ummmm jeff go back and read again.... that question was for Roy and it did not pertain to what I was saying to you... My point to you is it seems that you bitchn about something you not even paying for in fact you may be the one that the rest of us are paying for ...and with that said I don't mind paying to insure that you and your family have health careSo we can either have free health care or pay no taxes? Hmm i didnt remember that option floated by bamster.
I'm afraid I'll be a bit wordy in my answer, read the whole thing and you will understand.Have a question for you ...Do you feel that we should pay zero taxes ???
Dude that would never work...thats like some real hippie $ wouldn't want to pay for nothing but use everything...take roads...your taxes pay for road and highway repair( and don't say gas tax pay damn gas tax pay for pot holes in my city)....25% of the funds used to build roads and other infrastructure for automobiles comes from general funds, because fuel taxes or registration fees simply do not cover the total cost. so we can start there....should we pay taxes for the road and would you .???I'm afraid I'll be a bit wordy in my answer, read the whole thing and you will understand.
I think that you should be free to participate in giving ALL of your money to that which YOU believe in as long as you aren't initiating aggression against another. Your collective use of "we" is not something I'm willing to accept as a given when it comes to making decisions that others should make concerning their own life. We are all individuals.
People should not be forced to pay for something they do not use or do not want. People should pay for what they use or voluntarily wish to donate to others. Anything taken under the threat of force from a peaceful person who politely declines to participate is extortion. Forcing peaceful people to participate in something they don't agree with is morally wrong. Using something and expecting another to subsidize you or asking another entity (GOVERNMENT) to make others subsidize you or your ideas under the threat of force is wrong. Pay for what YOU want, what you use and leave others alone.
You didn't understand my post. I am not proposing people pay for noting, but use everything. Might I suggest you really read it?Dude that would never work...thats like some real hippie $ wouldn't want to pay for nothing but use everything...take roads...your taxes pay for road and highway repair( and don't say gas tax pay damn gas tax pay for pot holes in my city)....25% of the funds used to build roads and other infrastructure for automobiles comes from general funds, because fuel taxes or registration fees simply do not cover the total cost. so we can start there....should we pay taxes for the road and would you .???
Books and education can exist outside the realm of extortion. A better question you might want to ponder is why home schoolers score so high on the public schools standardized tests?I did ...and public schools how do you think they are ran....some people would say hey I don't have a kid why do i pay ???? same reason some pay for roads when they don't have a car ....and hell I love the library but others may say "go away books I care not to read" see it could go on and on we have taxes so all can enjoy the good that government can true you have some politicians who are out to get rich and pass laws to benefit them....that's the source of your problem...greed...follow the money and you will see that its not what we do state-side that causes your taxes to expand... its the money that we spend and send outside the states that you should be screamin about...
I wouldn't wipe my ass with Fucks media, Murdoch's intelligence-insulting corporate propaganda tool - you should stay away from the gutter-press and restrict your sources to REALITY-based media or you won't be taken seriously. The cited piece is classic, a tired bit of union-bashing - must've been a slow news day. It's disgusting to watch a well-paid, slippery-smooth creep of a tv interviewer browbeating an honest worker about his wages when he probably makes more in a month than the union guy brings home in a year. He's lucky the union guy didn't shove the microphone down his ignorant fucking throat.I've always maintained, the proof is in the pudding. People can paint a glorious picture but that does not make it so. The union man tries to do so yet fails miserable. This part, part 4 is 9:38 minutes long
at the 8:45 mark a comment that is easy to miss yet speaks volumes.
"We try to find the problems before anyone calls us with it"
If you want to solve a problem treat the cause not the symptom.
