Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Give botanicare a good look for sure. Heard nothing but good reviews and they have been working for me so far. Lots of people rave about liquid karma. Lots o good organic shit in there.

Yield? Not really sure as it's my first grow. My grower friend said " yeah, you'll get about a pound". I resisted kicking him in the balls but he grows in soil and has a shit ton of pest problems soo... I would be pleased as punch to grab 2 lbs dried and cured.

Megalith; kudos for the shout out to all that came before us. ALL the info is out there for sure but you have to be carefull what you absorb. Nearly killed my plants in the first week following someone elses nute schedule. Someone once told me, be carefull what you glean from the Internet as most of the really experienced growers have no reason to shout there secrets out to the world. I approach almost eveything with a "really?" attitude as there is quite a bit of stoner bullshit advice floating around out there. To me, the guys that can explain the biotic or chemical processess behind their decisions and treatments are the people that know what the fuck they are talking about. And some of those guys have less posts than I do at this point.

Stay tuned and thanks for the love. I really do appreciate it. Got to get some kudos somewhere in this silent game



Well-Known Member
Intersting update. When to the hydro store to find out about hydroplex and what my prinicple grow advisor thought (genus the manager). So I'm holding an $80 jug of nutes in my hand and say what do you think? Would I benefit from increased phos levels? He gave me the wave off with little hesitation. "just increase your grow nute concentration". We then talked about a recent class he took that advised against bloom boosters and super high phos amounts in hydro. The instructors take was that the high phos amounts are a throw back to old school soil techniques that are not really popular anymore.

Anywho I respected him for not just selling me shit I didn't need which is what MANY a hydro store in my area do.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome, I usually get an "I don't know" from the place I go.
The only thing more annoying than that is when they just read the label back to me. To me, if they don't know then why the he'll should I spend my money there? You want a real chuckle ? Shop for hydro gear in a suit and tie. Sorry if I have a real job and don't look like I did jail time, doesn't mean I'm serious about growing some buds.

Peolple are funny and or stupid.


Well-Known Member
Intersting update. When to the hydro store to find out about hydroplex and what my prinicple grow advisor thought (genus the manager). So I'm holding an $80 jug of nutes in my hand and say what do you think? Would I benefit from increased phos levels? He gave me the wave off with little hesitation. "just increase your grow nute concentration". We then talked about a recent class he took that advised against bloom boosters and super high phos amounts in hydro. The instructors take was that the high phos amounts are a throw back to old school soil techniques that are not really popular anymore.

Anywho I respected him for not just selling me shit I didn't need which is what MANY a hydro store in my area do.
Don't you just love honest hydro store salesmen? I went to the local one by me to buy some silica additive, and I was comparing Rhino Skin and Silica Blast, and the owner yells to me from across the store (I was the only one in there), "Silica Blast by Botanicare is half the price, and essentially the same thing." He continued to sell me on Silica Blast, and just because he was such a legit dude, I bought much more than I needed that day (Air stone, AN Nirvana, Neoprene Plugs) just because he was an honest guy. Other businesses should learn from this model of selling products.

Grow is looking good, going to have some good smoke.


Active Member
Ok now... no holes in that screen... verrry nice.... my clones are rooted ,,, about time I get serious with my grow.... I read a journal from scottyballs... he used only gh nova flora bloom through the entire grow,,, thats it... and yielded 11oz with one scrogged plant... little over 2sq ft of space.... Im cheap and going to try the same..... Im sure your yield will be very nice...


Well-Known Member
scottyballs, scottyballs, scottyballs. Jesus I'm going to have to check this guys grow thread out cause some people are seriously jocking his shit. I don't know about fllora nova products but I would think you are going to want some nitrogen. Sounds like maybe his strain was a low feeder anyway. who knows? Many different ways to skin a horse I guess.


Well-Known Member
scottyballs, scottyballs, scottyballs. Jesus I'm going to have to check this guys grow thread out cause some people are seriously jocking his shit. I don't know about fllora nova products but I would think you are going to want some nitrogen. Sounds like maybe his strain was a low feeder anyway. who knows? Many different ways to skin a horse I guess.
Agreed. Whatever works for the individual. Some strains may not do as well as others with the same nutes. I use a 2 part Dyna and have great results. 1, 2, 10 whatever works for you. I just finished reading his thread and found it interesting. he also grew a beautuful lady. He uses fox farm bucket style and explains the advantage here: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/344359-pineapple-express-g13-labs-seed.html

I hope the link is ok to post. Anyway, its a good read. I'd like to try one and compare. How's everything going? Show us picture whores that kick-ass room.

