• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

That's In The First Ammendment? (lulz)


Well-Known Member
First off, let me express my happiness that someone was kind enough to free you from the locker your punk ass was locked in.
lol Quit acting like you're some tough guy. It's the internet. Only punks try to act tough because they are weak in real life boy.

I like your theory about how the rich create jobs,,,,,,
It is not a theory. It is a fact. In order to pay people for their work, you need to have money.
question - who has money?
answer - the rich
I tried to make it easy for you. I hope you catch on. good luck

So as the richest of us have only gotten richer and you are correct sir, they are hiring. Only problem is they are hiring Chinese, Guatemalans and Koreans; not us Americans.....See kiddo, THEY make more $ that way, they can avoid that "socialist" ideal of a minimum wage. Why pay an American $7.50 an hour when they can hire a foreign worker for a fraction of the cost and get a tax break on top of it.

The bottom line is that these "rich" people are selling you, me and the rest of the country out for a few extra $. Period.
Are you stupid or apathetic? You didn't go far enough to ask why the jobs are going overseas. You scratch the surface and give a knee jerk reaction. Another person who treats the symptom and not the cause.
When companies relocate overseas and their product does not compete in that foreign country the company does not get taxed. They lower unemployment in that country and they save money.
Simple question for your simple mind, Why can't we do that here?

You wail on about socialists and all the other popular retarded catch phrases of the day, and yet defend the very people that are contributing to the problem. You support these business people and the politicians that reward them for shipping jobs overseas by giving them tax breaks for it. How un-american. Actually, I take back the "unamerican" thing......
Like I said you didn't do anything more than scratch the surface. Doesn't surprise me a jealous dullard like you can't stand it when others are successful.
The reason the jobs are going overseas is because of the policies our GOVERNMENT puts into place. Not because of companies wanting to move overseas. They are forced to move in order to make profits. Why are YOU against people making profits when you yourself want to? Two faced much? Without these destructive policies, jobs would stay here and the economy would be a lot better. Next time ask why people or companies do things instead of making baseless, all encompassing, kneejerk statements. You'll learn a lot about economics.

After more thought, you sir typify America at this point. Loud, ignorant and loving every minute of Dancing With The Starts and American Idol. I wonder if the Romans saw it coming like some of us do.
It's only about me if YOU try to make it abour me. You make things up in hopes of proving your points which have little to no substance. These are not my ideas that I dreamed up. I follow things that work not some half cooked bs an internet clown spouts out like 'Yes We Can!"
You make a comment about the Romans but have no idea you are making my point. Thanks. The Roman empire failed because thy expanded their empire to far and couldn't pay for the upkeep. They ran out of their citizens money. Same thing is happening here. You are to ignorant to notice. WAKE UP!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here's the truth, deal with it. Bush left the mess, created the atmosphere for the banks and wall street to steal the money, corporations incentivized for outsourcing and shipping whole factories overseas, de-regulated everything him and Cheney could in secret, dug a giant hole and slithered out of office just in time for the roof to cave in. Here I thought he was stupid, pretty smart I'd say, now you righties are trying to hang it on Obama. That is all the pathetic crap you have.
Obama has been filling in the hole as fast as he can, but the enormity of the fiasco takes way more than 2 stinkin years to correct, especially with the righties filibustering every bill that could help. Obama may spend a few billion getting us back on track, but without the governments help, we'd be further up shit creek than you could imagine. I love the hypocracy on the right, rag on Obama for increasing the deficit, then turn around and yell that we need to give the rich motherfuckers that caused this fiasco a tax cut of 800 billion, which will go right onto the deficit, then claim how the tax cut for the rich will create all these jobs, while we are still under the tax cuts and no stinkin jobs have been created by the rich motherfuckers, have they? So the truth is there, can you fuckling deal with it, or do you have your head in a dark place?
BTW, asswipe, I'm not your boy.
Deal with this truth.



