Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Is it really freedom if I am free to rob you at gun point? That might be freedom to me, but it's oppression to you. Same applies to economics. Glass-steagal may have limited the freedom of banks, but it was really limiting their freedom to rob you. When we deregulated the banks, they robbed us. Economic regulations limit the freedom of the ultra wealth for the purpose of enhanced economic freedom of the majority.
Economic regulations may limit the freedom of a small group of people, but they give the rest of us freedom from economic oppression.
If you "regulate" something isn't that a restriction or a reduction of freedom?
I'm not for robbing anybody at gunpoint, hence I am against involuntary taxation and regulation and government intervention into peaceful people's lives.
Why are you for limiting the freedom of a small group of people? You say you want to "give freedom" by restricting somebody is this done? If you want to be free from economic oppression, wouldn't you want to limit government which has been an enabler of "economic oppression" ?