patients and caregiver reality check

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Well-Known Member
Also, on a side note, I see a lot of people discontinuing the practice of free meds. Is this a trend or do you see most people moving in this direction? I don't personally care and I can understand wanting to be compensated for the work and service they provide. I talked to someone the other day who was promised half of the crops. I didn't bother to ask all the details just did my best to keep a straight face and told them if their happy go for it. I doubt it would last long. I would maybe consider it if it was once a year and I retained their right to plants for the rest of the year, but then I'd also probably come to my senses.


Well-Known Member
Deprave- Growing weed is not hard work at all! You must make it harder then it has to be?. I can hold my own in indoor as well. Growing weed outside is not illigal at all if you stay within the law...How could it be? and deprave I would grow it for him outside so it is free for everyone- silly

as for the overages getting rid of the overages well there are 1000 ways to deal with them so I will not be bothered with that seeminly obvious answer again.

I tell you what here in the med section the only thing you guys do is create fear.. once again the math does not constitute your minor worries over silly old overages..people are going to the f-ing moon and you can not figure out how to take care of some plants.. well if ya can't figure that out why are you growing?

cmt- the speeding issue is along the eyes of all this... you guys speed every day and still no one is worried about you getting busted.

It seems the med community is based on fear..For if you guys did not keep creating fear you would be outta the easy life.


Well-Known Member
If I can grow weed outdoors..why would I grow it indoors? If I am not smart enough to back all my claims..why waste my time on tring to make michigan a better place?

I find it soo funny you guys talk of fear when you yourself when have balls to grow it in your closets? How many of you whinners harvest over a 2.5 ounces indoor?..If none of ya - then shit you all suck at growing and I should not be talking to you anyway? What do you do wif yure widdle overages indoor law abiding gods gift to growers, growers?


Well-Known Member
Here in California a caregiver has to be an actual caregiver and give care... Do you care for your cousin several hours a week? Is he personally unfit to the point that he cannot grow/procure his own medications? Here in California caregivers are allowed to procure/administer the patients medications for the patient but they are still the patients meds. MJ should be managed like any other prescription drug - as a caretaker I am not allowed to procure 10x the amount of vicodin my patient needs and then treat the "extra" as my own - its illegal for me to assume my patients meds are mine and illegal for me to stockpile them and even illegal for me to procure a large amount for him/her to stockpile. Selling any extras regardless of the price is highly illegal as well (distributing to other patients I give care to and asking for reimbursement of fees is slightly different but even then the MJ should be grown for those particular patients in the first place).

Good luck and stay safe - curious as to how different your laws are.


Well-Known Member
Here in California a caregiver has to be an actual caregiver and give care... Do you care for your cousin several hours a week? Is he personally unfit to the point that he cannot grow/procure his own medications? Here in California caregivers are allowed to procure/administer the patients medications for the patient but they are still the patients meds. MJ should be managed like any other prescription drug - as a caretaker I am not allowed to procure 10x the amount of vicodin my patient needs and then treat the "extra" as my own - its illegal for me to assume my patients meds are mine and illegal for me to stockpile them and even illegal for me to procure a large amount for him/her to stockpile. Selling any extras regardless of the price is highly illegal as well (distributing to other patients I give care to and asking for reimbursement of fees is slightly different but even then the MJ should be grown for those particular patients in the first place).

Good luck and stay safe - curious as to how different your laws are.

I take care of him enough to make sure his marijuana is free...does that about sum up your inquirey?


Well-Known Member
I take care of him enough to make sure his marijuana is free...does that about sum up your inquirey?
Giving free marijuana is not the same as giving care. No, does not sum it up at all.

I dont think anyone here is trying to be an ass just trying to inform. I was trying to do the same as you which is why I know what I do.


Well-Known Member
you guys are missing the point...all im saying is you'll be putting yourself at risk due to the law, thats it. i support what you're doing. i would do it too if the risk wasn't so great.

as to the free meds, when i have an abundance, they're given away for free...when i'm a bit low, i charge what i got into it, not lookin to make money, just get back what i put into it. i think thats how it all should be. im not cool with people that charge 10-30 a gram when they only have 3-6 bucks a gram into it.


