I'm sorry there 80mg but how the fuck did I get clumped in there? Either you fucked up or you are a moron.
Nah I didn't fuck up. I just thought your story was funny. I got my own (chil lout im not dissing you =p )
There was this kid in my HS class. I only been smoking on the weekends then but he said he had some BANGIN dro. He said he'd give me a quater for 40 bucks. So after school I go behind the bleachers, he pulls out the bag and it's regs (mad seeds and all) with some blueberry syrup sprayed on it. I told him I wasnt intrested and walked away. As I walked away he was yelling "your missing out on the dankes dank in al lthe town! your loss!"
Another story that proves karma is a bitch. I had this guy I was dealing with for about 8 years. MAD cool. I would sell for him sometimes he'd give me shit on the arm. Then he got addicted too heroin. One night I got ihm a awesome connect I knew. Like top quality reggs for 800 a pound. He said he'd give me an ounce and a oxycontin for the connect as payment.
Anyway its freezing cold rain, he does the deal, my guy leaveswas in a hurry. I stood behind to get what was owed. He starts saying how he got better numbers this and that how I didnt realyl deserve that much. I tolf him tough shit, a deal is a deal. His sister gets involved and there talking. Im outside his house 4o minutes in the rain. Finally he comes with the ounce. I look. Wheres the oxy I ask he says that he was already hooking me up and he "needed" it. I started BUGGING out his sister came over too say something I went "BITCH DON'T EVEN TRY THAT I WANT MY FUCKING PILL" They just look at each other and she gave hi ma pil ltoo give too me.
About a month later that was al lforgotten and he gave me some "hydro sour" on the arm. It was the brickiest brick I ever seen. Complete shit. Ands he wanted 1200 for the 2 ounces! I took it on the arm. And called him saying "hey i sold it fast i need mroe I got your money" we pull up and he gives it to me (prbly cause he knew me so long) and I look at it and go "this bud is just very...phill (which was the code word)" and we pull off histerical laughing. So i got a qp for free. Karma is a bitch
As for crypt keeper. Your the one who is retarded. Enjoy your cheap beef when the communist Chinese are invading us with the money from unpatriotic people like you. you wanna know why are economy is fucked up? look in the mirror. We're a cunt hair away from going to war with China in the future and your supporting them, and taking away American jobs. Why because it's cheaper? Are you really THAT broke? If you are I apoligise you don't have much of a choice. But if you got the money, and are doing it so you can go buy an extra dubie or something. Your an asshole and should go move to China now before hand so atleast you score brownie points with the gov't before the reds are in our backyard telling us what to eat, what to wear, what your job is, how many kids you can have. Enjoy that burger (old mailed burger).