any other farmers in here?


Well-Known Member
I trully believe that my success in growing The Herb is a direct link to my upbringing. I was a kid and did not have a hand in the daily operations of running the fields. I was just around it. The weekends and summertime is when I would work.

Some of the people I have met in the Seattle area who have spent a couple grand on a set-up and a nute line but can't grow anything worth a shit.

One cat that comes to mind had a nice room setup. He SHOULD have been growing some Fire. 2x600 for each ML and HPS. No cool tubes. Room was split down the middle but he was goin to rely on having windows open to control air flow and temp. 1 oscallating (spelling) fan on each side. He was about 10 years younger so listening to me was not a priority but when I told him he was goin to have issues with both heat and air flow he basically blew me off....

So when he crops out he hits me up for a "Bomb deal on some Jock Horror Fire!" His words.

200 a zip

Take a ride to his house. I'm anxious to see how this came out. He was telling me the whole time growin how dank it smelled and how bomb it was lookin... Ya know the lines...

HOLY SHIT!!!!! I could have went out in my back yard and smoked some of my lawn clippings and I would have gotten a better high! 4 Bong bowls later. Party bowls that is. All I had was a fuckin headache. All this shit looked like was hairs, leaves, and stems. No Nice nugs! No Buds!! Nothing!!!

When he told me he was high, I shat a Golden Brick right then. My reaction was shock then mass laughter! He really thought he grew soms bomb shit! When I told him I was not interested in getting the zip, he was not to pleased! We had it out and went our separate ways.

I had heard through the grape vine that on New Years Eve night, someone broke into his place and stole his equipment.... Karma's a Mother Fucker.


Active Member
I'm not a farmer, but I admire anyone who chooses to be one.
I think a lot of people are naive when they first start growing their own smoke.
Auldone, maybe you could have suggested a good seed bank and hinted on a few good strains to your friend who thought his weed was the bomb.


Well-Known Member
i worked on my aunt and uncles beef ranch/feed lot every summer back when i was in high school, my cousins oldest son still runs it. i have a couple of acres and grow my own vegatables and buy and sell chickens now. wrangling chickens is a lot easier than beef cattle.


Well-Known Member
i worked on my aunt and uncles beef ranch/feed lot every summer back when i was in high school, my cousins oldest son still runs it. i have a couple of acres and grow my own vegatables and buy and sell chickens now. wrangling chickens is a lot easier than beef cattle.
have you ever tried to catch a chicken on the loose when stoned LOMAO had a friend one time try to catch one of my banty roosters.....while stoned......not sure who won tht fight I was laughing so hard.


Well-Known Member
We have always had cattle (not many, usually anywhere from 25-50). My dad owns quite a bit of land and he usually just lets another guy cut and keep the hay. Pretty good deal though, they fertilize the ground and keep it clean.


Well-Known Member
I grew up on a farm in Wyoming. Chickens, horses, Cattle, Goats, hogs and Sheep, lots of sheep. Soybeans, alfalfa and sugar beets is what we grew. I hated moving the irrigation stuff all the time. Learned to drive at 8 years old on a 1941 Farmall "M" tractor with a 271 cubic inch inline 4 cylinder that had a bad dog on the third gear and you had to feather the clutch to get it to engage. Top speed 15MPH in 5th gear. I remember always chasing down sheep and mending fences. Got my toe broken when a big ole mama sow stepped on my foot on the way up the ramp to the weigh in box. My 4H heiffer got a bad case of boils and I had to go cut them open and drain them, YUCK!! Lots of experiences that will stay with me forever. The Farm is gone now, parents sold it so they could move out west. I still look for old farmsteads for sale, something about the freedom one feels when providing for all your needs with your own 2 hands.


Well-Known Member
i apologize for shortening up your posts, just didnt want it to be that long. i also apologize if i missed anyones post.

just got back from an 11 hour road trip around the michigan thumb area, tractor shopping. my dad and i are looking to buy a john deere 7810 mfwd. we stumbled across are real nice one for 68 grand, its like brand new. gotta meet with the banker to sign papers then that bitch is ours. :hump: i'm pretty excited, we havent bought any new used equipment in about 15 years. and her she is:

LMAO. Every other post in this thread starts off with "Yeah, it is very sad..." and then it goes into sizing up each others land. Hilarious.
you'll think it's sad too when you're paying 10 bucks for a box of cereal. i dont understand why this is funny, its no different than you going on here and telling people what your marijuana grow consists of. please stay out of my thread, thank you.

