Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but do the Democrats not have overwhelming majorities in both Hoses of Congress? As such, Republican opposition was a non-factor for a long time.Here's the truth, deal with it. Bush left the mess, created the atmosphere for the banks and wall street to steal the money, corporations incentivized for outsourcing and shipping whole factories overseas, de-regulated everything him and Cheney could in secret, dug a giant hole and slithered out of office just in time for the roof to cave in. Here I thought he was stupid, pretty smart I'd say, now you righties are trying to hang it on Obama. That is all the pathetic crap you have.
Obama has been filling in the hole as fast as he can, but the enormity of the fiasco takes way more than 2 stinkin years to correct, especially with the righties filibustering every bill that could help. Obama may spend a few billion getting us back on track, but without the governments help, we'd be further up shit creek than you could imagine. I love the hypocracy on the right, rag on Obama for increasing the deficit, then turn around and yell that we need to give the rich motherfuckers that caused this fiasco a tax cut of 800 billion, which will go right onto the deficit, then claim how the tax cut for the rich will create all these jobs, while we are still under the tax cuts and no stinkin jobs have been created by the rich motherfuckers, have they? So the truth is there, can you fuckling deal with it, or do you have your head in a dark place?
BTW, asswipe, I'm not your boy.
During 2009 and part of this year, Republicans did not have the forty members required to filibuster. That flies in the face of your claim of "the righties filibustering every bill that could help."
A few billion? Brack, with the support of Democrats in Congress, is aiming to put us in the hole a few trillion, and it ain't getting us on the right track. Unless your definition of the right track is national insolvency.
Tax cuts don't cause the deficits because it is not the government's money, it is the taxpayer's money; but spending sure the fuck does.
Any hypocrisy on the Right, and I will concede it exists; is equaled or exceeded by the Hypocrisy of the Left.
Too many skeletons in the closet for me to run (not mention grow equipment - LOL!). I appreciate your commenting on my ideas though.So when are you going to get on the ballot? I agree with more than half of your premises, probably more than any other candidate out there.
Remember Med, I only rag on you because I like you. If I didn't like you I would just ignore you.
I only have one response to your statements, that being the NPR/PBS comment. You seem to be forgetting about the commercial Liberal media outlets: MSNBC, the other alphabet channels, and Faux News... err, I mean Comedy Central.