

Well-Known Member
i would stop pretending nothing's wrong and start paying to get people bussed out of there.

i wouldn't tell them to just stay inside....

and the radiation given off by the sun, or the radiation given off by granite, it isn't the same as the radiation given off by uranium rods used to flash boil thousands of gallons of water per second.... not the same flavor and not the same quantity. a piece of nuclear fuel the size of a grain of salt is enough to kill you if you get too close.

you go ahead, pretend it's the same.... delude yourself....


Active Member
I heard on npr yesterday that shit has already hit the fan with reactor #1, if they are pumping sea water to cool the cores, they won't ever be able to reuse the facility again.


Well-Known Member
I thought this was a weed growing forum…..[/FONT]
I always love it when some completely ignorant person comes into the POLITICS section and lambastes people for talking about politics and not growing weed. IQ never really moved off the bottom ratings did it?


Well-Known Member
If those reactors leak and have a melt down, it won't be China in trouble, it will be the western half of the USA that will die from radiation poisoning within 1 week. no one survives 750 rads, all will die.



Well-Known Member
If those reactors leak and have a melt down, it won't be China in trouble, it will be the western half of the USA that will die from radiation poisoning within 1 week. no one survives 750 rads, all will die.

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that's why they're playing it down over here isn't it??? everybody's all " it's not like chernobyl" "it's not 3 mile island".....

that's right. it's worse. chernobyl and 3 mile island was just a single facility. this is multiple facilities spread out over a pretty large geographic area each with multiple reactors malfunctioning.... it's waaaaay worse....

think of it this way, 3 mile island is a firecracker, chernobyl was a cherrybomb, this could be a 1/4 stick of dynamite.....


Well-Known Member
You do realize that "fall-out" map is a hoax, right?
the only hoax part about it is the rad levels predicted.

you want to doubt that the power of wind???

The caribbean is constantly being dusted by sand from the Sahara, more than 5,000 miles away....


Well-Known Member
"The U.S. 7th Fleet, positioned about 100 miles northeast of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to deliver aid to Japan's coastal region, moved its ships further away due to 'airborne radioactivity' and contamination found on its planes."


Well-Known Member
I heard not to worry about Japan. The new rules by the senate called, follow your leaders. First you debate for 2 weeks don't pass a budget for the year, then take a week off. Next you debate 3 weeks don't pass a budget for the year, then take a week off. While you are off you follow odumbass MARCH MADNESS all the time and the weekends are for golf. So follow your leaders and say FUCK THE WORLD I AM TO BUSY.


Well-Known Member
i would stop pretending nothing's wrong and start paying to get people bussed out of there.

i wouldn't tell them to just stay inside....

and the radiation given off by the sun, or the radiation given off by granite, it isn't the same as the radiation given off by uranium rods used to flash boil thousands of gallons of water per second.... not the same flavor and not the same quantity. a piece of nuclear fuel the size of a grain of salt is enough to kill you if you get too close.

you go ahead, pretend it's the same.... delude yourself....
Who is pretending nothing is wrong? I've been saying all along that this is bad. With all due respect to everybody who believes the radioactivity will reach the U.S. and be significant to cause health problems is probably deluding themselves, and even if it does, where are people going to go? It's not like you can hide from radiation. Where would you have these people bussed to? This is going to be a pretty Hurculean task given that the country just suffered a 9.0 earthquake, among the 5 worst in recorded history, and a major tsunami. A lot of roads are gone. I'd bet a lot of busses are gone. They are having trouble sheltering, feeding and clothing these people. In a perfect world, they would get everybody the hell out of there until they get this situation under control, because anybody near the facility is potentially in grave danger. We are in uncharted territory here folks and this may turn out to be not as bad as people are fearing or it could be a whole lot worse. The Soviet Union detonated the largest nuclear weapon in history, called the Tsar Bomba, this thing had an estimated yield of nearly 50 megatons and nearly killed the crew piloting the plane that dropped it. I would be willing to bet that thing spewed out a shitload more radiation, we won't even talk about all of the testing that the U.S. conducted at Bikini Atoll and other South Pacific islands. Nobody is glowing and nobody has hands growing out of their forehead. These reactors will need to be dealt with after this initial crisis has been contained, and I fear for the people who will take on that task. :sad:



