Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare


Active Member
Thx legal.... I did add a bit of 30% h202 to the rez.. about 3 teaspoons to 45 gallons.... I flooded almost to the top of the rockwool as I wanted to get the algae killed... then i made sure no light was hitting the rockwool... The girls are hanging in there... I have a large ultrasonic room humidifier in the room but it cant seem to get past 40% humidity... I have a lot of airflow going through with that 6" vortec fan.... perhaps I should get a speed adjuster for it and slow it down,,or a cheap $6 humidifier to help the nice one. Or both!


Well-Known Member
you can try hanging a wet towel in front of a fan. That should raise the humidity. Or you can do like I did and have your wife forget to empty the humidifier collection bucket and have about 5 gallons of water on the floor when you come home from a work trip. That raises the humidity (and your stress level) :)


Well-Known Member
you can try hanging a wet towel in front of a fan. That should raise the humidity. Or you can do like I did and have your wife forget to empty the humidifier collection bucket and have about 5 gallons of water on the floor when you come home from a work trip. That raises the humidity (and your stress level) :)
The ladies water broke, didn't know weed did that.


Active Member
I spray water in my ventilation duct every so often..lol.. working for now untill I get a cheap one at walmart. I dont have a humidity catch... My altitude is about 6000ft near the base of pikes peak... always low humidity...


Well-Known Member
Quote:And last but most certainly not least, your nutrient concentration. I'm using organic nutes which apprantly, can be difficult to measure ppm accurately. I followed someone elses nutrient schedule and had around 240-330 ppm during the first week. My plants suffered all kinds of problems and i freaked out (mind you I also had hydroton ph problems which likely excerbated the problem). Of course I got a myriad if generally unhelpfull advice from the forum but I showed a picture tinny hydro store manager he needed about 2 seconds to say "your underfeeding them". I took ppms to around 500 and they bounced right back. My suggestion therefore would be to go ahead and run the 300 for 4-5 days and let them settle in a bit but I would up the ppm to around 500-600 by day 7. The salinity of your roots should slowly increase as the plants age but even at this stage, a ppm of 500 would not be higher than the roots which would cause the cessation (or reverse) of nutrient uptake do to the lack of saline concentration in the root zone (again see my thread for explanation).

I dont agree with this, and tyhis is why. You didnt prep your hydtot correcly. So you basically made mud. The other think is you had problems with PH swinging all over the place which is often the case on a new set-up. So I doubt to little PPM was the problem. More likely they couldnt take in anything when PH is so far out. Also, I often start mine with low PPM. Sometimes they stay low the first 2 weeks and Ive never had deficiency problems. Now, their are factors I know that make it difficult to measure one grow over another. Like how many plants etc. Your grow is beautiful no doubt. But your PPM level has nothing to do with someone else's. I only saying this not to shit on anyone but because youve looked at many threads and grows. So, youve witnessed what we see in a lot them. People burning up their plants like mad. Which is from jacking nute levls way too high. These plants are hard to kill even if you tried. I've seen grows in soil and hydro. Ive done both. I've also produced bigger and better buds than those using four times the PPM. So I doubt your plants were starving from low PPM. If anything, the PH was the biggest factor along with hydrotten problems which anyone who uses can tell you prep is the most important thing with hydrotten. When the PH is out the nutes are blocked, doesnt matter what level of PPM. This is just my thought from following your thread, your enttitled to your own. People thinking they can jack their nutes to 600 PPM just cause they saw someones else do it, doesnt mean it is right for them . Each grow is different just like each plant. They can only take what they can take and if your PH is whacked out, obviously your PPM is wrong, plain and simple. Besides needing PH to be in range to absorb nutrient uptake you need to know what it's doing to correct PPM levels. Unless your PPM stablizes or rises slightly, your out and not optimizing intake of nutrients. You cant follow someone else levels. All you can do is introduce them moderately and observe. The plants decide their own level. Not Joe Smo's thread levels


Active Member
thanks man. If you do your homework and spend some money, I'm confident you can churn out some quality buds as well.
The only cfl's I have are in my desk lamps. Lol
Sup Legallyflying..hows your babies looking man? I need my scrog goodness! :) Any pics coming?


Well-Known Member
This is just my thought from following your thread, your enttitled to your own. People thinking they can jack their nutes to 600 PPM just cause they saw someones else do it, doesnt mean it is right for them . Each grow is different just like each plant. s
Umm. OK. Indeed, you are quite correct about the PH but I made sure to adjust the ph after every flood cycle to keep it in check. The plant problems went on for an additional week after the PH problems were cured up. The immediately bounced back after a increasing the nutrient concentration. There are a host of variables to consider,in my case, my plants are in a fairly "hyper" environment with lumens in the 80k range, temps in the upper 80's, 700 ppm Co2, and 75% humidity during veg. This "race car" approach is fantastic for rapid growth and very close inter-node spacing but it also has the potential to exacerbate deficiencies in hydration and nutrient concentration.

I stand behind my advice as a PPM of 500 should never cause lock out. Many people burn plants but I also see lots of people not giving hydro plants anything for fear of burning them. That was certainly the case as this is my first venture into hydro. But yeah, every grow and every plant is different, and MY plants like heavier nute concentrations.

At any rate, objection noted.? I guess in the future I'll just avoid trying to give advice lest I be called to the mat.


Well-Known Member
Thought I wold include a little bud porn. This is 2 days into week 5. I would be surprised if they weren't ready to go at 7 weeks.

Scroggin out....


Frosty buds down low.

The biggest bud. About 8-9" right now, getting REALLY thick on the bottom.


The under scraggle..


Say good bye to November's notes... time for December.



Active Member
Ive just had a look through your journal legallyflying, very very nice man, quality all the way, great grow, subbed.

looking forward to seeing some dense solid cola's through that screen in the last few days man, nice and thick and swollen, it will be a picture to frame, definately a kodak moment. :D


Active Member
Dude those plants look bomb-diggity! :) Great job...can't wait to see the final few weeks and how they really fatten up! :)


Well-Known Member
Not a call out dude. Just an observation. I love your thread and what your doing. You set-up is class A1. Your attention to detail is impeccable. Your approach to nutrients is educational and affordable. I'd also recommend thread as a guide to anyone. I just saw alot of other factors that caused difficulties that first week. I wasn't trying to offend.

Beautiful Pictures. Beautiful Girls


Well-Known Member
No prob brother, you caught me at a bad time at work. Yeah, all kind of shit went sideways but I have since sorted it out. It's tough to play the ppm game, especially with organic or" semi-organic" nutes as my friend recently called them.


Active Member
what a day... Broke my glasses, cut the living FUCK out of my hand with a razor blade, and then this... https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/390845-fuck-fuck-fuck-600-watt.html#post5007034
I think you'll be okay bro...not that I'm the one to be asking, but what the hell I have heard that one or two light goofs can usually be tolerated by the plants if they have quality genetics. The "IF" is the big one there..."IF" they have quality genetics...




Well-Known Member
Uggh. Attack of the mag deficieny :(. Thinking of maybe skipping the switch from the botanicare hydro bloom to soil bloom. Yellow leaves and necrosis on the jack herrer's.
So for those that are learning the craft... Time for foliar feeding and uping cal mag in the rez.