For those who support the war on terror


Well-Known Member
it's called macavellie, the art of war.

This is incorrect as is most of the other info posted above regarding living hi-jackers and nefarious plots...holy moley!

simple, you have conflated two books.....

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

I have a hunch that you have not read either one of these books.....

You guys are really stretching it


New Member
when you go to school, do you learn everything from 1 teacher and 1 book ?


I quoted several sources and official government documents.

only an idiot would claim I had the facts mixed up, duh.

where's you proof otherwise, how does posting 2 links to 2 books change reality.

you have all these specialists, fire fighters, experts on implosions, eyewitness' to bombs going off, and you idiots quote popular mechanics, some reporter on the dole from the fed who did 1 days research and pieced together the story he was paid to put out.

you have no evidence to the contrary, your version is a conspiracy theory.

you have no evidence. just double speak from the government which has been proven to have staged the gulf of tonkin starting the vietnam war, their own documents called for the very thing that happened, in fact on the day that hijackers were flying planes into buildings, the intel community, norad and the faa were on stand down doing drills of hijackers flying planes into buildings.

you mean to tell me there was not 1 crew on alert on real time and not running a simulation ?

in london, the day 4 bombers were bombing trains, the gov was running drills of 4 bombers bombing trains.

come on, you have to be an idiot to not see it.


New Member
man, half of my post vanished, well...
i'm not wasting my time writing for ya, you are incorrect yourself.

lee harvey oswald mcveigh hijackers.

yah right.


Well-Known Member
I did not link to any books....all I did was correct your confusion.
Seems to me that if you could confuse these books so blithely you are quite capable of accepting bizarre and fantastic plots.
If there was any real evidence to support your claims the Bush hating NYT would have printed it.
They do not because it is all make believe nonsense


New Member
i confused nothing, this isnt a simple robbery, it's a complicated plan for world gov.

i quoted several documents and several means at which they are bringing it about.

it's you who are attempting to combine them and say i miss quoted them.

did you read them, because yes I did.
and i read the UN charter, the patriot act, the dream act, state dept. doc. 7277, the war powers act, trading with the enemy act, the CFR2601, the CFR2701, the creature from jeckel island, and on and on .

for 18 yrs.

and I'm glad to say, i did not read the popular mechanics hit piece .

oh, and the NYT did print all of what i said, again you are mistaken.

downing street memo

and the rest.



New Member
ok you didnt link, big deal, it looked that way in my email.

your taking 1 little twisted fact and using it to debunk all of it.

it wont work.

next you'll be attacking my spelling., socialists allways do that.


Well-Known Member
You are again woefully confused....your interpretation of these stories is at odds with reality.
Because the simple fact remains that there is NO evidence to support any of this fantasy.
Bush would have been impeached quite some time ago.
Your reference to Popular Mechanics attempt to expose the truth as a "hit piece" is most will not read it because it would certainly burst your silly little bubble!!!

90 percent.....yikes!


New Member
dude, go jump in a lake, you have no evidence.
none ,all you did was grasp onto a made up story and ran with it.

there were hijackers on those planes.

you cant do it.

you remind me of people back home, I busted crooked cops running a prostitution ring and 1 guy molested 40 little girls over 20 yr's.

everyone said, i was wrong, no evidence, until they all pled guilty.

get a grip on reality dude.


Well-Known Member
I did not link to any books....all I did was correct your confusion.
Seems to me that if you could confuse these books so blithely you are quite capable of accepting bizarre and fantastic plots.
If there was any real evidence to support your claims the Bush hating NYT would have printed it.
They do not because it is all make believe nonsense
Sorry wavels but you didn't correct his confusion, read what he says after your post, he seems just as confused after as before. Nice try though.


Smoky McPot
ha ha I just looked at your site that you you provided I'm just going to pick out 1 hijacker, the evidence that is provided by the site about Abdoul alomari is 2 picture is of Alomari and the other picture is supposed to be the inpersonator........its the same guy.....if you cant realize that, your just dening reality.................anybody please look at alomari.....its almost a joke
Yeah, its def the same guy. He is just leaning a diff way in one of them so when they do that flashing comparison, it just looks like its off. Its also diff lighting so certain areas of his face look diff with the light reflecting. But overall if you look at every aspect of his head and face, hes the same guy.


Well-Known Member
This is first thing I read when I went to the site, I fucking laughed so hard...heres the GREAT debunking of Popular mechanics
(i forgot their in on it too) ha ha ha ha
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
bold red = Grassroots InfoMedia

non-bold black = Popular Mechanics

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]From the moment the first airplane crashed into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001, the world has asked one simple and compelling question: How could it happen?[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Three and a half years later, not everyone is convinced we know the truth. Go to, type in the search phrase "World Trade Center conspiracy" and you'll get links to an estimated 628,000 Web sites. More than 3000 books on 9/11 have been published; many of them reject the official consensus that hijackers associated with Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda flew passenger planes into U.S. landmarks.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So early in the article, and already PM is flat out wrong. You do not get links to 628,000 web sites when you search for "World Trade Center conspiracy" , you get that when you search for World Trade Center conspiracy, with no quotation marks. In the latter case, you get all the pages that contain any of the search terms, not the search terms in that order. If you actually search for "World Trade Center conspiracy" you get, Results 1 - 10 of about 657 for "World Trade Center conspiracy" When you put the search terms in quotes it will give you sites that have those terms in that order, Google calls that an "advanced search". Google it and see Seems odd that the PM panel of experts did not notice this, but this is typical of their whole investigation.[/FONT]

Ha Ha Ha

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]​


Well-Known Member
Why do you guys waste your time arguing with a bunch a stoners.....Why don't you guys get together and start an insurgency here in the U.S, Start a revolution....fuckin vote, do something.......don't worry we'll be right behind you lol


Smoky McPot
Why do you guys waste your time arguing with a bunch a stoners.....Why don't you guys get together and start an insurgency here in the U.S, Start a revolution....fuckin vote, do something.......don't worry we'll be right behind you lol
I know right? This guy is arguing about a formality.


New Member
hey, do you guys have you're duct tape and plastic, i wouldn't want to see any of them terrorists get ya.






bwaaaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa, what else did o'reily tell ya....

ah ha ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
Simpleton1776~they created the group al qauda, it means the base, in old arabic it means the toilet. i doubt fanatic Muslim fighters would call themselves the toilet.

Al qauda...? I can tell your a scholar on this subject of Classical Arabic...........Did you read that when you were reading the Art of War by Machiavelli


Well-Known Member
Simpleton1776~they created the group al qauda, it means the base, in old arabic it means the toilet. i doubt fanatic Muslim fighters would call themselves the toilet.

Al qauda...? I can tell your a scholar on this subject of Classical Arabic...........Did you read that when you were reading the Art of War by Machiavelli
The misspelling of a few words does not effect the content of his post. His point remains valid:blsmoke: