patients and caregiver reality check

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Well-Known Member
I'm not judging by any means just seemed a little high, hope what you're doing is working. I totally agree about the quality of med. Lordw I don't doubt it. Personally I think I'd be tired out smoking a ounce a week and thats partly why I asked about consuming 2.5 a month. I half way expected that there was an alternative to smoking being used. I've been working with methods for my patients, so I'm always interested in hearing peoples personal results.


Well-Known Member
Boy oh Boy am I still seeing concerns about the aspect of the locked facility? WTF does it take for any of you to understand that it will be a locked facility?

I have still have not heard of what you expensive growers do with you ever so precious but toxic material overages that must be handled with the slightest of care?

you guys blow my mind.. with your paranoia implantation shit.. I was growing dope 15 years ago while in high school have had pounds and pounds and pounds of overages and yet here I am today .. But now with a permit

One very last time it will be legal grow.


New Member
Didn't think you were judging, ceph. Sorry, I come across pretty blunt at times. I tone it back a lot, but it still slips through occasionally.

Personally, I don't think that greed has anything to do with MOST... not all but MOST caregivers decision to charge. We're still in the recession and haven't really started coming out. I don't care what the politicians say about it, this thing started with a credit meltdown at the highest levels, and housing prices are still dropping.... so that means we're still in it. Okay, enough politics and back to my point. Recession... we're still in it and there's not enough jobs, people are out of work. Think about all the 99'ers we have here in MI thanks to the Auto Industry's part in the recession.

Now, add another fact to that mix: Most of us do NOT want to make money from illicit sales.

Leaves us with a few choices: 1.) Grow and sell medical mj to patients only. 2.) Sell to the real dealers. and 3.) Don't grow at all.

Now, if you're a patient who intends to be a caregiver as well and follow the law, there's really no choice here... you grow and SELL to patients only.

Hic, you really should read the law a bit more closely, it's pretty clear. As a caregiver, we're allowed 5 patients. If you are your own patient, that drops it to 4. This is important because patients are allowed a max of 2.5oz in their possession. Caregivers are allowed to keep up to 2.5oz per patient, allowing them a total maximum weight of 12.5oz on hand at any given time.

Beagle is right, I've read the appeals court decision about outdoor growing. I may think outdoor growing is great, I may think indoor growing is the shit, but none of that matters now because, until the appeals court decision is overturned by proof that an outdoor facility can be secured... I MUST grow Indoors.

Hic, I like your enthusiasm. That's good. But sadly, you ARE growing illegal if you grow outside. You ARE growing illegal if you EVER possess more than 2.5oz per patient. And please, for your own sake, don't sell under the table.

I applaud those of you who have the money to afford the freebies... good on you for helping. Not all of us can afford to be so charitable. My priorities are Family, Me, Friends, then everybody else... in that order. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to charge till life deals me and my wife a better hand in the job department, our family's welfare demands income, and Family comes first above all.


Well-Known Member
Lord Winter I never said I have 5 patince...I only have 1 patient. I do not even have a medi card but I do have a care giver card. I was only going to grow a few plants. Not even 12 so c-mon guys, I have read the law very close... For if I had not it would not be wise to pick a fight - would it not? also if your priorities are for you and your family you should go find a better job somewhere and leave the caring to people that have the ability to do so.

And one more time - it will be a legal outdoor growing facility. I cannot believe how many times that has come up. blah blah it will be legal. I am wondering if any of you can find any other issues other than the overages and the facility - because again you are all worried about milk that will not ever spill!


Well-Known Member
Boy oh Boy am I still seeing concerns about the aspect of the locked facility? WTF does it take for any of you to understand that it will be a locked facility?

I have still have not heard of what you expensive growers do with you ever so precious but toxic material overages that must be handled with the slightest of care?

you guys blow my mind.. with your paranoia implantation shit.. I was growing dope 15 years ago while in high school have had pounds and pounds and pounds of overages and yet here I am today .. But now with a permit

One very last time it will be legal grow.
I like you hic - having read many of your posts during my MI research over the months. I really do like your zeal, but your overweening sense of entitlement scares me.


Well-Known Member
This is important because patients are allowed a max of 2.5oz in their possession. Caregivers are allowed to keep up to 2.5oz per patient, allowing them a total maximum weight of 12.5oz on hand at any given time.
From what I understand, the general consensus on the MI forums seems to be that a caregiver may have five patients as well as grow for themselves (72 plants total and 15 oz dried medicine). Please correct me if I am mistaken.


Well-Known Member
fourtwentychat - hey thanks for the break from defense for a bit. I am sorry my entitlement scares you a bit.

I also wanna take this chance and ask that you guys hit me one at a time so that I may properly gaurd myself, and then I can have a good explanation to questions asked of me.. as it is now it is going to fast and I feel some people are being overlooked- thanks

cmt - don't worry dude I'll see on the flip side I almost can't take it either. But it has to be done or it will get to the point of being no good- peace cmt


New Member
fourtwenty, that's another gray area in the law, to be honest. The legislators spent so much time deciding what we COULD do, that they forgot to adequately address what we could NOT do. Some things are clear... like how much a patient can have at a time, how many patients you can have as a caregiver, the weight you can have per patient. But you're right, that's definitely another way of looking at the framework they've given us. Problem is, till we get some test cases to see which way the judge is gonna rule, there's no way of knowing. A good expectation to live by, though, is that the authorities and the judicial system is going to interpret that as narrowly as possible, it's their job. Expect to count as your own patient if you also have a card. I already do because I'm among those who have no intention of being a test case for the gray areas, which is why I also speak from a conservative viewpoint on our current laws. If we don't get at least med legalization on a federal level soon, we're headed for a huge court battle over states' rights in this country, or we're headed back to the dark ages.