New Member
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Ms O'Donnell comes off as a complete moron everytime she opens her mouth. She isn't a libertarian, she doesn't give a shit about the Constitution, she doesn't have a clue whats even in the Constitution. Of course I would guess that there are approximately 520 or so of people who already have the job who don't have a clue whats in the constitution either. IMO every single politician in the Federal sense ought to have at least the Bill of rights (1st 10 Amendments) committed to memory and be able to spit out the correct verbage verbatim at a moments notice. I mean really. There are preachers who have memorized the entire Bible (Old and New), a mighty feat considering the THOUSANDS of pages. Yet here we sit, voting in people to office and how many of them do you think can memorize a 30 minute speech, yet couldn't memorize the 7 articles of this countries most important document and a further 27 amendments, the only significant section of which is article 1. The whole thing takes less than 10 minutes. We the people are complete morons to vote these idiots into any kind of power.
Agreed! Although Some of us believe the constitution is a work in progress with some notable amendments needed, like one for allowing MJ to be grown for all it's intended purposes, paper, fuel, clothing, smoking, etc. Even though I don't smoke, I would like to see it legal. In fact all drugs should be legal for adults. If one is an addict, then let them overdose if they want to, make it cheap so they don't have to rob and steal to afford it. I say, no revival for overdoses, let them pass on. (maybe this is not a constitutional amendment type of law)
How about one for definent term limits, no more than two, just like the President.


Well-Known Member
Agreed! Although Some of us believe the constitution is a work in progress with some notable amendments needed, like one for allowing MJ to be grown for all it's intended purposes, paper, fuel, clothing, smoking, etc. Even though I don't smoke, I would like to see it legal. In fact all drugs should be legal for adults. If one is an addict, then let them overdose if they want to, make it cheap so they don't have to rob and steal to afford it. I say, no revival for overdoses, let them pass on. (maybe this is not a constitutional amendment type of law)
How about one for definent term limits, no more than two, just like the President.
Interesting, but unnecessary. The 10th Amendment states that Congress has no authority not specifically granted it in the Constitution. As the Constitution is silent on the issue, it is for the people, or the states to decide.

There are a couple amendments I would like to see as well. Amendments repealing the 16th and the 17th amendments come to mind. :clap:


Well-Known Member
johny i just have to remind you that graph shows the results of REPUBLINOMICS.

a boom in which the middle class lost wealth.

the result???? the hole we're still trying to dig ourselves out of.....

nice try.

we all know what happened during the last decade.

the middle class got stripped of wealth, while the rich got richer.

REPUBLINOMICS. let the rich do what they want.

i mean, after all, slavery wasn't that bad... was it??


Well-Known Member
That chart above shows "me",,,That in 2006 the Republicans knew there ass was going to be handed to them on a plater in 2008,,Yea The dems had control of congress for 2 YEARS!!!! and bush used the"VETO",,,button,,,,Lame duct so,,,let's say 6 years Republican control,,,they were warned and did not listen,,insted they rebelled and just went all out with there money,,,That's why "Martha stewart",,,all these Bankers,,,Oil-4-5dollars a gallon,,,,house flippin',,,Building knowing it was immpossable to fufill,,,Channy and "hallaburton",,,,war...come on People...You have these fake info commericals trying to sell you a magic carpet,,,Would you buy one for $10 or would you take 1000 people to invest 1000 to make1 20000? Wall street,,,,Innsurers,,,if your to young Fuck you....Mommy and Daddy wiil take care of you don't worry!!!!! Fuck the stock market and fuck banks your matress is all you need to feel "American" nowaday's thanks to these clowns you wanna put in power again!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE,,,there are no easy solutions to the time we live in,,,we need to work together or just stop bitcn'',,,cause I'm started to get pretty pissed and you know what that means!!!!!!? lol.


Well-Known Member
you do realize med is your senior, right? the guy is older than dirt (no offense med, you rock!)

beter than the alternative. you betcha, my friend. *wink*

it actually seems to me that med rails against these tax cuts because THEY DON'T WORK. THEY DON'T CREATE JOBS. it has been nearly 10 years, where are the jobs, parker? china, perhaps?

there were plenty of good manufacturing jobs where i grew up near allentown pa. i am kinda young and all i heard about growing up was that these jobs were disappearing, despite the top marginal tax brackets going down, being cut in half from 70%. you would think with all those tax cuts, they could afford to keep the manufacturing jobs around. NOPE. they went to mexico, china, wherever....but not allentown.


woah, that shit is gay!^^^^
Wow!! You spelled BeTTer wrong, you also forgot to capitalize Mexico and Allentown. Also Woah should have been capitalized seeing as it is the beginning of the sentence. Guess we can dismiss all your posts as the drivel of an uneducated.

