For those who support the war on terror


Well-Known Member
Now MAY you say the chinese don't make Ak 47, you are right they make the type 56 rifle which is a direct copy of the third generation AK your arguing over nomenclature? Obviously when one uses the term AK-47 it is a generic term for all the AK 47 copies and variants made by the other 20 countries besides Russia, So when you see a Polish soldier carrying a AK 47 copy....Do you correct everybody who describes it as a AK 47........(MAY) says " That is not a AK 47 it is a Polish kbk AK/pmK with Type 3A receiver"


New Member
Try reading it for the first time as you din't seem to before. Would you like to pull it up and show me?

The only point of rebuttal to my post made by you was [if the US didn't give them the AK 47s then who did.]

All the rest was just bullshit to cover what you said and my posting about it. What you were doing was just an act. I don't think your that dumb. Are you?

Read what I said about the stingers, dumb ass.and try not to be quite so stupid.

The chinese don't make AK 47s.

Prove the US gave billions to saddam for the iran war.

Prove the US gave gifts to saddam before he invaded kuwait.
This is what I called you on and you have yet to reply to this, you just seem to come up with nonsence.
Stupid is as stupid does, dumbass. I actually thought you were worth debating, but it appears not. you want me to go do homework on a blatant fact, screw you and your senseless drivel. Aks are AKs period. Don't believe it come on out to Nevada and go downrange and hold an 8 inch target in your teeth, I'll try and not miss~LOL~. BTW Fuck Sadam, He's dead. who cares, We unilaterally invaded the wrong country, I'm sure they are all going to follow us home, make up that spare bed because you'll need it. Dumbass!!


Well-Known Member
was it a preventative measure for us to invade afghanistan? a country who's totalitarian regime openly supported the very terrorists who attacked the us with blatant disregard for civilian life and with no particular military target in mind. whose subjugation of the female half of its citizens made them little more than slaves and chattel.

Well, now that you mention it, wasn't that the same country that we gave thousands of chinese made AK47s to instead of M-16s so it wouldn't look like we were arming them against Russia, plus stinger missles to take out the Russian helocopters?

was it a preventative measure for us to invade iraq? whose megalomaniacal leader thumbed his nose at the international community and ignored the mandates of that toothless hag, the united nations, whose only weapon seems to be appeasement. a country who's record on human rights was amongst the worst in the world and whose territorial ambitions were made plain by its military invasion of kuwait.

Now that you mention it, wasn't that the same country that we gave billions to, to help in the war against Iran? our great Buddy Saddam got a few gifts from the good old warmongers, The USA, before he invaded Kuwait.
It seems like one minute you are our friends and the next you are the enemy. I wonder why the majority of the world hates our guts?

Med this is you and undertheice at the top of page #2 and its what I posted to and while I also posted to the top part to clean it up a bit, It was the last part that I wished to debate or more truly wished you to retract.

I have never read that the US gave billions to saddam nor that he got a few gifts from the US before he invaded Kuwait.

Back up what you say quit trying to worm your way out with your silly games.

Step up and be a man not such a worm trying to wiggle out from under your own words.


Well-Known Member
Stupid is as stupid does, dumbass. I actually thought you were worth debating, but it appears not. you want me to go do homework on a blatant fact, screw you and your senseless drivel. Aks are AKs period. Don't believe it come on out to Nevada and go downrange and hold an 8 inch target in your teeth, I'll try and not miss~LOL~. BTW Fuck Sadam, He's dead. who cares, We unilaterally invaded the wrong country, I'm sure they are all going to follow us home, make up that spare bed because you'll need it. Dumbass!!
Why would I think you had a AK? If I had to guess I would think it was a SKS.

I have yet to note you debating, just playing your slip and slide.


Well-Known Member
Now MAY I know you read my post #94 where you say i need to get facts right and you will make me feel stupid..........and I challenged you to correct my facts......So I guess I'm still waiting?


New Member
Why would I think you had a AK? If I had to guess I would think it was a SKS.

I have yet to note you debating, just playing your slip and slide.

May, debating you is like talking to a wall. You and VI and Wavels are the most egocentric posters on this site, well maybe with the exception of me. I don't do homework, like go read the book and make a report. I have an opinion and I stand by it unless proven wrong. I don't need wikipedia to tell me what to think. Do you honestly believe we didn't aid Sadam in the war against Iran. We gave him money and information on how to make chemical weapons then attacked him for having chemical weapons that he had already destroyed, Kinda like Bush is ready to attack Iran after they have quit their "nucular" bomb program. I sure would like all you Bushies to tell me all the wonderful things Bush has done outside of give all you rich pricks a huge tax break. I recieved about 300.00 in tax breaks and the price of gas took that away in a few months. Come on now mr. Bushie, tell me a story.


Well-Known Member
May, debating you is like talking to a wall. You and VI and Wavels are the most egocentric posters on this site, well maybe with the exception of me. I don't do homework, like go read the book and make a report. I have an opinion and I stand by it unless proven wrong.[/qoute]

I don't think proving you wrong always stops you from standing by your opinion, or you would have changed it more than you have.

I don't need wikipedia to tell me what to think. Do you honestly believe we didn't aid Sadam in the war against Iran.

The US lifted trade sanctions and gave a few sat. photos.

We gave him money and information on how to make chemical weapons then attacked him for having chemical weapons that he had already destroyed,
Bullshit! The truth is he got information on chemical weapons from germany and russia. NOT from the US.

The US DIDN'T give him any money.

Kinda like Bush is ready to attack Iran after they have quit their "nucular" bomb program.
Their still enriching uranium are they not?

Do you think they will not make a nucular bomb?

Why would they have stoped their program for a while?

Theres not any proof that they really stoped anyway, just shifted it deeper undercover.


Well-Known Member
Now MAY I know you read my post #94 where you say i need to get facts right and you will make me feel stupid..........and I challenged you to correct my facts......So I guess I'm still waiting?
If you wish to debate me do it on what I have said, not on what you want to act as if I said.

If you wish to bring up some fact that I was wrong about or you think I was go right ahead. If not please keep waiting.


Well-Known Member
May in your post #89 you respond to me claiming I need to get my facts right...Did you not say that?, or did someone hack into your pc and post under your name? If my facts are incorrect like you claim then please correct me


Well-Known Member
May in your post #89 you respond to me claiming I need to get my facts right...Did you not say that?, or did someone hack into your pc and post under your name? If my facts are incorrect like you claim then please correct me
Go back read and correct yourself.


Well-Known Member
I Fight For Your Right To Have These Forums And Debate These Topics...leave The Military Out Of It..


Well-Known Member
May in your post #89 you respond to me claiming I need to get my facts right...Did you not say that?, or did someone hack into your pc and post under your name? If my facts are incorrect like you claim then please correct me
You should just ignore this dude natrone. He's an idiot. That's what I do.


Smoky McPot
Bush is a crook, but he's a dumb crook. When you take inflation into account, gas prices are actually lower than they were 20 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Im Just Glad The Military Is Not At The Brunt End Of This Topic...i Love Debates But Most A Lot Of People Blame The Soldiers..we Just Do What We Are Ordered To Do. Merry Xmas


Well-Known Member
You should just ignore this dude natrone. He's an idiot. That's what I do.
You invited me to debate, and when I did you tryed to ingnore me. But you just haven't been able to, have you?

I think you should debate natrone. He doesn't think bush helped bring down the towers as you do, or at lest I don't think that he does.