Should We Tolerate Religion?


Well-Known Member
Should we be tolerating religion when it is the cause of war and ignorance?

Religions dont tolerate each other or anyone outside them.

Why should we tolerate religion?
thats stupid....are you going to tell someone they cant believe in something...thats pretty much against all human moral codes
we tolerate religion only because we must. what is bred of ignorance and fear can only be abolished when ignorance and fear are abolished.
ignorance can never be 'abolished' i bet there are less than a handful of people on this earth that are rid of those can rid their ignorance or fear...but i dont want to sound like a just thinking of plato's cave:peace:
that is a question only you yourself can answer... only when the masses of people learn to discipline themselves and not be swayed by an institution such as religion. its all about self discipline with that you can achieve any goal.
i dont think its the religion itself that could necessarily sway to violence someone but through their attachment to something that is greater than they are...and their own fear of death is where their anger comes, willing to go to further extremes to see their own destiny succeed....just throwing some ideas around i dunno if it makes total sense
I guess it depends on what you mean by tolerate. I don't hate anyone for what the believe, but I will get in their face and argue with them for hours on end and explain to them why I think what the believe is ridiculous. I'm like a backwards missionary (sounds like a sex position), its my goal in life to get as many people as I can to abandon their religious beliefs.
yea thats what i was getting at... those with no self discipline can not control ignorant emotions.
xthen wouldnt arguing with someone to tell them they are 'wrong' with their beliefs be a lack of self control....and then it could be said the other way around .... the person thats defending their religion could say that you have no self discipline...but its all relative truths to what you believe...a universal truth is the only real truth and i guess that is the knowledge of one owns self....think outside the cave ! (or try to at least)
Religions were created to control people. They were made by intelligent people. Thats why so many people believe the lie.

If you can admit that there are people out there who are far more intelligent than yourself, then maybe you can start seeing the truth.
The truth being that nobody really knows whats out there.
Anyone can be manipulated in some or other way.

Most religions were created by intelligent people as a means of control.
Others were journeys of discovery into the inner mind.

Some of these religions have become an excuse to commit genocide.

Should we tolerate these religions? I think not.
this is a statement i came up with for one of my classes..."religion is the acception of death, it gives people the willpower to endure. it brings change through the direction of consciousness" i agree with you spliff....i KNOW that religion was created for a purpose....but i dont want to believe it ...cause in reality...everyone dies alone ...and that is a very scary fact that over 99% of the population including myself can not accept....and of course there are people smarter than i am....religons that were created from journeys, i dont know so much about ...can you give me an example...and also keep in mind that it could be created to show a grandeur allusion of the mobility of consciousness to persuade someone to act a certain way...making it just like all other religions, for control...sorry about the rampling
I've met plenty of Atheists who are pretty fucking ignorant.

It's not religion's fault that a lot of people misinterpret the messages or apply outdated ones to this day and age. There are also a lot of religious teachings that tell people to leave others alone who aren't of the faith. For God's sake, Gautama Buddha even said do not listen to him unless what he says matches up to your own common sense.

I fear the day when CLOSEMINDED people attempt to abolish religion altogether. They'll learn very quickly that it gives some warmth where there is only cold, and hope when there is only strife.

Understand what you're asking, and then speak.
this is a statement i came up with for one of my classes..."religion is the acception of death, it gives people the willpower to endure. it brings change through the direction of consciousness" i agree with you spliff....i KNOW that religion was created for a purpose....but i dont want to believe it ...cause in reality...everyone dies alone ...and that is a very scary fact that over 99% of the population including myself can not accept....and of course there are people smarter than i am....religons that were created from journeys, i dont know so much about ...can you give me an example...and also keep in mind that it could be created to show a grandeur allusion of the mobility of consciousness to persuade someone to act a certain way...making it just like all other religions, for control...sorry about the rampling

Good point.

I've met plenty of Atheists who are pretty fucking ignorant.