That Medicine goes down hard doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
johny i just have to remind you that graph shows the results of REPUBLINOMICS.

a boom in which the middle class lost wealth.

the result???? the hole we're still trying to dig ourselves out of.....

nice try.

we all know what happened during the last decade.

the middle class got stripped of wealth, while the rich got richer.

REPUBLINOMICS. let the rich do what they want.

i mean, after all, slavery wasn't that bad... was it??
That chart above shows "me",,,That in 2006 the Republicans knew there ass was going to be handed to them on a plater in 2008,,Yea The dems had control of congress for 2 YEARS!!!! and bush used the"VETO",,,button,,,,Lame duct so,,,let's say 6 years Republican control,,,they were warned and did not listen,,insted they rebelled and just went all out with there money,,,That's why "Martha stewart",,,all these Bankers,,,Oil-4-5dollars a gallon,,,,house flippin',,,Building knowing it was immpossable to fufill,,,Channy and "hallaburton",,,,war...come on People...You have these fake info commericals trying to sell you a magic carpet,,,Would you buy one for $10 or would you take 1000 people to invest 1000 to make1 20000? Wall street,,,,Innsurers,,,if your to young Fuck you....Mommy and Daddy wiil take care of you don't worry!!!!! Fuck the stock market and fuck banks your matress is all you need to feel "American" nowaday's thanks to these clowns you wanna put in power again!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE,,,there are no easy solutions to the time we live in,,,we need to work together or just stop bitcn'',,,cause I'm started to get pretty pissed and you know what that means!!!!!!? lol.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

It's also the first stage of the grieving process.


New Member
It was relevant to YOUR comment that Bush left a "mess" for Obama. It would seem Clinton did the same thing. I never claimed victory either, but nice try.:-P

Fair is fair med. Since you put up an example of a republican president leaving a mess for his democratic successor, I simply showed you that HIS democratic predecessor did the EXACT SAME THING! How is that changing the subject?:? I guess I'm just too stupid to understand all this political mumbo jumbo. :dunce:
As has been said by others, Clinton left a surplus. You can not blame 911 on Clinton. His regime passed on all intelligence it had on Bin Laden, Bush ignored it. 911 happened on Bush's watch, period. I even suspect some foul play to start the war on Iraq, but I'll not get into that.


Well-Known Member
As has been said by others, Clinton left a surplus. You can not blame 911 on Clinton. His regime passed on all intelligence it had on Bin Laden, Bush ignored it. 911 happened on Bush's watch, period. I even suspect some foul play to start the war on Iraq, but I'll not get into that.
OMG!!!! Seriously dude? Clinton had the CIA watching Bin Laden. He could've pulled the trigger multiple times because they were tracking him. Why didn't Clinton take Bin Laden out med?
Bush didn't ignore shit. They had no idea where he was exactly, because dumbass Clinton couldn't pull the fucking trigger! He sure as fuck "pulled the trigger" all over Monica Lewinsky's blue dress though. Look, I'm not gonna get into a tit for tat about who left what. My point was simply this. Presidents leave messes for their successors all the time. It's just how shit goes. To finger point or try to place blame is stupid and counterproductive. We could do this all day because there are so many examples. I simply put up an example, and I thought it perfectly illustrated my point, but I guess not. Anyway med, I love our little debates but I've got work to do so we'll have to do this again sometime. ;-)


ink the world

Well-Known Member
lol Quit acting like you're some tough guy. It's the internet. Only punks try to act tough because they are weak in real life boy

Again, you have ZERO reading comprehension...I NEVER threatened you dumbass......At 40 im a little too old to be locking wise ass kids in lockers......BTW "sport" im a former US Marine, i dont need the internet tough guy thing, im one in real life. Trained with YOUR tax dollars :-)
It is not a theory. It is a fact. In order to pay people for their work, you need to have money.
question - who has money?
answer - the rich
I tried to make it easy for you. I hope you catch on. good luck

