because it is not scientific or randomized in any way.

as others have said to me, it is just a tool you use to delude yourself.


Well-Known Member
"Cowardice asks the question - is it safe?
Expediency asks the question - is it politic?
Vanity asks the question - is it popular?
But conscience asks the question - is it right?
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
if ron paul were able to go back and time and have his way on civil rights, him and king would be eating at separate restaurants :shock:


Active Member
He personally thinks cannabis users aren't the brightest people in the world lol. BUT, he supports their right to do as they wish since there is no "victim".
I was referring to the Cannabis Medical aspects of one of the videos I saw the other day where he was doing an interview. But at the same time I "will" have to agree he is right about some of them not being the brightest, but as with any intoxicant you will have some abusers.