typical response from a person who wants to continue to use force in order to get what they want. Ironic that you promote the same agenda the union scumbag did in the video.[FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
I wouldn't wipe my ass with Fucks media, Murdoch's intelligence-insulting corporate propaganda tool - you should stay away from the gutter-press and restrict your sources to REALITY-based media or you won't be taken seriously. The cited piece is classic, a tired bit of union-bashing - must've been a slow news day. It's disgusting to watch a well-paid, slippery-smooth creep of a tv interviewer browbeating an honest worker about his wages when he probably makes more in a month than the union guy brings home in a year. He's lucky the union guy didn't shove the microphone down his ignorant fucking throat. [/FONT][/FONT]
All one has to do is look at the cost of American made union cars and foreign imports to see the impact associated with union compensation. Unions have priced themselves out of the market and are not cost effective.[FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif][FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Instead of attacking unions for fighting to make sure at least some of the real workforce make a living wage - in race-to-the-bottom Amerika - let's hear your opinion of the parasites of Wall Street and the other capitalist sponges that leach off the real productivity of the American working class.[/FONT][/FONT]
Hello????? Among other things, the massive debt is a result of uncontrolled spending[FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif]"Ronald Reagan began the war on the middle class with his “supply-side” economics. Its very purpose, according to David Stockman, Reagan’s Budget Director, was to transfer wealth and income upwards. It cut the marginal tax rate on the highest income earners from 75% to 35% while dramatically expanding spending for war. The results were two-fold: massive federal debt and an astonishing rise in the share of income and wealth going to those who were already the wealthiest people in the world.[/FONT]
easy enough. Quit electing politicians who are against the free market. Since when is Congress the ones we should look to to run our economy? We have seen the policies they put into place cause more destruction than relief in the long run.[FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif]The national debt quadrupled between 1980 and 1992. George W. Bush would repeat Reagan’s policies and double it again between 2000 and 2008. Meanwhile, the share of national income going to the top 1% more than doubled, from 9% to 24%. The share going to the top one-tenth of 1% of income earners more than tripled. We now have the most unequal distribution of income in the developing world and the inequality is growing rapidly.
Shifts of this magnitude over such short periods of time have never been seen in American history. With the rich getting much, much richer, its means that everybody else is getting poorer. And in fact, real wages for median workers are lower today than they were in 1973. Indeed, while the inflation-adjusted income of the bottom fifth of workers fell by $6,900 between 1979 and 2007, the top 1% saw its annual income increase by $741,000![FONT=Arial, sans-serif]"
- from [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
A completely baseless point you made up here. You have absolutely no proof this would be attempted and to even mention it is the act of a drama queen.[FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]When you're finished with the unions next it'll be Mexicans, or non-white immigrants - anything but the real source of the problem, an ethically-challenged economic elite who have been plundering the nation for decades. But your ideology gives you firm boundaries, and one thing YOU MUST NOT DO is challenge the ruling elite! That would be, like, treason or something! You can only piss on whoever the elite has decided to attack - and I guess this month its unions. [/FONT][/FONT]
You didn't refute one fact in the video. Ignore and deny are your tactics I see.[FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Century Schoolbook, serif][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]So restrict your attacks to that shrinking pool of unionized American labour who make a decent living while performing necessary work - and leave the bankers and capitalists to the multibillion dollar profits you the taxpayer gave them, for selling all those excellent mortgages.
Real smart. [/FONT][/FONT]
If that is the case I applaud Jeff. Usually when you rob Peter to pay Paul , Paul is all for it.ummmm jeff go back and read again.... that question was for Roy and it did not pertain to what I was saying to you... My point to you is it seems that you bitchn about something you not even paying for in fact you may be the one that the rest of us are paying for
then pay my share if you don't mind so much. That's the problem with your thinking. You don't go far enough. You want to make decisions with MY money that you have no business doing. You want to forcibly take money from me to pay for your cause. That's stealing and it's immoral, no matter how good the cause is perceived to be....and with that said I don't mind paying to insure that you and your family have health care
give me your address and i will send you my insurance bills. since i have a 500 deductable and a 3000 catastrophic deductable, it wont cost you more than 3500 per year. oh, and i have a 3 dollar copay for generic, 9 bucks for name brand and 22 for optional stuff like rogaine or viagra etc. i only get 3 regular prescriptions which total 34 monthly.ummmm jeff go back and read again.... that question was for Roy and it did not pertain to what I was saying to you... My point to you is it seems that you bitchn about something you not even paying for in fact you may be the one that the rest of us are paying for ...and with that said I don't mind paying to insure that you and your family have health care
bucky, i think you have something stuck to the bottom of your shoeparker was such a douche, probably still is.
glad i'm not a mod anymore so i can just state that, instead of typing reams to imply it.
i need my sketchy etchy scraping stick, where did i leave it now?bucky, i think you have something stuck to the bottom of your shoe![]()
5 years ahead of the SCOTUS.gays are entitled to equal protection under the law as provided by the 14th amendment.
i'm tellin' ya, pada..this guy's our wildcard
he is the wildcard, though. just like obama in 2008.
it won't be for long..americans like this guy..he's the wildcard, the underdog.