Well-Known Member
the nuclear fuel used back then is baby shit compared to the stuff we have now.

google it.

my cousin's a engineer at a nuclear power plant near by. he's 26 years old and earns 200k per year. we've been talking frequently this week.

he's also a pro-nuclear power buff.... even he's scared that some shit like that might happen where he works... and he designs the fucking control panels n shit....

it's not some minor leak.

not even the gulf oil spill that spewed for what seemed like an eternity contaminated as much as that reactor has already, i shit you not.


Well-Known Member
None of your info says the fallout map is a Hoax, because a hoax is a deliberate attempt to deceive. It might be wrong to some degree, it might not. I highly doubt any government agency will ever paint any picture that isn't the rosiest it can possible be, so I would throw out anything the Government says, they are wrong 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the time anyway. Now you have no evidence for your side whatsoever, now what you gonna do?


Well-Known Member
The Soviet Union detonated the largest nuclear weapon in history, called the Tsar Bomba, this thing had an estimated yield of nearly 50 megatons and nearly killed the crew piloting the plane that dropped it. I would be willing to bet that thing spewed out a shitload more radiation, we won't even talk about all of the testing that the U.S. conducted at Bikini Atoll and other South Pacific islands. Nobody is glowing and nobody has hands growing out of their forehead. These reactors will need to be dealt with after this initial crisis has been contained, and I fear for the people who will take on that task. :sad:

The Tsar bomb was one of the cleanest (relative to its yield) nuclear bombs ever detonated


Well-Known Member
you believe the FEMA guy?? the same people that did a 'hell of a job' during katrina??

the US nuclear regulatory agency is not unlike the Mineral Management Services.... in the back pocket of the industry they're supposed to 'regulate'....phhssshhh..

i'm not buying it. PERIOD. i don't believe that there is nothing wrong, because the people who say nothing is wrong are the ones looking out for the well being of the industry that their supposed to regulate...

each day the area they 'deem to be at-risk' increases in size by a few square miles.... but there's nothing wrong.... i'm calling the bullshit right here and now...


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
None of your info says the fallout map is a Hoax, because a hoax is a deliberate attempt to deceive. It might be wrong to some degree, it might not. I highly doubt any government agency will ever paint any picture that isn't the rosiest it can possible be, so I would throw out anything the Government says, they are wrong 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the time anyway. Now you have no evidence for your side whatsoever, now what you gonna do?
Apparently you didn't read the info on the page. It IS a hoax. No official government service from ANY country put that map out. IT. IS. A. HOAX.


Well-Known Member
the nuclear fuel used back then is baby shit compared to the stuff we have now.

google it.

my cousin's a engineer at a nuclear power plant near by. he's 26 years old and earns 200k per year. we've been talking frequently this week.

he's also a pro-nuclear power buff.... even he's scared that some shit like that might happen where he works... and he designs the fucking control panels n shit....

it's not some minor leak.

not even the gulf oil spill that spewed for what seemed like an eternity contaminated as much as that reactor has already, i shit you not.
What are you talking about? Nuclear fuel used in a hydrogen bomb, or nuclear fuel rods used in electrical power reactors? Look, it is scary shit, but this crap about everybody in the western third of the U.S. receiving irradiated fallout significant enough to cause death is not very likely at all. A nuclear explosion, like in an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb is completely different than the fission chain reaction that happens in a reactor, as is the actual fuel itself. It's virtually impossible for nulcear fuel rods to go critical in a meltdown. You cannot have a nuclear explosion as a result of this, therefore you won't have tons of debris sucked up and scattered like you would in a thermonuclear explosion. There will be and has been a lot of radiation localized. Some irradiated particulate and dust (this is essentially fallout) will get blown around and will make it to North America, but it will be dilluted by then and shouldn't be significant to cause health issues. Again, nobody really knows what the longterm consequences could be and that is the really scary part IMO.:o