Hic, you just made my point for me. By having only one patient, you have REDUCED the amount of overage you can legally keep. It doesn't matter what you believe, or what you think, or even what your opinion is... the law says that we can only have the pot for medical purposes, anything you possess over the limits we've been given is illegal... anything that you do with that overage that involves general distribution is illegal. It's just foolish to think otherwise. The Feds are suing MI because they won't release the patient/caregiver lists.

As for your "job" comment... my wife and I made great money driving most of the prototypes that Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury put into production during the '08, '09, and '10 model year. Even got to take the Expeditions and Navigators offroad and kick them around in the mud and muck. My favorite was driving the MKZ from Lincoln. The '09 MKZ was a sweet little ride. Heated seats.... mmm. Then we got laid off.

So, what have you done with your time besides making confrontational posts about legal issues you don't understand?

So... that's it, my bag of troll food is empty for the day. See you all tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Lordof whatever - I have chose to spend my time and money freeing peoples mind as to not needing people like you for growing a plant. How much of your life are you going to dedicate when it has nothing to do with making money.. not much I am sure..

Most of all of you grew dope when it was illegal, and jumped like crack whores when the law read in your favour, would any of you ever lose money on this caregiving endevour?

fuck no you would not because for most of you it is all about me, me,me and not the one with aids, or cancer or anything else.. when you chop the bud you think me, me, me. you are not caregivers at all.

you are what the government feared, all along with your greed.

also lord I bet you can get a job down south - take a look. also you just my point with the only reaon you are in it is for the money.I am sorry you and wife can no longer drive around those silly cars but why should someone pay for your mistake?


Well-Known Member
fourtwentychat - been really busy today! I forgot to tell you good luck, also I would like to tell you I like your vocab. It's better then mine and is totally cool.. I bet you have some real good words hidden in that head.. I would love to hear more of them one day - it's like a breath of fresh air " your vocabulary".


Well-Known Member
Why thank you zzyx and just for that nice comment if you ever find yourself in need of free seeds or clones or meds for that matter look me up. If you do indeed have a medcard


Well-Known Member
Giving free marijuana is not the same as giving care. No, does not sum it up at all.

I dont think anyone here is trying to be an ass just trying to inform. I was trying to do the same as you which is why I know what I do.
I did not take time with this one - please feel free to ask anything you wish. I was very busy saturday and probly should not have started this thread until I could sit on my butt for a couple days - again am sorry about the fast paced answer I gave before and it was irresponsible of me not to take the time the first time.


Well-Known Member
Yea it will be spring is almost here.. but what does it matter anyway you will probly be stuck "indoors"? cabin fever thats cool - at least I do not get the summer blues!


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I was not even going to get into it.. but it looks like I have too.. Cabin Fever eh? What would you all say if I were to say that in even the indoor world my patient does not pay me a dime for 2.5 oz's a month..remember you guys wanted this! I was not even going to talk about indoor on this one but got accused of cabin fever - never mind the fact that newbie does not know I lived in Alaska for 4 years and knows nothing of this thing they call "cabin fever".. o-well



Well-Known Member
1 thing I FIND FUNNY. If any of you Bagging on HIC actually grow LEGALLY. do you simply throw away your Excess Bud? cause your over the limit
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Pretty defensive over a harmless post hic, with the cabin fever comment I meant how everyone is on their keyboards bitching at each other because people do not spend as much time outside in the cold weather. You do not know me and what I do indoors and outdoors. I was not refering to what your patients pay for how much a month nor do I care. I have read on other threads that you did live in Alaska and I am sure it was a great experience. Why the aggression hic? I do not believe thse negative comments are going to help you in your future caregiving,dispensary,seed bank or whatever business you might end up getting into.


Well-Known Member
Kindone - 1 st and foremost I do not care about a silly seedbank or a dispesary for that matter, I do not even care if I take on any more then one patient.. because no matter what happens with that shit it will not effect MY future only others around me.

so as to worrying about my future prospects don't waste your time on it because my future is already set and I do not care either way what I do! They only thing left for me for the next 30 years is to help people out helping grow dope dirt cheap.

I do however dis-like many of these self proclaimed saints whinning about the overages.

Patients of Michigan if your caregiver cared about you he would get his grow expenses from other means then from you..they do already they just wanna look like saints for some reason and say they do not? How the hell were your caregivers up and running the day the law changed? They been doing this for a while and you just make them legal.

There is so much shit you crooked caregivers tac on to shit anyways! How many of you sillies went to a marijuana growing school? If any of then we have to go back to the point that is - why should they pay for your mistakes? the internet is free.. self proclaimed saints - too funny
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