First Grow And Box Design


Active Member
I would advise getting the ph under the right levels first. The nute difficiencies are most likely due to the ph level "locking them out". This means your plant is not absorbing at the right rate, not that the nutes aren't available. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
after getting that ph meter i realized that after putting lemon juice in the water, my ph will start rising back up in a matter of hours. so tomorrow the store is open and i will get actual ph down and c if that will help to keep it more consistent. over the past few times i had been to the store i had been telling the owner of the store about my box set up and showed him some pics of just the box with no plant in it. well last time i was there he hit me up about making boxes for his store. I said hell yeah!!!! i am goin to make him a demo model over the next couple weeks to put in the window of his store. he wants the ventilation changed up to fit the air cooled hps hoods, carbon filter, its goin to have spots to connect a screen above the plant. its goin to be tight. hope someone has the money to blow on it. the metal alone is goin to cost me a hundred. that doesn't include paint, hinges, wheels, powerstrip. when its all said and done i will have almost 200 invested. and if i can only make a 50 on the box then thats not worth the labor. he seems to think it would be an extra 200. and thats just the box without all the demo stuff. what yall think??? think my closet box would sale if i made some modifications???? i will take pics of it when i get it done. Speakin of pics i need to add some new ones. its been a whole 2 days since my last ones were posted. its amazing at how fast the flowers start bulking up. seems like it was just these little micro popcorn things for the longest time and then this weeks she got her shit together and started puttin out (we are at regular sized popcorn now). ;-)



Well-Known Member
I would certainly give it a shot, you have the skills needed to make them, now can you do it cheap enough, anything in a hydro shop is expensive so your looking at over 200 dollars for sure. if you can keep your costs down, you should turn a profit.


Active Member
Best of luck making the boxes. AS for the ph rising, mine does the same thing with the real ph down stuff. I think it just happens when interacting with the plant. I just add drops daily or as needed.

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
I cant wait to see pics of these babies when they are done, but just by the shape of the plant and leaves a bet this girl will flower for a while. But like I said I got a subscription and wanna see this baby finished!! looks gorgeous. And plus rep for those boxes. I say keep turning em out- I think they will make a profit.


Well-Known Member
I would certainly give it a shot, you have the skills needed to make them, now can you do it cheap enough, anything in a hydro shop is expensive so your looking at over 200 dollars for sure. if you can keep your costs down, you should turn a profit.
Thank you. i am goin to try and go as cheap as i can. i get a 25% discount on metal since i work at the shop and i am goin to try and talk him into just givin me mylar to line the inside with. but that might be a pain in the ass. i have never used it so i dont know.

Best of luck making the boxes. AS for the ph rising, mine does the same thing with the real ph down stuff. I think it just happens when interacting with the plant. I just add drops daily or as needed.
i have been adding some in the morning and before i go to bed at night ever since i got my ph meter. can't believe i went this long without it. drops suck!!! i have been using vinegar lately since lemon juice seems to not last as long. hope it don't hurt it. i might just stick with it since you have the same problem. vinegar is cheap

I cant wait to see pics of these babies when they are done, but just by the shape of the plant and leaves a bet this girl will flower for a while. But like I said I got a subscription and wanna see this baby finished!! looks gorgeous. And plus rep for those boxes. I say keep turning em out- I think they will make a profit.
Whats up Bluntsmoker. glad to see a new face in here. i was actually thinkin the flowers hadn't changed a whole lot in the past couple weeks and was getting discouraged until the past few days. they seemed to have had a growth spurt. i just checked my pics from ten days ago and the ones from 14 days ago. those flowers are HUGE compaired to what they were. I am definately goin to make the demo box to see if anyone is interested. i will even do progress pics for it if yall want to check em out.

Thanks Everyone for the tips and keepin me motivated. The only downfall to all of this is that i think my girlfriend is gettin peeved off due to all the time i spend with the plant!!!!!!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to see pics of these babies when they are done, but just by the shape of the plant and leaves a bet this girl will flower for a while. But like I said I got a subscription and wanna see this baby finished!! looks gorgeous. And plus rep for those boxes. I say keep turning em out- I think they will make a profit.
when you say a while, are we talkin about 4 weeks or ???

