Hello Stelthy - just thought I should say thankyou for stopping me from going bed for the last 2 hours.... was meant to get an early night tonight and then I happened upon your thread and have been simply spellbound at your incredible cab................ jesus mate, you have gone to TOWN! I love it!!! I especially love the CCTV, though the MUSIC is simply inspired... I'd love to see to a controlled side-by-side grow to see if music helped.... in fact, imagine an experiment to see which TYPE of music worked best too!!!
I've been considering adding some non-weed plants to my grow. I was in our local poundshop last week and noticed they have got a whole range of stuff already in pots, so I might get a load of them and see how they go (you can't beat poundshops!!!).
Although the toms and soil grow is looking lovely I can't wait to see your cab properly in action with just DWC weed - when do you reckon you'll be starting that? Consider me 'pre-subbed' on that!

Well I am glad my cab/thread has captured your attention, despite depriving you of your sleep

Yeah I tried to improve on alot of issue's I had with my old cab...Funnily I still have a few more modifications to make.. But will hold fire until harvest time

The CCTV has helped out loads and allows me to peek in at my ladies activity without opening the doors and in doing so the house always smells fresh with no bud smells lingering for unwanted noses to pick up upon.
Mostly I play sounds of the rainforest to the ladies.. But on occasion I also play hard trance and rock! It's rumoured that Classical music is the best...However I'd go more with rock or blues..But hey ho, as long as the girls grow thats what counts, it does feel special though...You open the cab and the pseudo rain forest eeryness meets you.
Yeah pound-shops have loads of useful/tacky/cheap bits that come in handy from time to time...I've kitted our house out with mini spotlights from there..We go through summink like 70 batteries in 2 weeks...at Duracell Batteries that would be more than I care to imagine, but thanks to poundland I get the Kodak Batteries from there at £1 per 12/15 and so the Battery bill is largely reduce to a mear £7 ono..
I've not bought any plants from there yet...But I'd like to do Strawberries and Pineapples in the future

I have the GWS in DWC.. but I know what you mean..It'd be nice to see the whole screen filled with evolving cola's

I think I'll prob start summink like that in about 1 month depending when I harvest this batch, Glad you've subbed, Heaps more still to come, Enjoy