lol Quit acting like you're some tough guy. It's the internet. Only punks try to act tough because they are weak in real life boy.First off, let me express my happiness that someone was kind enough to free you from the locker your punk ass was locked in.
It is not a theory. It is a fact. In order to pay people for their work, you need to have money.I like your theory about how the rich create jobs,,,,,,
question - who has money?
answer - the rich
I tried to make it easy for you. I hope you catch on. good luck
Are you stupid or apathetic? You didn't go far enough to ask why the jobs are going overseas. You scratch the surface and give a knee jerk reaction. Another person who treats the symptom and not the cause.So as the richest of us have only gotten richer and you are correct sir, they are hiring. Only problem is they are hiring Chinese, Guatemalans and Koreans; not us Americans.....See kiddo, THEY make more $ that way, they can avoid that "socialist" ideal of a minimum wage. Why pay an American $7.50 an hour when they can hire a foreign worker for a fraction of the cost and get a tax break on top of it.
The bottom line is that these "rich" people are selling you, me and the rest of the country out for a few extra $. Period.
When companies relocate overseas and their product does not compete in that foreign country the company does not get taxed. They lower unemployment in that country and they save money.
Simple question for your simple mind, Why can't we do that here?
Like I said you didn't do anything more than scratch the surface. Doesn't surprise me a jealous dullard like you can't stand it when others are successful.You wail on about socialists and all the other popular retarded catch phrases of the day, and yet defend the very people that are contributing to the problem. You support these business people and the politicians that reward them for shipping jobs overseas by giving them tax breaks for it. How un-american. Actually, I take back the "unamerican" thing......
The reason the jobs are going overseas is because of the policies our GOVERNMENT puts into place. Not because of companies wanting to move overseas. They are forced to move in order to make profits. Why are YOU against people making profits when you yourself want to? Two faced much? Without these destructive policies, jobs would stay here and the economy would be a lot better. Next time ask why people or companies do things instead of making baseless, all encompassing, kneejerk statements. You'll learn a lot about economics.
It's only about me if YOU try to make it abour me. You make things up in hopes of proving your points which have little to no substance. These are not my ideas that I dreamed up. I follow things that work not some half cooked bs an internet clown spouts out like 'Yes We Can!"After more thought, you sir typify America at this point. Loud, ignorant and loving every minute of Dancing With The Starts and American Idol. I wonder if the Romans saw it coming like some of us do.
You make a comment about the Romans but have no idea you are making my point. Thanks. The Roman empire failed because thy expanded their empire to far and couldn't pay for the upkeep. They ran out of their citizens money. Same thing is happening here. You are to ignorant to notice. WAKE UP!!!!