Are you stupid or apathetic? You didn't go far enough to ask why the jobs are going overseas. You scratch the surface and give a knee jerk reaction. Another person who treats the symptom and not the cause.
When companies relocate overseas and their product does not compete in that foreign country the company does not get taxed. They lower unemployment in that country and they save money.
Simple question for your simple mind, Why can't we do that here?
When companies move JOBS overseas they are not helping OUR economy, they are padding their own wallets. Its not a hard fucking concept to grab. When they move their HQ overseas they avoid paying the taxes the rest of us business owners HAVE to pay. See, kiddo I actually own a fucking business. I'm not projecting theory or half truth talking points. Im coming from the REAL world where I have a business, employees and all that other good stuff. Lemme ask you Bags O Money, you own a business or are you just talking out of you ass?...How much $ does your business inject into our economy?

And yes you are correct the "rich" people have the money, in fact they have MORE of it and a higher percentage of that $ than they have ever had in our countries history. If your theories are so true, why has the gap between the rich and poor gotten larger than it has ever been?
Why have the rich become the richest they have ever been while the poor are poorer and more numerous than in any time in our history?

The talking heads had it right, there is a "redistribution" of wealth going on, only problem is its ALL being distributed upwards. Why is the "middle class" that was the standard of American living almost completely gone?

Because of the boneheaded policies and the the greedy pols that you support.

Like I said you didn't do anything more than scratch the surface. Doesn't surprise me a jealous dullard like you can't stand it when others are successful.
The reason the jobs are going overseas is because of the policies our GOVERNMENT puts into place. Not because of companies wanting to move overseas. They are forced to move in order to make profits. Why are YOU against people making profits when you yourself want to? Two faced much? Without these destructive policies, jobs would stay here and the economy would be a lot better. Next time ask why people or companies do things instead of making baseless, all encompassing, kneejerk statements. You'll learn a lot about economics.

I own a buisiness jackass, its reality for me; not talking points. Here Ill make it simple as fucking possible for you:

Keep the jobs here, pay Americans , those Americans in turn have $ to spend and put back into OUR economy. Do you actually think the Chinese factory worker contributes a fucking cent to our economy. And of course wiseass im in business to make $ and support my family. BUT i understand that by paying people from MY community a fair age they will be spending that $ in my community. Its cyclical retard.
People cant spend $ if they arent working.

The billion $ corporations are simply EXTENDING their profits by outsourcing. The ONLY people making $ from the practice is the corporation. Everyone else loses out:
American workers
American taxpayers

Absolutely nothing wrong with a profit, hell obviously im all for it. But there comes a point when the damage done to our economy is greater than the upside of outsourcing. You complain it was "the govt" that made it happen, True. You just want the govt. (and YOUR candidates) to keep the practice alive.

It's only about me if YOU try to make it abour me. You make things up in hopes of proving your points which have little to no substance. These are not my ideas that I dreamed up. I follow things that work not some half cooked bs an internet clown spouts out like 'Yes We Can!"
You make a comment about the Romans but have no idea you are making my point. Thanks. The Roman empire failed because thy expanded their empire to far and couldn't pay for the upkeep. They ran out of their citizens money. Same thing is happening here. You are to ignorant to notice. WAKE UP!!!!
Again, let me hear you "real world" business experience....I learned the hard way, by actually risking my $ and future on MY business. Have fun flipping burgers kid. Im the guy in the drive through in the Lexus SUV thats kind enough to give your pimple riddled face a tip.
If you want to support foreign outsourcing of jobs and somehow think that thats a good thing for our economy reasoning w/ you is a lost cause. Good luck in the future and try not to get burnt by the friolator.


Well-Known Member
Again, you have ZERO reading comprehension...I NEVER threatened you dumbass......At 40 im a little too old to be locking wise ass kids in lockers......BTW "sport" im a former US Marine, i dont need the internet tough guy thing, im one in real life. Trained with YOUR tax dollars :smile:
Your posts say otherwise. Thank you for serving our country. I can think of few causes as noble as that.

When companies move JOBS overseas they are not helping OUR economy, they are padding their own wallets. Its not a hard fucking concept to grab.
They move overseas because we tax them and they cannot keep up in the global market or want to make more money. It is not attractive for them to stay here. Why do you insist companies stay here for YOU?

When they move their HQ overseas they avoid paying the taxes the rest of us business owners HAVE to pay. See, kiddo I actually own a fucking business. I'm not projecting theory or half truth talking points. Im coming from the REAL world where I have a business, employees and all that other good stuff.
No one is stopping you from moving overseas. If you feel you can make a better living go for it. However you and people like yourself want to stop others from making a living BETTER than you. Anyone who makes alot of profit is evil but when YOU make a profit that is okay. YOU are the one to decide what is too much money, good to know. You're two faced and a control freak.

Lemme ask you Bags O Money, you own a business or are you just talking out of you ass?...How much $ does your business inject into our economy?
Gotcha only people who run a business can comment or know about the economy. Although by your posts you don't know much about how an economy operates so that counts you out. Umm I know, I know, it's becuase I run a business and drive a lexus so I know best LMAO.

And yes you are correct the "rich" people have the money, in fact they have MORE of it and a higher percentage of that $ than they have ever had in our countries history. If your theories are so true, why has the gap between the rich and poor gotten larger than it has ever been?
Why have the rich become the richest they have ever been while the poor are poorer and more numerous than in any time in our history?
I've already listed numerous ways the government has interjected itself into the economy and the failures that follow those policies. How come you don't know this? Why are you here if you refuse to read about proven history? Why do you refuse to learn. Is it because you are another one of these Team America clowns?

Was it a good thing or bad thing the government did not allow the free market to exist in the housing industry? because of these anti free market policies who made money sport? rich or poor

I don't believe you when you say you own a small business. Small business owners hate the government regulations. There are stories everywhere about the this.

The talking heads had it right, there is a "redistribution" of wealth going on, only problem is its ALL being distributed upwards.Why is the "middle class" that was the standard of American living almost completely gone?
because of government intervention in the free market. Please wake up!

Because of the boneheaded policies and the the greedy pols that you support.
lmao another knee jerk reaction. You don't know what you are talking about. Your points are so weak and unfounded you have to make things up. Show me where MY policies are destructive or shut your piehole liar.

Like I said you didn't do anything more than scratch the surface. Always wanting to treat the symptom instead of the cause.

Doesn't surprise me a jealous dullard like you can't stand it when others are successful.
The reason the jobs are going overseas is because of the policies our GOVERNMENT puts into place. Not because of companies wanting to move overseas. They are forced to move in order to make profits. Why are YOU against people making profits when you yourself want to? Without these destructive policies, jobs would stay here and the economy would be a lot better. Next time ask why people or companies do things instead of making baseless, all encompassing, knee jerk statements. You'll learn a lot about economics.

I own a buisiness jackass, its reality for me; not talking points. Here Ill make it simple as fucking possible for you:

Keep the jobs here, pay Americans , those Americans in turn have $ to spend and put back into OUR economy. Do you actually think the Chinese factory worker contributes a fucking cent to our economy. And of course wiseass im in business to make $ and support my family. BUT i understand that by paying people from MY community a fair age they will be spending that $ in my community. Its cyclical retard.
People cant spend $ if they arent working.
like i said you did not say much of substance because you yourself have little. You wave a wand and expect people to fall in line. These are not my "beliefs of what is the correct way to run an economy". It is what has happened through history which has been factually proven time and time and time again government intervention is the cause of booms and busts. AND the busts are always a lot worse than the booms.

Lower the theft tax on businesses and they stay here. If only you could read beyond the 4th grade level you can see for yourself what executives of other companies say is the deterrent to them staying. It is taxes. But a blind fool like yourself continues to ignore that because YOU know better as to what is good for them and the economy.

You absolutely know what is best for YOU and should make decisions for YOURSELF and not other companies. I don't trust you to make those kind of decisions as YOU are only looking out for your best interests.

The billion $ corporations are simply EXTENDING their profits by outsourcing. The ONLY people making $ from the practice is the corporation. Everyone else loses out:
American workers
American taxpayers

Absolutely nothing wrong with a profit, hell obviously im all for it. But there comes a point when the damage done to our economy is greater than the upside of outsourcing. You complain it was "the govt" that made it happen, True. You just want the govt. (and YOUR candidates) to keep the practice alive.
So according to you profit is only good when you say so. Doesn't matter if the company that moves overseas is rated as the best company in the world to work for, they are bad because they make too much money. Maybe we should stop them from forcing people to buy their product. Oh wait we're not forcing them. Freedom is a horrible thing isn't it. Funny how someone like you who served their country doesn't know that. But then again you're not about enforcing the laws you're about enforcing what YOU think is right. Mob rule.

Again, let me hear you "real world" business experience....I learned the hard way, by actually risking my $ and future on MY business. Have fun flipping burgers kid. Im the guy in the drive through in the Lexus SUV thats kind enough to give your pimple riddled face a tip.
It's not about me. I'm not the one trying to impress others of their accomplishments like that is the answer. btw I don't believe you have that nice a car either.

I have already given you information about the problems companies face here and why they move overseas. You have tried to blow your horn about being successful. It's not about you or me. It's about the failed policies I have outlined.

If you want to support foreign outsourcing of jobs and somehow think that thats a good thing for our economy reasoning w/ you is a lost cause. Good luck in the future and try not to get burnt by the friolator.
This just shows you how idiotic you are. Show me where I said outsourcing is good for the economy. You can't because I never even alluded to it. You make things up and can't put two and two together. Why should I believe you? You come across as too stupid to run a business.

Put the Team America stuff away and look around at the over reaching arm of the government and the unintended consequences that follow. Government inflates the good and bad business cycles. The policies they have put forward have caused this time and time again. Why do you refuse to see it?

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Your posts say otherwise. Thank you for serving our country. I can think of few causes as noble as that.

Thanks you again, Parker; lets try to be civil. We've both crossed the line and turned a civil debate into a mud slinging contest.

They move overseas because we tax them and they cannot keep up in the global market or want to make more money. It is not attractive for them to stay here. Why do you insist companies stay here for YOU?

I was addressing specifically the fact that they OUTSOURCE jobs, including the high tech jobs overseas. How on Earth does a foreign worker contribute to our country or our economy? How many times have you run into a Chinese national at your local grocery store? I dont insist they keep jobs here in the USA, its a free country, I can choose NOT to support them or the politicians that support outsourcing.

No one is stopping you from moving overseas. If you feel you can make a better living go for it. However you and people like yourself want to stop others from making a living BETTER than you. Anyone who makes alot of profit is evil but when YOU make a profit that is okay. YOU are the one to decide what is too much money, good to know. You're two faced and a control freak.
LOL I own a tattoo shop, im doing OK and have no desire to leave the country or move my business overseas. Making a profit is not evil, and if someone makes more $ than me Im happy for them. I do have a problem when a company sends jobs overseas and our government gives them a tax break for it. If you reread my statements, that is my real complaint. They are free to move the jobs, i dont support rewarding them for it though.

Gotcha only people who run a business can comment or know about the economy. Although by your posts you don't know much about how an economy operates so that counts you out. Umm I know, I know, it's becuase I run a business and drive a lexus so I know best LMAO.

Actually, yeah owning a business and operating in the business world DOES give me more insight than someone that doesnt. Who would you rather take computer advice from Bill Gates or the junior in college majoring in Computer Technology?

I've already listed numerous ways the government has interjected itself into the economy and the failures that follow those policies. How come you don't know this? Why are you here if you refuse to read about proven history? Why do you refuse to learn. Is it because you are another one of these Team America clowns?

