Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

ummmm I was just correcting you when you said it was not a TERROR attack and I say it was...very much an attack of one said terrorist attack but you...I guess you again trying to save face...Dude I swear you remind me of CrackerJax..whatever happened to him ????

əm/ Show Spelled[ter-uh-riz-uh
m] Show IPA
–noun 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.

2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

make of this what you will...again, i am too tired to bicker tonight. but there is nothing good on tv.

so please, entertain me. i beg you...
ummmm I was just correcting you when you said it was not a TERROR attack and I say it was...very much an attack of one said terrorist attack but you...I guess you again trying to save face...Dude I swear you remind me of CrackerJax..whatever happened to him ????
Yea I can really kill as efficiently with my 5 round storage in a bolt action, meaning I would have to reload about 6 times during this incident, and pull back the bolt off of every shot, compared to the fast, easy to handle, semi-automatic glock 9. Yes a .308 round is an elephant dick compared to it, but much slower and bulkier to handle and manage than a glock. That is why police carry glocks and not rifles. Secondly, a taxi driver might be worried if I got in with a .308 mauser and asked for a ride to a grocery store parking lot with a crowd in it. The taxi driver had no idea Jared had a handgun.

Texas handgun requirements:
The applicant must submit:

  • A completed application form.
  • Two Recent Color Passport Photographs.
  • Fingerprints.
  • Proof of age (at least 21).
  • Proof of residency in Texas.
  • A handgun proficiency certificate from a qualified handgun instructor.
  • An affidavit stating that applicant has read and understands the law concerning a license to carry and the laws on use of deadly force and that the applicant fulfills all eligibility requirements.
  • And an authorization to access records.

Police use all different kinds of weapons, most of them have shotguns or rifles in their vehicles. The reason they carry glocks are because they are small and light, carrying a rifle around everywhere would get tiresome. My point was the difference in the amount of people being injured or killed was likely small. Take the lee enfield bolt action rifle from WW2. The best shooter was 300 yards, 38 rounds on a 12" target in 1 minute. Even cooks and medics could get 20, and they barely had training. This is a rifle that was designed a hundred years ago.

I think you are confusing the concealed weapon permit law for handguns for the law to purchase a handgun. That is just if you want to carry it around in your pocket. There are no special permits or anything in Texas to purchase a handgun. Its just 21 and pass the background check. No registration or anything
In my area a person can get hand guns from classified ads, yard sales and flea markets. Hell I got a little 22 revolver for boot in a car trade and I was 17 or 18 at the time. Guns are everywhere in this country and sometimes a crazy is going to use one. It’s a sad thing but at least it wasn’t a school this time.

Here’s what a guy with a rifle can do. “Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – Aug. 1, 1966) was a student at the University of Texas at Austin and a former Marine who killed 16 people and wounded 32 others during a shooting rampage on and around the university's campus on Aug. 1, 1966” LINK.
Well Sarah has finally spoken....don't think we will hear anymore talk about her running for POTUS...No leadership skills at all unless she talking hatred or us against them talk...She makes the statement "that acts of violence is the fault of only the one who did it"..I wonder if someone put out a rap song about how they like to screw white girls from Alaska...then one of her daughters got rape would she feel the same way?????...I wonder if someone posted online how to make a bomb ( but even said "hey people don't do this") and then her son got blew up by a homemade bomb would she feel the same way?????..nope she a lost one that first I was wondering why she was so I see...It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt
As time passes the life of this lunatic is revealed. Now it seems that he inhabited a world where vitriol, threats, abusive language, and depictions of violence are not the exception, but the norm. He was a gamer.

This one will hit close to home to many members in this forum. This affects me, too. I plan to make my next fortune on gamers.

So when scrutiny falls to online games and how dangerous they are, you gamers can thank the Proggies who are looking to attach blame to anyone but the person who actually pulled the trigger.
political leaders and game programmer two different has way more responsibilty..can you guess which one
political leaders and game programmer two different has way more responsibilty..can you guess which one
Do you honestly believe that will stop your precious political leaders from scapegoating anything they possibly can?

