

Well-Known Member
Japan is number 1 for worst nuclear disaster now, and it's ongoing and may be getting worse.


Well-Known Member
Check this out. Japan is now saying that this disaster is on par with Chernobyl..........and it ain't over yet folks. :cry:

Currently the amount of radiation is estimated at 10% of Chernobyl but with the last earthquake (after shock) reactor number 4 is burning so it could surpass Chernobyl.

Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan “Not Equal to Chernobyl, But Way Worse”

Source Democracynow.org If you don't watch you cannot learn.


Well-Known Member
There is danger of 3 of the reactors will have a full melt down.

This situation could become worse that Chernobyl.


Well-Known Member
It's very sad for Japan, but as I said before it's coming here and will affect us just as bad. Jet stream is a mere 5 hours away.
Just look at what we in the USA are already getting:

And they say it's only getting worse... ???


Well-Known Member
And miss all your stupid bullshit posts? Never....
This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half-baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel. Duh. I mean, really, stringing together a bunch of insults among a load of babbling was hardly effective.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Take your Sunscreen, wouldn't want you to die from all that radiation.
This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half-baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel. Duh. I mean, really, stringing together a bunch of insults among a load of babbling was hardly effective.
You know, I could stoop to your level (again), but this time I wont. We have been hashing it out all over this section, and frankly I don't see how it's at all reasonable for you to say I am "babbling," "ignorant," or "half-baked." You lace your posts with insults and yet you are severely affected by my expression of personal opinion. You have shown no initiative to pursue anything outside of your comfort zone, instead you get even more and more defensive and come back with less and less relevance.

Just live and let live, man. Let go of your prejudices. Let it go.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you didn't catch the part with the sunscreen bit. Know what sunscreen does? Shields you from the harmful radiation from the sun, you don't get the irony? Of course you don't other wise you would have said something completely different than trying to deride all my posts as stupid bullshit. They only seem stupid to you because I assume many are over your head.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Apparently you didn't catch the part with the sunscreen bit. Know what sunscreen does? Shields you from the harmful radiation from the sun, you don't get the irony? Of course you don't other wise you would have said something completely different than trying to deride all my posts as stupid bullshit. They only seem stupid to you because I assume many are over your head.
Yeah dude, you got me pegged. I am willing to just drop this spat and let the thread continue because in reality, that is a far more important issue than our disagreements.


Well-Known Member
Im not out to get you, you just think in an entirely different way than I do. I just cannot agree with most of your Views, if you post something I agree with you will get my support. Its nothing personal.


Well-Known Member
Spats aside getting plenty of sun is so far still a good idea, and better for you without sunscreen provided you don't overdo it and burn yourself. We need the sun and the vitamin d and other health benefits it provides. Sunscreen is petroleum based or contains other questionable crap all too often, but if spending a whole day under the sun probably preferable to a nasty burn.

The radiation in the air at ground level still doesn't seem to be all that bad for those in the US. What is bad, though nobody seems to agree on how bad, is staying out in the rain and getting that undiluted radioactive rainwater deposited directly on your skin.

Rain falls through all those layers of air above us, each with varying levels of radiation, collecting the radiation and depositing it directly on whatever skin you are exposing. Maybe it is nothing, maybe I am slightly overreacting saying avoid the rain or cover your skin, but it's easy enough to avoid and we loose nothing playing it safe. Since everyone has a raincoat or similar, what does it hurt to wear it? Seems like sex without a condom levels of danger, except without the benefit or fun of sex.

If the sun is shining and the weather is clear make no mistake about it I'm out there too, fuck it.

Simple... Believe what corporate media says which is nothing, or be extra careful and believe what people that have no job on the line, and no money motivating them, and no editor or boss telling them what to say.

Really there is nothing to argue about.

But I love your avitar NoDrama. Is that a reference to something? And your sig seems more intelligent than most...


Well-Known Member
Wow.. I missed another clash.. I am working on new software so my energy is split.

How about a song? Let me see.. Ahh I sing this one at karaoke.


So what is the news on Japan? I have fallen behind.. Is that floating because Japan fell three feet so water is now inland more?

Kinda freaky when the ground can eat you.


Well-Known Member
Recently in Japan, the most dangerous place to be on earth as if earthquakes and radiation weren't enough:

Bet you didn't hear shit about it on the news either did you? What news...
If you want to know what's really going on, there and here, watch his other video's. There's much we aren't told.

Here's a Song:
