Spoken like a true douche bag right out of the gate.
Let me ask you this, when asked how they would lower debt and what EXACTLY they would cut, not ONE could actually give an answer.......like Ive said in the past and I will continue to say:
Youve been bamboozled by these "candidates"........They cant tell us how they will lower debt, and are such strong "constitutionalists" yet dont even understand the first fucking amendment. Pathetic, even more pathetic are the sheep that buy their bullshit hook line and sinker.
Wanna buy a bridge "sport?"
By using 'they' rather than 'she' you are making the mistake of judging all Teabaggers based on the ramblings of the rodeo clown.
As far as I can tell your main objection to the Teabagger movement is based on your disdain for four maybe five Teabag candidates.
They can work on the 'how' once they are elected. My main concern at this moment is their commitment to do it.
First on my list would be to eliminate
all public funding for NPR, and PBS while I was at it. Liberal media should not be subsidized by the likes of me.
I would withdraw us from Afghanistan immediately. Obama is a lover, not a fighter. He does not have the stomach for it.
I would reduce the number of foreign military bases to at least 25% of what it is now. Our foreign military presence is too large. Far too large.
I would remove all US military from Korea. South Korea can protect itself now.
I would withdraw us from the UN.
I would reduce our commitment to NATO to almost nothing. Europe can protect itself now.
How's that for a start?