The political angle of this has been revealed to be a FARCE because the Left spews just as much vitriol as the Right. If they suppress political rhetoric, they will muzzle themselves, too. In short, fat chance.

Already they are running into a brick wall by trying to blame this on access to firearms. Another farce.

So they will move on to something else. An element of society which is populated with people who do not have a whole lot of juice.
I really don't think that scapegoating will come up...Firearm purchasing standards have been a long time coming, but more b/c of Mexicos violence than this. I seriously doubt that anything will happen.

But for paranoid people like yourself, yeah, they're coming for your Wii

Do you honestly believe that will stop your precious political leaders from scapegoating anything they possibly can?

The political angle of this has been revealed to be a FARCE because the Left spews just as much vitriol as the Right. If they suppress political rhetoric, they will muzzle themselves, too. In short, fat chance.

Already they are running into a brick wall by trying to blame this on access to firearms. Another farce.

So they will move on to something else. An element of society which is populated with people who do not have a whole lot of juice.
Well Sarah has finally spoken....don't think we will hear anymore talk about her running for POTUS...No leadership skills at all unless she talking hatred or us against them talk...She makes the statement "that acts of violence is the fault of only the one who did it"..I wonder if someone put out a rap song about how they like to screw white girls from Alaska...then one of her daughters got rape would she feel the same way?????...I wonder if someone posted online how to make a bomb ( but even said "hey people don't do this") and then her son got blew up by a homemade bomb would she feel the same way?????..nope she a lost one that first I was wondering why she was so I see...It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt

Yea Palin motivated him so much he didn’t even vote in 2010.

“Loughner himself isn't talking. But the record shows that he registered as an independent in 2006, according to the Pima County Registrar of Voters, and did not vote in 2010.
Bryce Tierney, a friend of Loughner's, told Mother Jones magazine that Loughner doesn't have any specific political or ideological bent. "It wasn't like he was in a certain party or went to rallies," he said. "It's not like he'd go on political rants."”

I guess you missed this portion of the statement.
“President Reagan said, “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.””

You can speculate what she would do all day but until it happens you’ll never know. What if one of those things happens and it’s proven that the rapist or bomber saw your post. Would you then consider yourself personally responsible?
I really don't think that scapegoating will come up...Firearm purchasing standards have been a long time coming, but more b/c of Mexicos violence than this. I seriously doubt that anything will happen.

But for paranoid people like yourself, yeah, they're coming for your Wii
Don't make ASSumptions unless you want to make yourself look stupid.

I'm not a gamer, the last game I played was Tomb Raider. That was well over a decade ago.

My only interest in games is the industry.

Existing gun laws failed to prevent this tragedy. What makes you think more will solve the problem?

Who gives a shit about Mexico? If we truly cared we would end the War on Drugs.

And most of the weapons which make their way into Mexico DO NOT come from the U.S. They come from former Soviet Bloc countries. Only 17% of firearms found at Mexican Crime scenes came from the U.S.
As time passes the life of this lunatic is revealed. Now it seems that he inhabited a world where vitriol, threats, abusive language, and depictions of violence are not the exception, but the norm. He was a gamer.

This one will hit close to home to many members in this forum. This affects me, too. I plan to make my next fortune on gamers.

So when scrutiny falls to online games and how dangerous they are, you gamers can thank the Proggies who are looking to attach blame to anyone but the person who actually pulled the trigger.

the 'proggies' are not looking to attach blame to anyone but the person who pulled the trigger; we're trying to put blame where it belongs: we've been saying for a long time that violent rhetoric would lead to violent acts. we had a guy crash his plane into a building in TX, this guy tries to kill a congresswoman, what's next?????

even when violent rhetoric leads to violence, you find a reason to defend it. innocent ppl died. this guy killed a 9yr old girl.... yet somehow you want me to believe how the violent rhetoric had NOTHING to do with what happened.

when the themes and issues that are talked about by speakers with violoent rhetoric are exactly the themes and issues this guy was obsessed with.

