My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member

Quick update:
Today was rezzy change so... I drained the water and clean everything with a very very weak mix of water and bleach. Filled it back up with well water with no nutes. Even though I have an extra pump the whole process took me around 1 1/2 hrs, I need to find a better way to do it.

Temps 75f
Water temp 67f
RH 50%
PH 5.8 (had to use a lot of ph down this time comes at 7.5 out of the well)
PPM 158 (well water no nutes)

Here you can see the nute burn on the :leaf:. hope the water with no nutes will help.:peace:



Well-Known Member
dont know if you have this or not, but a lot of people in hydro have duplicate rez setups. so for you, you would have 4 5 gallon buckets, 2 in use, and 2 clean ready for rez changes. This way all you do is mix up the replacement rez, and switch everything out. You have a few days to clean the old stuff, or if you have the time do it right then. dont know if this is something you can do, but its a thought.

I need to get my well water checked. mine is less than 40 feet deep though, so I could have some extra garbage I dont wont there. my local pool supply said they do it for free on the spot, just aint got my lazy ass to take a sample in yet.


Well-Known Member
dont know if you have this or not, but a lot of people in hydro have duplicate rez setups. so for you, you would have 4 5 gallon buckets, 2 in use, and 2 clean ready for rez changes. This way all you do is mix up the replacement rez, and switch everything out. You have a few days to clean the old stuff, or if you have the time do it right then. dont know if this is something you can do, but its a thought.

I need to get my well water checked. mine is less than 40 feet deep though, so I could have some extra garbage I dont wont there. my local pool supply said they do it for free on the spot, just aint got my lazy ass to take a sample in yet.
that's a great idea have to see what can I come up with. do you use your well water at all? what's wrong with it? I would say get your lazy ass off the couch and take the sample :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Day 15 update:

Temps 75f
water temp 68f
RH 48%
ph 6.2 (it was 5.8 last night and 6.8 this morning)
PPMs 150 (well water no nutes)

Here are some more pics nothing really interesting.
you can see the :leaf: nute burn and how the new growth looks so much better after I changed back to well water without nutes , and I'm guessing they like the 400w too.



Well-Known Member
Thanks theorganic!! no heat issues with the 400w in there ,temp stays at 74-76 during lights. with the 1k I have to vent the exhaust to another room.PPMs are at 208.


Well-Known Member
that's a great idea have to see what can I come up with. do you use your well water at all? what's wrong with it? I would say get your lazy ass off the couch and take the sample :bigjoint:
my well water comes out with a pH of 4'ish. And I think because it is so shallow run off play a larger role in the trace elements content. I need to get it checked, but I am going to go back to using it because my rain/snow water supply has run out, as has my RO supply. get tired of buying water, so no more unless i have problems.!

oh, where is the recirculation at? am I missing something? I dont see any drip tubes or rings, man am I that F'ed up :???:


Well-Known Member

4ish? thats a lot lower than mine. mine comes out at around 7.3 . recirculation meaning a fan? the fan its in a corner but if you are referring to the water, it goes from the control bucket to the two site buckets, the 1/2" feed line its inside the buckets right under the lit. I don't top feed, only the root so... no need for drip or rings and gravity takes it back to the control through the 3/4" return lines at the bottom of the buckets. I used snow the first week and that's when I had all that slime problem, don't know if it has anything to do with it probably it was already in the buckets or in the hydroton,but I stopped using it. i'm stiking with well water from here on.

so... probably you are that F'ed up:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Day 16 and time is flying by.

Temps 74f
Water temp 67f
RH 51%
ph 5.8
PPMs 230 (no nutes , wrote 150 yesterday that was wrong)

They are doing alot better than a week ago. You can clearly see the diferent from the new growth and those first burnt leafs. Ph was fluctuating a litle bit but i think i got it under control. I was hoping for more grow, but I think they are growing at a ok and steady pace?

roots pictures
day 16



Well-Known Member
ok, thats what you mean by "R"DWC. I take RDWC 2 ways, one the way your doing it, and for some reason I think top feeding or a drip ring is RDWC. well they say the top feeding drip rings really help. So if you ever think about it, you can get he General Hydro drip ring kit for like $10-$20, depending where you get it!!!

plants are looking much better. I am hoping to see that Hydro explosion of growth soon with the roots getting so large :D


Well-Known Member
New growth lookin great!

I run mine the same as you have it melazapura. I dont like to top feed i think it deposits too much salt on the hydroton. I ran a top feed when i was running just water before the roots made it to the buckets. I have my pump cycle for 15 mins every hour, seems to work good for me. I found that every drip ring/emitter that i got cloged and stopped working good after a week or so. It takes me about a hour to do a res change as well. But once my plants are in flower i dont clean their buckets anymore only the control. I broke two plants a while back trying to move them around and once they are in the screen i dont fuck with them anymore. Lookin good Buddy! They should really start growing now!


Well-Known Member
hey dirt free you just answer a question I had without you even knowing it, your good!!! I was wondering about how to do a change and cleaning while in flowering this morning so thanks. Plants are two weeks old and they have their first real three leafs should I go ahead and nute them with a 1/4 strengh??? oh and how do i rep somebody????


Well-Known Member
I would wait a lil bit longer on the nutes. If so very little. They are still recovering.

You can swap buckets if they arent tall. But i dont touch my buckets after the screen goes in at about 2-3 week of flower. When i add freash water after the clean i add a lil H2o2 to the control and let it flush around a while then add my nutes a day or so later. Remember dont use bleach or h202(peroxcide) with organic nutes, it kills bennifcal bacteria.

The rep, is the star looking thing under your name next to "journal this post".


Well-Known Member
Day 19, and again nothing interesting going on, just trying to keep my progress here for future references.

added 1/4 strengh nutes about 2 days ago, but only raised the PPMs from the normal well water 200 to 360. I'm trying to figure out what this phenotype likes or needs.

Temps 74f (lights on)
Water temp 68f
PH 6.0
RH 48%
PPMs 360

some pics I took this morning





Well-Known Member
quick update... did a water change today and ran out of PH down so ordered some and also got delivered today some Diamond nectar,florablend,floranectar,liquid koolbloom and flora kleen to flush at the end of flowering or whenever My noob ass overfert them.I'll post some pics in the next few days:peace:


Well-Known Member
Fimed both plants above the 3rd node, trying to get four tops gowing for LST.

Checked them this morning and they looked like they were getting a litle burnt from the light. I set the 400w 12" above them 3 weeks ago and forgot about it so...I raised it to 30"... we"ll see what happens from there.

Got the PH-down delivered today... Good!! because I was about to use my DIY acid PH-down. Ph has been at around 6.8 all week, very high! so... got it down to 6.

Here are some pics before the FIM was performed


Here are some pics after FIMed


Well-Known Member
looks like some good growth!! cant wait to see you break out the big 1000watter :hump: wont be long :weed: