
Okay, well, seriously. If you all didn't realize that volcanic activity would directly follow seismic activity you need to got back to elementary school.
well just seen in the paper that they sent in to robots to the reactors and it is still to high for workers to enter
Okay, well, seriously. If you all didn't realize that volcanic activity would directly follow seismic activity you need to got back to elementary school.

And earthquakes follow things like this:

A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
-Maxwell Planck
and earthquakes follow things like this:

a scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
-maxwell planck

This conspiracy B.S. is getting really old. :wall:



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Yes a man made earthquake machine is preposterous and so far beyond our technology that anyone suggesting such things have existed for a very long time must be out of their mind. Thank you for setting me straight.

Yes a man made earthquake machine is preposterous and so far beyond our technology that anyone suggesting such things have existed for a very long time must be out of their mind. Thank you for setting me straight.

lmfao!!!!!!! I saw the episode of Mythbusters where they tested Tesla's "earthquake machine". Now, Tesla was a brilliant man, no doubt about it, but he was also known for making some pretty outrageous claims, some of which could never be proven. Needless to say, the earthquake machine did not produce an earthquake or bring down a building as Tesla claimed and the earthquake that he claimed to have produced was in all likelihood a coincidence. Nice try though.:lol:
Your argument that Tesla couldn't have built a working earthquake machine, is that mythbusters spent a week on it and theirs didn't work? Yes I'm the dumb one here.
How many patents do the mythbusters hold btw? How many things have they invented on their own? How brilliant are they? Would you say they are closer to Einstein or Steve Erkel?

Yet somehow they got the president of the US on mythbusters directly... But that wouldn't have influenced mythbusters results of course, because all our tv is both totally true, and completely independent.

And our president (and his little girls) just so happened to be interested in disproving Archamedes death ray. That too is merely coincidence...Even though we see the Navy publicly flaunting their new death ray that works:

Here's proof of how mythbusters is controlled:
Your argument that Tesla couldn't have built a working earthquake machine, is that mythbusters spent a week on it and theirs didn't work? Yes I'm the dumb one here.
How many patents do the mythbusters hold btw? How many things have they invented on their own? How brilliant are they? Would you say they are closer to Einstein or Steve Erkel?

Yet somehow they got the president of the US on mythbusters directly... But that wouldn't have influenced mythbusters results of course, because all our tv is both totally true, and completely independent.

And our president (and his little girls) just so happened to be interested in disproving Archamedes death ray. That too is merely coincidence...Even though we see the Navy publicly flaunting their new death ray that works:

Here's proof of how mythbusters is controlled:
Ok, I'll concede the mythbusters argument was a bit weak, but it was also an attempt at humor, which seems to have been completely lost on you. Go figure. The fact is that nobody, and I mean NOBODY, could ever recreate the thing. There is supposedly a patent and plans for it yet nobody has ever built a working replica. Why is that? Yeah, we're the dumb ones.:roll:

Yes well we are repeatedly conditioned by tv to preface the words "conspiracy theorist" with crazy.
If our president tells us to do it, we must obey: "Let us not tolerate..." Not just don't listen, that's absurd, but basically you are told to put us down...
Be proud.

i dont listen to or obey the prez and just cuz he says something i dont have to believe him and i doubt i would ever believe a politician
do u know how u can tell when a politician is lying to u

Yes well we are repeatedly conditioned by tv to preface the words "conspiracy theorist" with crazy.
If our president tells us to do it, we must obey: "Let us not tolerate..." Not just don't listen, that's absurd, but basically you are told to put us down...
Be proud.

Yes well we are repeatedly conditioned by tv to preface the words "conspiracy theorist" with crazy.
If our president tells us to do it, we must obey: "Let us not tolerate..." Not just don't listen, that's absurd, but basically you are told to put us down...
Be proud.

Wait a second! Did you call us the dumb ones?:dunce:

When you're done spouting your platitudes I'd just like for you to know that I've been down the whole conspiracy theory road before. I have a lot of respect for some people I consider conspiracy theorists, but this whole attitude that these ideas are somehow original and that the rest of us are just mindless robots, blindly drinking the kool-aid is somewhat insulting to me. Did you formulate these ideas on your own or was this some shit you read in a book or on the internet, or maybe heard from a friend? That's what I thought. ;-)