Well-Known Member
Giving free marijuana is not the same as giving care. No, does not sum it up at all.

I dont think anyone here is trying to be an ass just trying to inform. I was trying to do the same as you which is why I know what I do.

my patient has wilsons diesease he is able to take his own meds and is loved and cared for by his wife and family.. I however get him out hunting, hanging out and having fun - threw his disease he has lost the ability to drive and other things.

I see my end of his healing as a stress free enviremont - giving him more time and energy "healing" rather then try to schuffle 200 for a bag of dope.


Well-Known Member
you guys are missing the point...all im saying is you'll be putting yourself at risk due to the law, thats it. i support what you're doing. i would do it too if the risk wasn't so great.

as to the free meds, when i have an abundance, they're given away for free...when i'm a bit low, i charge what i got into it, not lookin to make money, just get back what i put into it. i think thats how it all should be. im not cool with people that charge 10-30 a gram when they only have 3-6 bucks a gram into it.

I paid money for certain rights already cmt- why pay for them again? If the law bothers me I will sue them easy enough.


Well-Known Member
but you have no rights when you go over your limits or grow illegally outside. know what i mean? granted getting busted is a slim chance, and im pretty sure you have a few outdoor grows under your belt. my post was nothing more than a be careful.


Well-Known Member
Also, on a side note, I see a lot of people discontinuing the practice of free meds. Is this a trend or do you see most people moving in this direction? I don't personally care and I can understand wanting to be compensated for the work and service they provide. I talked to someone the other day who was promised half of the crops. I didn't bother to ask all the details just did my best to keep a straight face and told them if their happy go for it. I doubt it would last long. I would maybe consider it if it was once a year and I retained their right to plants for the rest of the year, but then I'd also probably come to my senses.
I have no idea? I am trying to sway to the way that many will hand out free meds.. they will have too, if more like me come into the picture.


Well-Known Member
but you have no rights when you go over your limits or grow illegally outside. know what i mean? granted getting busted is a slim chance, and im pretty sure you have a few outdoor grows under your belt. my post was nothing more than a be careful.

cmt - we were met before this thread came about and we will talk after it is buried - I like your input and always have. I am just pissed that no -one can hear me when I say it will be legal?. and I don't know why they cannot hear that? so I bend the law stashing some aint no biggie to me or any real person?

all of ya- yea I have a overage issue - but fuck anyone that is good at growing indoor has the same damn why are they all making a fuss? Things will and can be very legal through the whole process.. just basically free.

I believe that a caregiver should and has a responsibility to be-friend all his patience. And quit trying to make someones disability into your "land of milk and honey"

scum is what most of you are ya know. I did not make this thread to make freinds but yet to open michigans mindset.. There will be a point at which I will teach all that want to learn just " how easy it is". for free


Active Member
I believe that a caregiver should and has a responsibility to be-friend all his patience. And quit trying to make someones disability into your "land of milk and honey"
Motivations are personal and some are looked on in a better light than others. If I had a grower, I would want them to believe the above.


Well-Known Member
With the recent appeals court decision, you can NOT grow out doors....further more your ENCLOSED room must be locked even if it is in a locked house!


Well-Known Member
I know where you're coming from. It's real easy to go over with a single plant, let alone and outdoor beastie. Thing is your season is shorter outdoors. Indoors you can harvest one a week easily all year long and have it all in limits with a couple patients. How many would be needed to cover 5 8 footer's? Besides, not everyone truly has the option for one or the other, indoor/outdoor. Some like yourself are able to do both. I personally would like to grow out but can't, or want to wait for the Law to "calm down".


New Member
Ceph, I have a veteran friend out in Cali who smokes for his PTSD and some other stress-related issues due to his job in the military, and he can smoke an ounce a week. I'd say it all just depends on your individual needs.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
If you don't mind me asking..How are you using 2.5z in less than a month? Do you use a lot of edidables , concentrates, oils?
okay, so in a month i consume 1.25 oz ... so it might last me two months. it all depends on the quality of the meds and often i medicate. but, with strong meds, i consume 1.25oz a month easily via smoking.
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