I grew up farming mostly row-crops, soybeans, dent corn and some wheat...
nice, thanks for stopping in. hell yeah man, i feel ya. i'm going nuts right now, i havent been in a tractor since early october. grow whatever you can this year man, the prices are sky high.

Ya know. I'm not a farmer nor is anyone in my familly. But the joy I get in growing my marijuana makes me wanna be one. It's just about the most rewarding thing I've ever done.
yup, i feel just as much pride in my weed as i do my crops....i just wish i could sell my weed to the rest of the country by the semi load like i do corn and beans.
you also need to like to gamble, farming is a big crap shoot lol.

I trully believe that my success in growing The Herb is a direct link to my upbringing...
agreed. all my success is directly linked to being a farm kid. it made me grow up fast as well, while my friends were riding bikes and playing kick the can i was out makin money lol...boy i miss the days of hourly wages..

I'm not a farmer, but I admire anyone who chooses to be one.
I think a lot of people are naive when they first start growing their own smoke.
Auldone, maybe you could have suggested a good seed bank and hinted on a few good strains to your friend who thought his weed was the bomb.
thanks, i appreciate you saying so.

i worked on my aunt and uncles beef ranch/feed lot every summer back when i was in high school, my cousins oldest son still runs it. i have a couple of acres and grow my own vegatables and buy and sell chickens now. wrangling chickens is a lot easier than beef cattle.
lol no way, i can herd cattle like a mother uncle has a chicken farm and i help him for extra cash and those chickens are hard to chase down.

We have always had cattle (not many, usually anywhere from 25-50). My dad owns quite a bit of land and he usually just lets another guy cut and keep the hay. Pretty good deal though, they fertilize the ground and keep it clean.
thats the way to do it right there, especially hay, i cant wait til i can afford to rent out all my dirt. and i'm sure i'll always have a few cows, the fresh beef is just too good.

I grew up on a farm in Wyoming....
were you actually taught how to drive, or was it like my situation where i was told to hop in the 4020 (old john deere) and go cut hay? no lessons. i was around 8 or 9 too, my mom was so pissed when i told her that when i got home that day lol. i HATE fixing fence, thats the worst part of owning livestock. oh yeah, experiences for sure, i cant even remember how many times ive been buried up to my elbow in cow pussy while pulling a calf. thats too bad they sold, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Well-Known Member
you say that as you laugh at us for using our freedom of speech. you're calling your posts valuable?

i asked you to please stay out, very nicely, and said i dont understand why you're laughing and then you tell me to shut the fuck up? grow up.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Very rudely. While denying me my freedom of speech. Also you accused me of saying your posts are funny which I didn't. So you're lying and being a dumbass. I didn't mean for this to turn this way but I'll ride it to it's eventual demise.


Well-Known Member
A.I. anyone??? If you have dealt with this first hand, at least with cattle.... you are a man. No question.


Well-Known Member
LMAO. Every other post in this thread starts off with "Yeah, it is very sad..." and then it goes into sizing up each others land. Hilarious.
^ no actually i'm not lying. if i'm misunderstanding that, please explain.

i said please and thank you, i dont know how much nicer i can get.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The Acre (Dick) Sizing contest is pretty funny. I don't give a shit if it's sad that you 'farmers' can't handle your shit and will eventually be the cause of raising domestic food prices. I'll get my beef from China.


Well-Known Member
The Acre (Dick) Sizing contest is pretty funny. I don't give a shit if it's sad that you 'farmers' can't handle your shit and will eventually be the cause of raising domestic food prices. I'll get my beef from China.
The increase of domestic food prices is the fault of the ever expanding money supply provided by the private bank known as the Federal Reserve. It has nothing to do with farmers, they HAVE to raise prices when the prices of everything else they use also goes up. Have any idea how much Diesel fuel a farm uses in a year? Any idea at all?


Well-Known Member

I do enjoy stereotypes. :) You watch out for the E-Coli laden vegetables friend. ;)
it was that asparagus deal that got me awhile back........I grow organic now..........but the lead was a humor thing cause the blame china for everything that goes wrong...........lead in toys and shit...........not sterotypeing...........

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The increase of domestic food prices is the fault of the ever expanding money supply provided by the private bank known as the Federal Reserve. It has nothing to do with farmers, they HAVE to raise prices when the prices of everything else they use also goes up. Have any idea how much Diesel fuel a farm uses in a year? Any idea at all?
6 billion dollars a year. Google is a miraculous apparition of the modern era, is she not?