connecting the dots shouldn't be that hard. at the core of it it's a mental health issue, yet another area where the great american health care system fails miserably at......
nope. it took a terror attack.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]After several incidences over the past few years involving "lone gunman", or random over-medicated psychotics, it has become clear that the DHS and corporate run news sources have endeavored to immediately link any domestic shooting or bombing event with grass-roots organizations which are fighting for limited government. The Giffords shooting is a perfect example of how insincere establishment pundits are, and how willing they will be to exploit every random (or engineered) tragedy to their own ends. One Day Soon, We'll All Be "Homegrown Terrorists".[/FONT]
the 'proggies' are not looking to attach blame to anyone but the person who pulled the trigger; we're trying to put blame where it belongs: we've been saying for a long time that violent rhetoric would lead to violent acts. we had a guy crash his plane into a building in TX, this guy tries to kill a congresswoman, what's next?????

even when violent rhetoric leads to violence, you find a reason to defend it. innocent ppl died. this guy killed a 9yr old girl.... yet somehow you want me to believe how the violent rhetoric had NOTHING to do with what happened.

when the themes and issues that are talked about by speakers with violoent rhetoric are exactly the themes and issues this guy was obsessed with.

connecting the dots shouldn't be that hard. at the core of it it's a mental health issue, yet another area where the great american health care system fails miserably at......
The asshole did not watch television.

He did not listen to talk radio.

He was a batshit crazy loser with no job and no girlfriend.

Connect those dots.
Take your own assumption advice before you show me that "Myth debunking" fox news article about the majority of guns in mexico.

Most of the guns are untraceable, and although most likely from the US, can't be verified.

60,000 American CONFIRMED firearms have been confiscated in the past 4 years in Mexico...30,000 deaths by firearms have occurred in the same time period.

If you take the confirmed 17%, and combine that with even the LOW estimates of the percentage of untraceable guns presumed from the US, it makes us the big dick in their firearms supply.
Don't make ASSumptions unless you want to make yourself look stupid.

I'm not a gamer, the last game I played was Tomb Raider. That was well over a decade ago.

My only interest in games is the industry.

Existing gun laws failed to prevent this tragedy. What makes you think more will solve the problem?

Who gives a shit about Mexico? If we truly cared we would end the War on Drugs.

And most of the weapons which make their way into Mexico DO NOT come from the U.S. They come from former Soviet Bloc countries. Only 17% of firearms found at Mexican Crime scenes came from the U.S.
Take your own assumption advice before you show me that "Myth debunking" fox news article about the majority of guns in mexico.

Most of the guns are untraceable, and although most likely from the US, can't be verified.

60,000 American CONFIRMED firearms have been confiscated in the past 4 years in Mexico...30,000 deaths by firearms have occurred in the same time period.

If you take the confirmed 17%, and combine that with even the LOW estimates of the percentage of untraceable guns presumed from the US, it makes us the big dick in their firearms supply.
My statement was not an assumption, it was based on figures from the BATFE.

Now this:
although most likely from the US

THAT'S an ASSumption.

Well played!
at the core of it it's a mental health issue, yet another area where the great american health care system fails miserably at......
ALL the worlds health systems fail at curing mentally ill people. The mind is incredibly complex and no one has found a cure yet. The best they can do is keep those people in a drug induced nirvana so they become harmless automatons and live the rest of their life institutionalized. This has NOTHING to do with Healthcare.
Take your own assumption advice before you show me that "Myth debunking" fox news article about the majority of guns in mexico.

Most of the guns are untraceable, and although most likely from the US, can't be verified.

60,000 American CONFIRMED firearms have been confiscated in the past 4 years in Mexico...30,000 deaths by firearms have occurred in the same time period.

If you take the confirmed 17%, and combine that with even the LOW estimates of the percentage of untraceable guns presumed from the US, it makes us the big dick in their firearms supply.

So should we reform our gun laws? Maybe we should deal with the real problem and that's the war on drugs. If drugs weren't illegal the criminals would not have the resources or dare I say the need to purchase firearms from the U.S.
The asshole did not watch television.

He did not listen to talk radio.

He was a batshit crazy loser with no job and no girlfriend.

Connect those dots.

oh he watched all that shit. if your obsessed with something, you research it, and you watch tv shows on it.

just because there isn't a video of him jerking it to alex jones doesn't mean he didn't watch it......