
jeff f

New Member
My heart goes out to Japan at this time.

I was offended by the early news and commentaries.
As I remember one of the earliest news I was aware of was that a tsunami had/was happening to Japan.
The point of view of the "show" was financial related. They worried first about oil futures and vaguely commented on the Nation of Japan.

Now that two nuclear plants may fail it's time to think about something more than oil futures.

How do you feel? What do you think?
i didnt see the channel you are refering too, but was it a financial news? they may have been just looking toward the financial/econoic part of it. of course thats in bad taste in the moments after a disaster like this but they may have been just doing their job.

just trying to give people the benefit of the doubt. there arent too many people alive that coud have watched the footage and not had a sick feeling of horror for the human devastation they were watching unfold.


Well-Known Member
You utter lack of empaty regarding human life is astonishing. You should be ashamed to call yourself a human. Are you still holding a WW II grudge dude? As for your comment regarding what's powering up lights, yes, Nuke and oil, and coal, and water, and wind and solar. While I do not dislike nuclear power, I fear this disaster will set back Obama's hopes of seeing 20 new plants built within the next 10 years.

You guy’s are breaking my heart, given the chance 70 years ago the godless heathens would have wiped out every American!!
I thought this was a weed growing forum…..
As far as nuclear power and oil is concerned what do you think is powering your H.P.S bulbs and the other utensils… wake-up and smell the coffee or in this case the Kush…

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I don't want to sound rude but I will anyway! ;) I don't think America can afford to help Japan. If we are looking at a meltdown and it is going to affect us then yeah lets take care of that but if we are going to give them money then no way! We can't even pay our own bills, why borrow money from China to give it to Japan? Why not just sit back and let the rest of the world help out for once? Why is America always the one that is looked at as the one to help? We are having trouble paying our own soldiers. We are supposed to be a great country but we are in deep shit right now finacialy and moraly. We should get our own house in order before we help other people rebuild their houses.

jeff f

New Member
You utter lack of empaty regarding human life is astonishing. You should be ashamed to call yourself a human. Are you still holding a WW II grudge dude? As for your comment regarding what's powering up lights, yes, Nuke and oil, and coal, and water, and wind and solar. While I do not dislike nuclear power, I fear this disaster will set back Obama's hopes of seeing 20 new plants built within the next 10 years.
you actually think obama wants 20 nukes? now thats funny


Moderatrix of Journals
i think it would help to remember that there are actually folks with japanese blood right here on riu that are reading all of this bullshit about heathens and godzilla who haven't yet heard from all of their family members.


Well-Known Member
i think it would help to remember that there are actually folks with japanese blood right here on riu that are reading all of this bullshit about heathens and godzilla who haven't yet heard from all of their family members.
or the more than one member I have seen that is either from Japan or in Japan.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
i think it would help to remember that there are actually folks with japanese blood right here on riu that are reading all of this bullshit about heathens and godzilla who haven't yet heard from all of their family members.
My Sister in in the Marine Corps over in Mt. Fuji right now. I feel for the people and hope all is good but I sure as hell don't want our tax money being waisted over there when our own people can't feed themselves.


Well-Known Member
People like yourself that diss the man should really, REALLY, take the time to know the facts....



Feel free to respond AFTER you have read at least one of the stories linked... ;) Here is CNN, ABC, CBS and the LA Times.... I hope you can trust one of them, sorry FOX NEWS was 404... lol

you actually think obama wants 20 nukes? now thats funny


Well-Known Member
He wants them, going to be next to impossible to get them tho, with the unlimited money fossil fuel companies will throw at politicians to keep it from happening


Moderatrix of Journals
My Sister in in the Marine Corps over in Mt. Fuji right now. I feel for the people and hope all is good but I sure as hell don't want our tax money being waisted over there when our own people can't feed themselves.
the aid can come from wherever it wants to, and that's a valid opinion so i have no beef with that.

but all the folks that want to push their agendas of racism or religiosity on the backs of a suffering nation, go to the hell of your choice and STAY WHERE YOU BELONG.
and for all you folks making nuke, tsunami, and godzilla jokes, YES IT IS WAY TOO SOON; it might have been considered a bit more tactful had you waited until a majority of japanese, japanese-descendents, halfbloods, and people who used to live there confirmed the lives/deaths of their loved ones.


Well-Known Member
You utter lack of empaty regarding human life is astonishing. You should be ashamed to call yourself a human. Are you still holding a WW II grudge dude? As for your comment regarding what's powering up lights, yes, Nuke and oil, and coal, and water, and wind and solar. While I do not dislike nuclear power, I fear this disaster will set back Obama's hopes of seeing 20 new plants built within the next 10 years.
I'm fairly sure this is one of our notorious trolls. Anytime a person signs up at a pot forum and goes straight to the politics section, saying inciteful things, I'd say it's a safe bet that person is a troll. Take a look at his profile page. :fire:


Active Member
My Sister in in the Marine Corps over in Mt. Fuji right now. I feel for the people and hope all is good but I sure as hell don't want our tax money being waisted over there when our own people can't feed themselves.
A nuclear reactor melting down is not just bad news for the Japanese, its bad for everyone living in planet earth. If one of the plant has a total meltdown and it cannot be contained think of the radiation cloud that will be floating around our atmosphere. Think of the food supply that's affected.

I agree that we should be spending our tax dollars carefully, fuck Libya, Japan holds all the 3DS's...


Well-Known Member
Please folks if you can donate some to Red Cross...
Thank you for reminding me to give.
In these days I tend to think of myself alone.

I'll get right on that. I see Facebook and Twitter are making it easy..
I'll look at those and post a new thread for links to donate.


Well-Known Member
For those who suggest we have just cause not to help Japan because of WWII.. Wow, what dark cave did you slither out of?

If we apply that sort of idealogical logic then most Americans would have to leave the USA.
After all we started killing the natives as soon as we got here.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Japan has been a wonderful ally and great friend for a long time now. Even my folks who lived through WWII love the Japanese. How can you not? They are a beautiful people with a beautiful culture. The ignorance and lack of empathy being displayed in this thread is sickening. Millions of people are suffering. They need help. Who gives a shit where it comes from as long as they get help? I don't see anyone pulling the silver spoon from your mouth and the food off your table to feed the Japanese survivors.


Well-Known Member
WW2 was created by men and fought by man, Earthquake/Tsunami a natural Force from the Earth moving at fault... I still don't understand the connection with a natural disaster vs history 70 years ago?? Oh I get it, George Bush is the Earthquake???