I also find it interesting using one nute. I see a lot of people have nute levels very high on comparison to what I get. My last grow I didn't go over 500 PPM. Thats where it stayed stable. I dont force anything.


Well-Known Member
I know this is off topic but how do you like that controller legallyflying, I was thinking about a sentinel controller because of the heat source plug in they have(and fuzzy logic), And nice setup I would love to grow some pineapple express!


Active Member
Damn how do you guys afford all these goodies?

scottyballs, scottyballs, scottyballs. Jesus
lmao Too funny man! he did pull off a nice damn yield though. I only have a week-10days left on mine, don't think it's gonna beat that one, countin' on you.


Well-Known Member
How do I afford it? I work 60 hours a week as a restoration ecologist at an engineering firm. So if I want something ( especially something that makes life easier) I just buy the fucker.

So anywho, in regards to the xgc-1 controller, hands down the most awesome fucking thing in the world. Keeps the co2 ppm right where they need to be, allows an almost infinite combination of flood/wait cycles, turns the heater on at night, if it's too hot it turns the fans on, if it's too humid, it turns the humidifier on. And it can power two 600's.

It is pricey but a decent co2 ppm meter is $400 anyways. Plus an adjustable cycle timer.. $70. Then a thermostat $65. Then a hunidistat ( which you don't really need cause dehumidifers come with them) $80 plus a timer for two lights $25. And a nightime only device switch.
Its not perfect though. It will only turn on the exhaust outlets when it's too humid, it won't turn on a humidifier if it's too low ( and I keep my shit humid during veg 85 degrees 85 humidity

they are insane at list price $800. But you can get them cheaper on eBay. I did a global craigslist search. Found a guy in the bay area with a new-used one and he shipped it to my door for $415.


Active Member
Just being facetious bud regarding the high tech, have a six-figure gig myself and pretty much buy what I want but I'm a cheap bastard. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
My gosh dude! Your babies are looking beautiful, you've filled the screen completely, they are super bushy and looking like you'll get some good yield. I'm a noob too, but I think with your setup you'll easily get 2 lbs.+ 1Lb. on that setup would be really small imho...I'm sure youll get more than that with a full screen and 1800w of flowering lights. I can't wait the see them start filling in! :)




Well-Known Member
Lol, did you read scottyballs method yet? I am pretty much following his method because this is my first time with hydro and his thread is the only one I read start to finish. I just spend so much money on crap I dont even use so I cant afford to get a bunch of nutes and all the expensive gear. I have like 4 different nuits for soil that I have no use for because I dont think I will ever get dirty again, I feel so clean now. But anyways I will eventually branch off into different nutrients I just need to find some good reads on what people have done.


Well-Known Member
I tattooed the scotty balls thread tattoed to my chest backwards. That way if I get stuck, I can just look in the mirror and follow along! The guy had a legit grow for sure but he was around 1 gram/watt so its nothing to go out and buy stock in florobloom. I do believe that he did use more than one nutrient however, you NEED a good source of nitrogen during veg and typically bloom formlas do not have much nitrogen. Some have none. Anywho, things are looking pimp in the room. Maybe I'll post another pic or two.


Active Member
I tattooed the scotty balls thread tattoed to my chest backwards. That way if I get stuck, I can just look in the mirror and follow along! The guy had a legit grow for sure but he was around 1 gram/watt so its nothing to go out and buy stock in florobloom. I do believe that he did use more than one nutrient however, you NEED a good source of nitrogen during veg and typically bloom formlas do not have much nitrogen. Some have none. Anywho, things are looking pimp in the room. Maybe I'll post another pic or two.
Pics!! Damnit man, you are an engineer! Post more pics, we need structural analysis of your room and a full climatology report on the state of vegetative growth in that bitch! :P
Haha..j/k ;)


Well-Known Member
Pics!! Damnit man, you are an engineer! Post more pics, we need structural analysis of your room and a full climatology report on the state of vegetative growth in that bitch! :P
Haha..j/k ;)
I sent tissue samples to the lab so the spectrum analysis from the gas chromatograph should be here any day. Although I work with a bunch of engineers, my business card says restoration ecologist. Getting read to travel for thanksgiving so things are a little busy.