

Well-Known Member
and how many are not fucked up or dead now
None, they are all fucked up. The 330 pilots who dropped boron and sand into the core all died within a week. When they put the huge sarcophagus around the Reactor the workers could only be exposed for 3 minutes at a time. even then they were receiving 500 times yearly limits. The Government of Russia downplayed the whole thing, purposely obfuscated the facts to make things look much better than they were. at one point Chernobyl was on the precipice of becoming a 4 megaton nuclear detonation that would have made eastern Europe uninhabitable for a thousand generations. About the only thing good that came out of the whole thing was that it was the beginning of Glasnost when Gorbachev reached out for help from the world community.

They had teams of soldiers whose job it was to kill every animal that was within 30 kilometers, for fear they would carry radiation to nearby Kiev.

Did you all know that the Japanese TV stations are owned by the Big Power Companies that run the Nuclear plants?


New Member
i knew the helicopter pilots and crew were fucked
and they knew it and did it anyways
now that is courage to lay down your life so that others may and we say may live but they did it anyways besides the whitewash the pilots knew they were sacrificing their life's

None, they are all fucked up. The 330 pilots who dropped boron and sand into the core all died within a week. When they put the huge sarcophagus around the Reactor the workers could only be exposed for 3 minutes at a time. even then they were receiving 500 times yearly limits. The Government of Russia downplayed the whole thing, purposely obfuscated the facts to make things look much better than they were. at one point Chernobyl was on the precipice of becoming a 4 megaton nuclear detonation that would have made eastern Europe uninhabitable for a thousand generations. About the only thing good that came out of the whole thing was that it was the beginning of Glasnost when Gorbachev reached out for help from the world community.

Did you all know that the Japanese TV stations are owned by the Big Power Companies that run the Nuclear plants?


Well-Known Member
i knew the helicopter pilots and crew where fucked
and they knew it and did it anyways
now that is courage to lay down your life so that others may and we say may live but they did it anyways besides the whitewash the pilots knew they were sacrificing their life's
thats not true, The pilots were emergency recalls from the war in Afghanistan and had NO IDEA what they were even doing. In fact the whole radiation being harmful was very much downplayed, all the people that were dying were quickly whisked away never to be seen again, others were told those people went home and were fine. The citizens of the town next to the reactor of Pripyat were allowed to do everyday activities for the first 6 days of the meltdown. When things got really bad, on May 1st ( Russians are huge May day fans) they had the big May Day parade in Nearby Kiev, and all those people became highly irradiated. The mayor of Kiev was led to believe by the central command in Moscow that the radiation was no big deal. When people started to become ill ( It takes a while unless you receive MASSIVE amounts) and die, the Mayor committed suicide.




New Member
cant argue with that u know your facts

thats not true, The pilots were emergency recalls from the war in Afghanistan and had NO IDEA what they were even doing. In fact the whole radiation being harmful was very much downplayed, all the people that were dying were quickly whisked away never to be seen again, others were told those people went home and were fine. The citizens of the town next to the reactor of Pripyat were allowed to do everyday activities for the first 6 days of the meltdown. When things got really bad, on May 1st ( Russians are huge May day fans) they had the big May Day parade in Nearby Kiev, and all those people became highly irradiated. The mayor of Kiev was led to believe by the central command in Moscow that the radiation was no big deal. When people started to become ill ( It takes a while unless you receive MASSIVE amounts) and die, the Mayor committed suicide.




Well-Known Member
Well After the fall of mother Russia alot of top secret paperwork was falling out of the cracks due to poor controls in a new political environment and lots of things concerning Chernobyl became available. This all happened when I was a young adult and I found it fascinating. Did you know that it was the Radiation alarms at a Nuclear power facility in Sweden that was the one who alerted the world? 15 minutes later Gorby asked the world for help, he could no longer conceal the disaster.

Chernobyl was throwing radioactivity 100 KM into the sky. People described the colors as beautiful, deep blood reds and purples shooting into the sky, the wind picked up the fallout and spread it all around the world. Movies made during the first days have bright spots and odd flashes of light due to the radioactivity. People who were there and are still alive say they can still taste the metallic lead flavor in their mouths, there genetic structure has been changed.


New Member
well i never followed it after they stopped talk about
hey how convenient

im mid 40's and remember scary times


Well-Known Member
None, they are all fucked up. The 330 pilots who dropped boron and sand into the core all died within a week. When they put the huge sarcophagus around the Reactor the workers could only be exposed for 3 minutes at a time. even then they were receiving 500 times yearly limits. The Government of Russia downplayed the whole thing, purposely obfuscated the facts to make things look much better than they were. at one point Chernobyl was on the precipice of becoming a 4 megaton nuclear detonation that would have made eastern Europe uninhabitable for a thousand generations. About the only thing good that came out of the whole thing was that it was the beginning of Glasnost when Gorbachev reached out for help from the world community.