It's not religion's fault that a lot of people misinterpret the messages or apply outdated ones to this day and age. There are also a lot of religious teachings that tell people to leave others alone who aren't of the faith. For God's sake, Gautama Buddha even said do not listen to him unless what he says matches up to your own common sense.

I fear the day when CLOSEMINDED people attempt to abolish religion altogether. They'll learn very quickly that it gives some warmth where there is only cold, and hope when there is only strife.

Understand what you're asking, and then speak.

Yes there are atheists who are religiously atheist, which I find rediculous.
I am not talking about abolishing relgion. I would however like to see the day when religion doesn't affect the decision making of the worlds most powerful people.

Also, how can you understand if you don't ask?
Yes there are atheists who are religiously atheist, which I find ridiculous.
an atheist, by the act of denying that which he can neither prove nor disprove, must have taken a leap of faith similar to that taken by those who embrace religious doctrine. in this sense, atheism is really no more rational than religious fervor. the only difference between the two is what leads up to that final decision. of course there are those who chose the path of non-belief just to be contrary, just as there are those who adopt a religion merely fit in with the majority.

I am not talking about abolishing religion. I would however like to see the day when religion doesn't affect the decision making of the worlds most powerful people.
when a man's entire world view is warped by the dogma of the church, all of his decisions will be shaded by that faith. you cannot separate a man's most deep seated beliefs from his every day actions. there will always be an element of religious elitism in politics until our leaders are able to divorce themselves from the fantasy world of religion and embrace a more rational outlook.
It's not religion's fault that a lot of people misinterpret the messages or apply outdated ones to this day and age.
isn't that the point of organized religion, to maintain the status quo? the very nature of religion precludes change. the word of god must be unchanging or god will be proved to have been mistaken and gods cannot make mistakes. any change in dogma takes decades because those changes must be cloaked in layer upon layer of misdirection or the faithful may catch on that their sacred texts are nothing more than the words of man.

I fear the day when CLOSEMINDED people attempt to abolish religion altogether.
don't be too concerned. only the powerful could ever even attempt to tear down what has taken centuries to erect and religion is far too useful a tool to be discarded without something equally insidious to take its place.

They'll learn very quickly that it gives some warmth where there is only cold, and hope when there is only strife.
false hope and the illusion of comfort, these are the greatest tools ever developed to enslave the minds of men. while the masses toil, hoping to attain some otherworldly paradise, the powerful reap the rewards of their labor and laugh heartily at the gullibility of their unwitting slaves. while their children go cold and hungry, the faithful tithe willingly and warm themselves in the camaraderie of poverty and despair. such are the gifts of the god myth and its attendants.
when a man's entire world view is warped by the dogma of the church, all of his decisions will be shaded by that faith. you cannot separate a man's most deep seated beliefs from his every day actions. there will always be an element of religious elitism in politics until our leaders are able to divorce themselves from the fantasy world of religion and embrace a more rational outlook.

It doesn't matter how deap seated a man's bullshit is. It's still bullshit.
I believe there should be less tolerance for peoples bullshit.

Rational and logical thinking is the way forward in my mind. :peace:
It doesn't matter how deep seated a man's bullshit is. It's still bullshit.
I believe there should be less tolerance for peoples bullshit.
reason is a process and is complicated by the vagaries of the human mind. what some see as logic, others consider blasphemy. unluckily, we live in a world where fantasy holds sway.

:oops: oops, please excuse my ridiculous spelling...
one of my many faults is my tendency to correct others' spelling mistakes when i quote them. if i believed in reincarnation i would tend to think i was an english teacher in a past life.:wink:
Well of course we should. Its people's right to believe in what they choose. Not our right to judge either.

I think we should be as tolerant as we possibly can be of others. No if's or but's about it. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Should we be tolerating religion when it is the cause of war and ignorance?

Religions dont tolerate each other or anyone outside them.

Why should we tolerate religion?