Was it a good thing or bad thing the government did not allow the free market to exist in the housing industry? because of these anti free market policies who made money sport? rich or poor

I don't believe you when you say you own a small business. Small business owners hate the government regulations. There are stories everywhere about the this.
LOL like I said I own a tattoo shop, I deal with Government agencies CONSTANTLY. My local and state Board of Health, OSHA, state licensing etc. etc......Whuile it might be a pain in the ass, especially in my industry the oversight is a necessary evil. Without it there would be 1,000,00's of hack tattoo "artists" out there spreading diseases or even killing people because of poor sanitation and sterility habits. Sometimes you have to take a little bad in order to get more good.

because of government intervention in the free market. Please wake up!

lmao another knee jerk reaction. You don't know what you are talking about. Your points are so weak and unfounded you have to make things up. Show me where MY policies are destructive or shut your piehole liar.

OK heres where your policies have impacted our economy over the last decade:

Time Magazine:
The decline in manufacturing jobs has swiftly accelerated since the beginning of 2000. Since then, more than 1.9 million factory jobs have been cut — about 10% of the sector's workforce. During the same period, the number of jobs outside manufacturing has risen close to 2%.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics: In the calendar year of 2009 the total of US jobs outsourced overseas: 2,023,392.

Like I said you didn't do anything more than scratch the surface. Always wanting to treat the symptom instead of the cause.
Like I said, in the beginning, I lost my temper and was an asshole. For that I apologize. Lets stay civil OK?


Well-Known Member
Like I said, in the beginning, I lost my temper and was an asshole. For that I apologize. Lets stay civil OK?
agreed I apologize too.

I believe a consistent economic climate is best. Always good to know what is up ahead so you can plan for it. Having a strong foundation is always a good start.

I'm going to give you a scenario which our government has set up and you tell me if it sounds like the American dream.

A house is "mainly" thought of as living quarters, a necessity for an American Family wanting to live the American Dream. Not necessarily as an investment although I have no problem with people buying and selling to make money.

Lets talk property taxes. I agree those taxes have good intentions on their use. I don't agree with how MY money is used but at least it starts with good intentions.
The economy is suffering. Me included. My property tax went up 15 k. The land went from 30k to 45k last year. If I am suffering and cutting back shouldn't government do the same? Why am I being forced to pay more. Who puts this value on it? Not the consumers, not the free market. Some bureaucratic has waved a wand and said the property in my area in now worth 15k more. That figure IS tied into the money the government wants to bring in so it can operate.

There has to be a better way. (there is as Debra Medina outlines a very good plan in her bid for Texas governor) As a basic general example, if the Appraisal office was done away with and the same amount of money could be raised through sales taxes (except on food and medicine), we'd be better off. Actually the cost to the home owner would go down because we no longer have to support the defunct government appraisal agency. Remember renters pay higher prices too as the tax on a non homestead house is higher. We all pay.

If there is no property tax but because of the added sales tax you are still out the same amount of money. What it means is during the year you have paid out the $2000 instead of all at once IF YOU CHOOSE TO SPEND. It's easier to manage your money that way. Remember you have choice while with property tax it's taken by force. You don't buy the wide screen TV you had your eye on because you don't have the cash on hand. You don't go to Disneyland this year because you don't have the cash on hand. The money is basically the same but it is easier to manage as well as you don't have any worries about losing your paid off house. Like I said this is never about what YOU would do or what others SHOULD do. It is about what we do DO.

We are told if you better yourself it will pay off. Not so with a house. You make improvements to the house, it's value goes up, you end up paying more in taxes. Improve the house a month before selling it, sure. But what about the parents who want to stay put and raise their kids. What incentive do they have to better their house if it only costs them more in the long run? It's worse for senior citizens who are on a limited income and cannot earn the extra money needed to pay for the "self betterment tax". Aren't these the type of people we want to guarantee stability for?

As a people we have proven we cannot save money. Government policies hurt us in this respect. But for now we know we cannot save well. The scenario we see at end of the year, because we haven't saved or an unforeseen cost has hit us, is we don't have money to pay the property tax so we could loose our house.
I've mentioned before at the end of the day no matter how bad your money situation is, if you have paid off your house you should be secure in the knowledge you have a roof over your head and a place to stay. We cannot say this now. Treading water is not the American dream for me.