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
Im not an expert, and I can't remember when you started flowering, but I wouldnt be suprised if she takes 10-12 weeks of flowering total.


Well-Known Member
Im not an expert, and I can't remember when you started flowering, but I wouldnt be suprised if she takes 10-12 weeks of flowering total.
i went back through the journal and switched to 12/12 april 14th. so that makes tomorrow 6 weeks since i started the flower cycle. i didn't see any signs of flowers until april 29th, (15 Days Later) so when does one count flowering. at the 12/12 or at the first sign of flowers. so its either been 4 weeks or 6 weeks. If anyone could answer this i would appreciate it. cuz that book i speak so highly of doesn't tell me. :(


Well-Known Member
Most seed banks go by the day you switch to 12/12, but many times they go by the minimum to achieve a quality product. You can usually add on a week or two to what they say to get a larger yield and sometimes a better quality smoke.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i went back through the journal and switched to 12/12 april 14th. so that makes tomorrow 6 weeks since i started the flower cycle. i didn't see any signs of flowers until april 29th, (15 Days Later) so when does one count flowering. at the 12/12 or at the first sign of flowers. so its either been 4 weeks or 6 weeks. If anyone could answer this i would appreciate it. cuz that book i speak so highly of doesn't tell me. :(
reading this last post got me thinking about that so i went back and checked my notes and pics. i relized that its only been 53 days, not 75 days of flowering. so that all makes sense why she not done yet. so i would say you go by the time when you first saw flowers not switched to 12/12. just my opinion tho.


Well-Known Member
that question got a few responses. yeah i guess it only makes sense to consider a plant to be flowering if it is actually flowering. i am goin to start addin pics today of the Ak's now that their out of the ground. one of the seeds germinated and then went to crap. but at least i got two. i will add those pics here in a few hours.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it. my buds are gettin bigger for sure. But my leaves are lookin like shit and my stems are turning red. I change the water out once every 5-7 days. I cant seem to keep a stable ph. in the mornin i will wake up and my ph is like 7.2 so i add A BUNCH of either lemon juice or vinegar and get it all the way down to 5.3-5.5 12 hours later its back up to 7. you can tell by the pics that my leaves have spots between the veins and some stems are a deep red. i don't think i am burning them because the tiips arent brown like a nute burn. i just don't know how to keep the ph down. its frustrating the hell out of me. and i know that that has to be my problem. so its either the superthrive i have started adding to the water a couple weeks ago or its what im using for ph down. there has to be a way to keep it down longer. Any advise is welcome. i am goin to be ticked if this plant dies after all this work because i couldn't keep the ph down for more that 12 hours.



Well-Known Member
gettin frustrated and ticked off wont solve my problem.
soooo i went ahead and mixed the usual nutrients and mag-cal with ten gallons rain water
10 tsp Micro
10 tsp bloom
10tsp kool bloom
10 tsp mag-cal
I left out the superthrive this time. and i am going to go the aquarium store and get some ph down. when i used that, i didn't have all of these problems. so the superthrive and the different ph down is the only things that i can think of (besides mag-cal) that i have changed since the problems started. so i will try that and hopefully i will have some better lookin pics to post in 2-3 days. if not then i have no clue. right now my ph is at 6.2 it was at 8 before i added the nutes to the water. i am going to get it lower here in a bit. but i am only going to use the store bought ph down that i had previously used.


Well-Known Member
i completely forgot about that page. Thanks man. i didn't get anyclose ups of the damage in my pics, and most of the leaves that started gettin burned kinda bad i either trimmed or cut off. but i will tell you that it looked just like figure 3 and 4. not quite as bad a 3. but same thing. so it is definately ph causin a lock out. i just gotta figure out how to solve it. i check in the morning, when i get off work, and at night. each time i had to add the vinegar or lemonjuice. that stuff must not be a very good at keepin the ph down. well, there has to be a way to do it, or nobody would be involved in hydro