Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare


Well-Known Member
I tattooed the scotty balls thread tattoed to my chest backwards. That way if I get stuck, I can just look in the mirror and follow along! The guy had a legit grow for sure but he was around 1 gram/watt so its nothing to go out and buy stock in florobloom. I do believe that he did use more than one nutrient however, you NEED a good source of nitrogen during veg and typically bloom formlas do not have much nitrogen. Some have none. Anywho, things are looking pimp in the room. Maybe I'll post another pic or two.

I sent tissue samples to the lab so the spectrum analysis from the gas chromatograph should be here any day. Although I work with a bunch of engineers, my business card says restoration ecologist. Getting read to travel for thanksgiving so things are a little busy.
Seriously? Your one hi-tech mathatf@k*.lol


I just found your journal very nice first go around impressed and rep,thanks for your help as well i just rinsed my hydroton and didnt soak it but after i checked tonight i am finally staying stable. I am thinking it just took about 9 days to steady itself out in my waterfarms thanks again.


Well-Known Member
TMB, good to hear it finally stabalized. I had a hell of time during the first 10 days. My table floods from the left and when I would check the ph in the table when it flooded the left would be 5.8 and the right (the high side) would be 7+. Drove me nuts, finally split the inlet lines and put one on the high side. Problem solved. Loving the hydro for sure. When you get it all running smoothly there is little to fuck with and Jesus I have never seen plants grow so fast!!


Well-Known Member
Yea I am amazed by the growth rate in hydro its almost silly to grow in soil, and like you said once you get it stabilized its so easy too keep it that way.


Active Member
I blasted my hydroton with 4.8ph and cycled it all night, seem to do the job... I bought one more 45litre bag to level out all the pots , except I threw it in the tub and ph'd it this time... what a mess! Glad I didnt do the first 5 bags in the tub... I rinsed my rez out, my tap ppm is 40ppm , but the rez was hovering around 300 with the hydroton crap in it,,, it cleaned out well.... 50ppm... yea, im ready to nute it up , adjust the ph and throw my rooting clones in tommorow... glad i read all your stuff, it helped me get through the new hydroton zone! I have a few clones I over watered and are slow to root, damn noob... I was even going out of my way to not get the rockwool too wet..


Active Member
Man... I thought I was sub'ed for this grow, and just realized I wasn't when I was going thru your stuff and saw my own post.... Stoner!


Well-Known Member
Frogster. Look into a clone bucket in the future. True set it and forget it. No watering, no misting, humidty dome or any other crap. Monster roots in 8-9 days has been my experience. Rockwool is messy shit not to mention waaay hazerdous stuff. Who wants to breathe in glass shards?

Anywho glad eveyone has subbed up. Pics of week 4 coming tomorrow. Been gone for 5 days. Excited to see the progress they have made :)


Well-Known Member
Frogster. Look into a clone bucket in the future. True set it and forget it. No watering, no misting, humidty dome or any other crap. Monster roots in 8-9 days has been my experience. Rockwool is messy shit not to mention waaay hazerdous stuff. Who wants to breathe in glass shards?

Anywho glad eveyone has subbed up. Pics of week 4 coming tomorrow. Been gone for 5 days. Excited to see the progress they have made :)
I cant wait either. Can you get a picture of the roots? I'm interested in the effects of the mycoryhisal. Hope you had a good holiday.


Well-Known Member
Here you go. Things frosting up nicely. Can't really handle the buds without wearing gloves or I get hella sticky. Hard to get a decent shot of everything.


Ten days from rooted clone... Do aeroponic plants have roots?.. umm yeah


For those that think a clone bucket is kind of dumb or unnecessary.... 9 days in the bucket. no water change, no dome no nothing..


sorry about the lopsided pics.



Active Member
Sup bro, those roots are insane! Is a clone bucket similar to the ez-clone aeroponics cloner? Beautiful!


Well-Known Member
The clone bucket is nothing more than a 4 gallon pail with a pump and pvc tube with 4 little sprayers in it. The top has 18 2" holes that the neoprene collars go into. CLEAN THE BUCKET WELL, add solution (superthrive and a tiny dash of liquid karma in 2 gallons) and clones, plug in.

Once root nodes start to appear I add a little bloom nutes 1-2-5 I think they are. I add like 15ml total.

Its very similar to the ez-cloner...except its $55 instead of 100 something.


Well-Known Member
looks great. cant argue with those results. Just curious about when exactly do you use the mucoryhisal. do you use it before you put them in the big flood table or during the earlier stages as well?


Well-Known Member
I like to run a course of nutes with h2o3 whenever I transfer from one place to another. Just as a security measure against disease or anything they may encounter in the move. After that I add myco at each plant site once every two weeks. Going to have to wait until harvest to see if there are visible amounts of hyphae in the roots. The hydroton should be porous enough for them
once you innoculate you have to feed them with some sugars and enzymes.


Active Member
Thx, Cool clone bucket, on my list to build for my clippings from the batch im putting in today.... what kind of sprayers, and what time cycle do the pumps run.... btw. plants are looking mighty tasty..


Well-Known Member
Looking good legal, I like the homemade ezclone. I have never cloned before always went from seed and your bucket seems to be a good build. And I like building my own things if I can. PEace


Well-Known Member
Go to clonebucket.com for pics of everything. I guess they retail for $70 or so. Of you make your own I would highly advise just buying their lid. Any sprayer will work. That 12 site tote in the picture has 2 $1.95 lawn sprinker heads in it. Pretty much full coverage.

I've decided to switch everything over to DIY ebb and grow buckets. For a variety of reasons but mostly mobility. Stay tuned for that build thread. 15 bucket fully auto system under $200


Well-Known Member
I like to run a course of nutes with h2o3 whenever I transfer from one place to another. Just as a security measure against disease or anything they may encounter in the move. After that I add myco at each plant site once every two weeks. Going to have to wait until harvest to see if there are visible amounts of hyphae in the roots. The hydroton should be porous enough for them
once you innoculate you have to feed them with some sugars and enzymes.
ok. I dont know much about it other than from your thread. I had no clue anyone used mollasses in hydro. So by sugar you mean this?