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Dan Dennett on closeted atheists inside the church.
I think the church is full of them. They go through the motions.Dan Dennett on closeted atheists inside the church.
of course i've read the bible, as well as the texts of many other major religions. from the qur'an and the book of mormon to the tao te ching and the mahabharata, there are bits of wisdom to be found amidst the fantasy, allegory and agenda driven debris in all of them.Jesus is not love. Have you read the bible? All the promises of suffering for those that don't believe in him?
You drank the fucking kool-aid, but you don't need to piss it on us.
Ha! It must be Leviticus day![youtube]ee_KVA9x-GM[/youtube]
The last line in this clip is especially great!
More like getting around a BAN.Does it appear to anyone else that Woodstock.Hippie has created another account to get around the ignore list?
Well, it would appear that your "my own little world" location is dead, he was equating the harmless sharing of an ideology of love with fucking little kids. i have to ask what damage there is in such sharing. are our sensibilities so fragile that we see the simple exchange of ideas as a crime equal to rape and the destruction of a child's innocence?
congratulations!! i've been waiting for years for someone to use that against me and you're the first.Well, it would appear that your "my own little world" location is dead on.
Someone finally banned the moron? That's cool
Even if it didn't work.
exposingchristianity.comI've posted this before, but.....
Jesusaurus Rex
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Jesusaurus rexKingdom Animal Phylum Chordata Class Reptile Order Dinosaur Family Christ Genus Jesusaurus Species Jesusaurus Rex Binomial Name Jesusaurus Rex Christ Primary Armament Teeth and Eucharist Secondary Armament Feet with which to stomp on you Power Supply Holy Trinity HP: ∞ +100000 Mana Points: ∞ +100000 Strength: ∞ Intelligence: {{{intel}}} Weight 10 metric tonnes Length 150-190 meters (that's about as b) Special Attack Conservation Status Run away from it
Jesusaurus rex (jeez-us-soar-us rex) (lat. "King Jesus Lizard"), also known as J. rex and "The Prophet of the Dinosaurs", is one of the final forms of Jesus, and is expected to visit Earth sometime around the year 2021. Not to be confused with Raptor Jesus or Jesusaur, Jesusaurus Rex is a carnivore, and he's out with a vengeance.
Jesusaurus Rex has all the incredible holy powers of Jesus Christ combined with the pure ownage of a T. Rex. What could be cooler than that? However, Jesus also has an aura of ownage about him, so here's some tips to tell the two apart. Jesusaurus Rex has:
Big Scaly feet to crush the infidels
Divine Smile of a Thousand Pointy Teeth
Is so cool that people often explode by looking at him
Tap Dances
Eats demons instead of banishing them
Enjoy's long strides on the beach, while firing lightning with his eyelashes
Reactions to Jesusaurus rex
Faced with the threat of a giant angry Jesus, former U.S. president George W. Bush has had this to say: "It is with the deepest regret that I inform you, my fellow Pelicans, that a lot of you are pretty damn screwed. That's right all you stem-cell marauders, I'm talking to you. Trying to destroy the foundations of society is going to get you devoured by the Lord... save us Satan!"
Later investigations showed that George W. Bush did not, in fact say the above quotation, and it was actually just from some fat white old guy, also known as Dick Cheney. George W. Bush's actual words were "Jesusarus will never seek a permission slip to eat the American people." When questioned about what he meant to do about the J-Rex, Bush responded with "No act of the Jesusaurus Rex will change our purpose, or weaken our resolve, or alter our fate. God has blessed America, and we will survive his dinosaur."
Some Christians have taken the coming of J-Rex as a sign that they will finally be floating off into heaven in the Rapture, while others of different faiths have had slightly different ideas. Known Scientologist Tom Cruise has been quoted as saying "People don't know the great things Jesusaurus will do, helping the community. It will be positive and wonderful. Hey, that plane reminds me of my awesomely homoerotic movie Top Gun. I made a lot of money off that movie you know. Being rich is really nice, you know, since I get to ride in limos and eat McDonalds all day." Cruise is reported as leaving the Scientology faith because it doesn't allow him to take his Ritalin any longer.
Recent Discovery
A Jesusaurus Rex was recently discovered in a Gainesville, Florida man's backyard. An excavation is currently underway to determine why it arrived far before the initial estimated arrival year of 2021. It has been said that only true believers can view the remains safely, as a number of onlookers have been turned to dust after visiting the excavation site.
Recently, a Jesusaurus Rex was used to make a miraculous breakthrough in redneck science (that's the best kind, by the way). Carl Sagan examined the Jesusaurus Rex's bones and discovered through carbon dating that, shockingly, in his own words, "'Dr. Pepper' is the best soda ever made!" Soon after that incident, he was found raping his own daughter and arrested.
See Also
Woodstock?Someone finally banned the moron? That's cool
Even if it didn't work.
Happy to oblige.congratulations!! i've been waiting for years for someone to use that against me and you're the first.![]()
Wow man, that sums up my feelings on the matter quite well. I was raised Lutheran, and my girlfriend Southern Baptist. For me it started with weed, which led to an interest in science (going to museums, reading Carl Sagan, etc.) which led me to the knowledge that any of the religions which we currently have in this world are completely and totally impossible at best, and outright lies at worst.
Atheism makes me appreciate every tree or moonlit sky. Weed helps, too. Where religion answers questions with more questions, science gives straightforward answers, whether they are attractive or not. In other words, it talks to you like an adult, not a child.