any other farmers in here?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
it was that asparagus deal that got me awhile back........I grow organic now..........but the lead was a humor thing cause the blame china for everything that goes wrong...........lead in toys and shit...........not sterotypeing...........
China was picked apart a hundred years ago by the western forces, now they can only detract from them with propaganda. I do love the west. We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. India and China have the most cattle. Cheap prices for cheap labor. ;)


Well-Known Member
China was picked apart a hundred years ago by the western forces, now they can only detract from them with propaganda. I do love the west. We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. India and China have the most cattle. Cheap prices for cheap labor. ;)
How do you get the beef? a local store or shipped to you some how? Kinda interested......

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
No more talk?!? I thought we where having an entertaining conversation. Talking about the degeneration of American farming and the influx of imports to fill the gap. Disappointing.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
No more talk?!? I thought we where having an entertaining conversation. Talking about the degeneration of American farming and the influx of imports to fill the gap. Disappointing.
ok only 2% of the american population are personally owned farm land operators. and of those over 69% are at retirement age already (my grandpa worked on the farm till the day he died at 97). I already have an open line of credit with my bank, so guess who's getting that land :). There will always be more cities, but there will never be more land.


Well-Known Member
you all do know when he said 130 billion acres it wasnt a number out of his hat..........thats the land mass of the whole world not counting water ways oceans and stuff. My bad I meant counting all.


Well-Known Member
i used to farm the sea. it's been years since i've been out there. it's a whole different world out there. i've seen wild killer whales playing. there's not really much left to farm out there anymore, other then a few crabs.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i used to farm the sea. it's been years since i've been out there. it's a whole different world out there. i've seen wild killer whales playing. there's not really much left to farm out there anymore, other then a few crabs.

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You aren't talking about the Haight-Ashbury in a weird metaphor are you. o_O I know you did your fair share of hippie partying back in the day. You talk about falling into harder drugs like Meth all the time. The crabs reference would be funny if you are. :D Kudos.


Active Member
I grew up on a small farm, and like you guys, wanted to leave and never see another bale of hay or head of cattle in my life. Now, I would love to be a farmer. In fact, my wife of 11 years hears me quite often say "Man! I wish I could be a farmer for a living". Thank you so much for this thread because I never knew about the loans and grants, I will be looking into that in the very near future. Do you suggest where to start? We are at a stage in our life where we can do what we want because our daughter has graduated and moved on, but still young enough to start a farm. We were looking to make a change this year, I may just end up a farmer lol...


Well-Known Member
cryptkeeper, you're so ignorant to what you're talking about, its not even worth it. i'm not going to touch anything you just said because it won't get through your thick skull anyway.

fdd - is that you in that picture or are you just messin around? sometimes i cant tell with you.. :-P

GodSlave, if you're looking for gov't money for farming the best thing to do is contact your local ASCS Office and ask them about gov't grants and loans.

and now i'm going to bed, have fun clogging up my thread with b.s cryptkeeper.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
cryptkeeper, you're so ignorant to what you're talking about, its not even worth it. i'm not going to touch anything you just said because it won't get through you're thick skull anyway.
and now i'm going to bed, have fun clogging up my thread with b.s cryptkeeper.
Well aren't you just infinitely superior! Is it fun flying around on your cloud of right while we drift along in the sea of wrong? Go fuck yourself. :finger: Sit 'n spin bitch.


Well-Known Member
cryptkeeper, you're so ignorant to what you're talking about, its not even worth it. i'm not going to touch anything you just said because it won't get through your thick skull anyway.

fdd - is that you in that picture or are you just messin around? sometimes i cant tell with you.. :-P

GodSlave, if you're looking for gov't money for farming the best thing to do is contact your local ASCS Office and ask them about gov't grants and loans.

and now i'm going to bed, have fun clogging up my thread with b.s cryptkeeper.

i grew up on a commercial salmon boat in northern california. it was pretty cool. :cool:

my dad still does it. :)