Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare


Active Member
Also ran into a Mg deficiency using Botanicare CalMag but I think mine was partially pH related, some strains seem to want a bit more though. I upped the SugarDaddy/Sweet, whatever to incease Mg but was afraid foliar feeding at that stage might invite mold.


Well-Known Member
Interesting scrogthis. Problems started when I switched to the soil bloom formula. I upped calmag to 10ml/G and added a dash of grow formula for some nitrogen. They shouldn't be yellowing up this early. Not too worried about mold as I am keeping the room at 45% right now and around 83.
We will see how they bounce back it really only affected the Jack herrer's. The trouble of running multiple strains in a single table has now reared it's ugly head.


Active Member
Yikes Legal... ! you will get it under control.... I finally have all my clones in... I was tired of waiting on the last few clones for root, I was running the ones transplanted at a low ppm and my lights really high so i went out and bought a few big bud rooted clones... I spent a day fighting and killing spider mites.(im officially not a virgin anymore. :( didnt take long). did the alcohol spray then applied the good stuff from a commercial grower friend of mine, I will retreat in a few days.... I then raised the nutes to 525, went about 3 watering cycles and dropped the lights to 2.5ft. Im thinking of going lower after a few days.... these suckers have all greened up and are taking off... incredible.. running 4 watering cycles lights on 24/7.... i think my spidermite problem came from my used xxxl ochos... I cleaned the glass by taking it off while hanging.. I found a few ladybug bodies in my new hydroton.. all nasty .. Im pretty sure the bodies fell and they had eggs attached?... I bought the equipment used with one cycle and the guy told me he had hell with spidermites... Well. I will not tolerate them... Lil fuckers...


Well-Known Member
Yeah frog. Spider mites can be a bitch. I learned the hard way a long time ago about being lazy in my clone selection that came with spider mites and knats. Stay on top and kill them all. You may think about running some hygrzyme if your using chlorine free water or high hydroperixide if your not just to kill off any bad things in the hydroton.

What is the wattage on your lights? Just as a reference I put my 400 air cooled about 12" above my rooted clones. Ppm
seems good. I would probably lower them to at least 16" and watch for leaf burn in the form of bleaching or leaves that roll inward and up. You'll be amazed at how fast they grow once over the transplant shock.


Active Member
I started a new journal with pics.. see my sig.. They are 1000watts... the circulation in the room is awesome with the 6" inline fan... I can hold my hand under the glass of the ocho's about 6" away and dont feel much heat.I dont have any tubing on them for exhaust.. its winter and I want the heat in the room.... the lights are moving on a rail, this may help keeping the plants from frying if I get too close... I will lower the lights down more, thx


Active Member
God I fucking love Jack Herer. Great strain! Absolutely postive mood uplift, chatty, social, feel good mental high strain. Love it. Sampled it in Amsterdam and again at Harborside Oakland recently. One of my all time favs.


Well-Known Member
Hand hurts. I was cutting some rubber with a bare utility blade. I grabbed the rubber with my other hand to pull the last piece off and when it snapped my hand flew right into the brand new blade. Sunk it in a good quarter inch. :(

The girls are alright, still look fairly bad but they are not getting any worse. This is week 6 do I suspect that the plants aren't going to do a whole lot to "fix" the yellowed leaves. Think I just lost the carbo prodcution of those leaves and that kind of sucks.

Not sure if I should ditch the soil formula next time or just add more calmag or something.


Active Member
Ouch! makes my hand hurt just hearing that.... You will have some high quality bud to help with the pain soon.. :)


Well-Known Member
Well I think in the end it was a case of over nutes. So I cut ppm s in half so I'm around 850 right now. No biggie really as I am really far along and the buds look GOOD. One plant in particular...Jesus the buds are fucking thick.. Like soda can thick. Hopefully I have clones of that particular plant. Man, if they all looked like that one... Yikes.

I'll try to post some pics in the next couple days



Active Member
The one jack herrer I put in the room is having a hard time adjusting to the transplant shock,, it will be ok, but it looks to be more sensitive than the others by far. Finicky strain perhaps... ,,, More bud porn please...!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like some fatty buds, what PPM did you reach to cause overnuting I am trying to avoid all that shit.
Well, despite what one hydro store owner told me after looking at the necrotic leaves to raise my PPM's from 1700.. I asked around and did a metric shit ton of googling to try and find a "do not exceed" PPM. I'm sure some dip ship will chime in with the "you gotta read the plants man" which is true, but anyways, I think in the future my PPM ceiling is going to be in the 1500-1600 range. I'm also doubting the switch to the botanicare soil bloom formula next run. Slightly higher P K but pretty damn hot.

At 1800 ppm I think one of two things happen.. I just fucking burned them with too high of salt content or the high P locked out the mag. I'll try and post some bud porn latter.


Well-Known Member
I'd be very surprised to find a cannabis plant or growing conditions that warrants anything over 2.0 EC. That just a lot of salt floating around to either cling to the roots or just get stuck in the medium. Your plants will pull up what they need so as long as your have an adequate amount of food in your solution, your plants will do their best to reach their genetic potential. Just my two cents, but lately, I've been experimenting with how little I can feed and still get the same results. My results have been surprising.


Active Member
I'm with homebrewer...I put humic acid in my FFOF super mix and I have been shocked by how low my ppm's have been and the plants have still indicated very slight burn at times from too much nute...amazing.


Active Member
Damn legal... Some dipshit, "you gotta read the plants man" .. cracked me up...almost spit ice cream on my computer