We speak of things like personal responsibility and save for the future as rules to practice yet as a nation we do not put policies in place that steer us towards those "golden rules". Instead we have animosity towards the ones who get ahead by not playing by the "golden rules" and they use MY money doing it. And who can really blame them for using the rules put in place by our government. When push comes to shove people will do what is best for themselves even if it's not the right thing. I do not have religion but I do recognize man is evil and power corrupts.

Nowadays when it comes to important things too many people take the answer they want to hear at face value because they heard it from a smart person who is in that field. It seems complicated but this person sounds smart so he's probably right. "This is what we need to fix out problems today". But what happens all to often is the unintended consequences of blow back. Down the line shit hits the fan. Now what? More manipulation coming.
I've posted this video before. The union guy says things on face value that seem true enough. Check out the Margaret Thatcher look alike near the end who has private companies running things in her town.


I suggest a great book to read "The Forgotten Man" A New History of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaes. 400 pages no pictures but easy enough to read. It goes chronologically from Jan 1927 through Jan 1940 so it's easy to follow even if you put it down for a bit. It tells about the well intentioned policies FDR put forth during the Depression and the reasons why those same policies extended the Depression for a great many people. Blow back and the unintended consequences are explained.


Well-Known Member
OK heres where your policies have impacted our economy over the last decade:

Time Magazine:
The decline in manufacturing jobs has swiftly accelerated since the beginning of 2000. Since then, more than 1.9 million factory jobs have been cut — about 10% of the sector's workforce. During the same period, the number of jobs outside manufacturing has risen close to 2%.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics: In the calendar year of 2009 the total of US jobs outsourced overseas: 2,023,392.[/B]
The policies I'd back would have kept many of those jobs here. Like I said, I would have lowered the tax base until those companies stayed. Excess tax is the reason many companies leave. Government regulations play apart of it also.


Active Member
"We people of intellect."

No elitism there. :-P

Intellectual giants like the Proggies on this board.

And this Rocket Surgeon.


Or these Nobel Laureates.


Thanks for the hearty belly laugh.
I think that second videos is disingenuous because it is implying that the ones who were interviewed represents all of the Obama voters by saying "How Obama Got Elected". Were each of these voters interviewed consecutively? or were the stupid ones that were interviewed cherry picked and edited into the videos? Yes you could say the same about the dumbass people interviewed at the tea party rallies.

Edit: could not fucking upload picture anywhere due to some kind of script error anyways..


Well-Known Member
I think that second videos is disingenuous because it is implying that the ones who were interviewed represents all of the Obama voters by saying "How Obama Got Elected". Were each of these voters interviewed consecutively? or were the stupid ones that were interviewed cherry picked and edited into the videos? Yes you could say the same about the dumbass people interviewed at the tea party rallies.

Edit: could not fucking upload picture anywhere due to some kind of script error anyways..
The second video is disingenuous providing it misrepresents what the interviewees actually said.

It does not.

All respondents were asked the same questions and gave their own answers.

If you believe it is disingenuous, it is probably because you simply disagree.

Both videos prove my point which was in answer to the statement made earlier in this thread; that Progressives were "people of intellect."


New Member
That chart above shows "me",,,That in 2006 the Republicans knew there ass was going to be handed to them on a plater in 2008,,Yea The dems had control of congress for 2 YEARS!!!! and bush used the"VETO",,,button,,,,Lame duct so,,,let's say 6 years Republican control,,,they were warned and did not listen,,insted they rebelled and just went all out with there money,,,That's why "Martha stewart",,,all these Bankers,,,Oil-4-5dollars a gallon,,,,house flippin',,,Building knowing it was immpossable to fufill,,,Channy and "hallaburton",,,,war...come on People...You have these fake info commericals trying to sell you a magic carpet,,,Would you buy one for $10 or would you take 1000 people to invest 1000 to make1 20000? Wall street,,,,Innsurers,,,if your to young Fuck you....Mommy and Daddy wiil take care of you don't worry!!!!! Fuck the stock market and fuck banks your matress is all you need to feel "American" nowaday's thanks to these clowns you wanna put in power again!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE,,,there are no easy solutions to the time we live in,,,we need to work together or just stop bitcn'',,,cause I'm started to get pretty pissed and you know what that means!!!!!!? lol.
I agree, time to clean the guns.