They had teams of soldiers whose job it was to kill every animal that was within 30 kilometers, for fear they would carry radiation to nearby Kiev.

Did you all know that the Japanese TV stations are owned by the Big Power Companies that run the Nuclear plants?
It's not possible for a nuclear reactor to explode like a nuclear weapon. Not possible, no way, no how. They can cause rather large conventional, steam explosions but not a nuclear explosion. Here is an article that explains why it's not possible better than I ever could. Enjoy. :joint:



Well-Known Member
There is a political tug of war about nuclear power. It's big money and nuclear power industry is fighting a P.R.

This morning on NPR the news is covering how the displaced Elders are having a difficult time because people are so anchored to where they lived.


Well-Known Member
I understand the reactor that had been leaking water has been patched and is no longer sending radioactive water into the ground water.


Active Member
It is a lovely thing to read. We appreciate the contrast.

What I especially liked was the grammar. Translated concepts from one culture into the language of another offer clues to it's place in the wisdom of the Ages.

We have handled issues of Black and White I think we can afford some liberty to one who is truly outside our cycle.. Our Inner Circle.

I for one would love to read more from what that side of things thinks..
We have nothing to fear. They are the ones with poisonous radiation.

We may not agree with the press release concept of news but I understand the structural necessity for such controlled and delayed presentation.

Losing Face is the greatest shame and these people have more than one face shamed by this disaster which isn't their fault alone. No one has nuclear technology industry the World doesn't approve of.

So yeah it's worse and day by day but that sort of communication is made of respect not political popularity.
We were gifted a rare post.

I warn you will have to face the music on a second round but thanks for the effort!
I have no clue whatsoever, as to who or what you are referring to....but if you happen to be talking about the article/letter I posted...I'm touched that you feel gifted by it.
Admittedly, I did not check it's source or claims, and mentioned that it was merely an email sent by my aunt. I mentioned it appeared legit, but made no claims as to it's authenticity.
I simply found it interesting, and felt it had at least some credibility. I'm not quite sure what you meant about the grammar, and as for your warning about having to face the music on a second round....ugh....I guess I'm not worried about that either.


Well-Known Member
I have no clue whatsoever, as to who or what you are referring to....but if you happen to be talking about the article/letter I posted...I'm touched that you feel gifted by it.
Admittedly, I did not check it's source or claims, and mentioned that it was merely an email sent by my aunt. I mentioned it appeared legit, but made no claims as to it's authenticity.
I simply found it interesting, and felt it had at least some credibility. I'm not quite sure what you meant about the grammar, and as for your warning about having to face the music on a second round....ugh....I guess I'm not worried about that either.
Don't mind me.. I read the whole things as one post. Since you add your point of view it sort of became your post even tho you have an email from your aunt.

I was trying to point to the translation's grammar and sentence structures. That seemed real enough.
No complaints just trying to highlight how Western and Japanese cultures are different.

Pardon me if I was disrespectful.


Well-Known Member
It's not possible for a nuclear reactor to explode like a nuclear weapon. Not possible, no way, no how. They can cause rather large conventional, steam explosions but not a nuclear explosion. Here is an article that explains why it's not possible better than I ever could. Enjoy. :joint:

You are right, Should have said that the resultant explosion would have been COMPARABLE to a 4 megaton nuclear detonation.

Well what I was referring to was the fact that as the core melted through the 3 containment layers (China Syndrome) it was starting to begin the fission process again. If the core would have melted through the foundation and into the large pocket of water that was trapped underneath from firefighting efforts on the first day. the resulting ejection of Material already in a fission state due to the burning of the Graphite coolant and resultant reaction with the graphite, air, water and material in a stage of fission. the result would have been the same. Huge explosion, fallout, death and destruction. They had a giant team of Miners from Toula burrow a tunnel directly underneath the reactor and then they placed a cooling apparatus in hopes of cooling the foundation enough to stop the core from burrowing any further. It worked and now all Russian Nuclear facilities have a special apparatus designed to catch and cool a core meltdown in China Syndrome. Also Graphite is no longer used to cool the core anymore, the graphite made the cleanup much much worse and much more dangerous because it continued to burn even after being covered with sand. The burning ejected material into the atmosphere.



Well-Known Member
Update: Tsunami Warnings Lifted; But Strong Earthquake Rocks Japan

There's been another powerful earthquake off the North Central coast of Japan, near the location of the 9.0-magnitude temblor on March 11 that set off a tsunami that pummeled cities along the coast, leaving thousands dead or missing.
At an estimated magnitude of 7.1, today's quake is the strongest in the area since the March 11 disaster.
Immediately after the quake, the Japan Meteorological Agency a issued tsunami warning — and says the wave's height could be about 2 meters — for part of the coast. A tsunami "advisory" has been issued for parts of the coast further from the epicenter. They might get a wave about half a meter in height.
The Tsunami alert is over but they still are in a world of fear over there.