New Member
Pssst.... there is no perfection ... anywhere. It's not a goal. Only in our minds does that have traction. 

But there must be perfection because who would worship imperfection? You can fear imperfection, but it's hard to sell worshiping it.Pssst.... there is no perfection ... anywhere. It's not a goal. Only in our minds does that have traction.![]()
This message brought to you by:welp, I'm at that point in my life right now where I do a lot of thinking about death. No matter what answers I find, or whatever conclusion I can come to, it still depresses the fuck out of me. Even if there was a God, and Heaven and hell and all of that, what is the point? I mean really... If you're an omnipotent being... Congratulations? now what? Have fun being all powerful and all knowing for eternity... this existence was here forever before me, and will be here forever after me... that thought is what really depresses me lately.
Most Atheists that I've found will quote Einstein and say stuff like "A person starts to live when he can live outside himself." but to me, this is just like.. busy work? to keep your thoughts off the fact that whatever this is.. this existence, has no meaning. the best I can hope for is that I can just do what I want when I want and try to be happy. I'm not gona bust me ass to try to impressive everyone and lead this extraordinary life. I'll just do what I want, when I want. I guess there is just very little that matters to me...
Whatever answers I do find, I will need to find on my own. But I don't think they will be anywhere on this planet, lol. Any answers dealing with any type of afterlife, will not be found in any man made book or beliefs. Whatever this is, has nothing to do with jesus or christianity or all that complete b.s.
Try paying attention CJ. My comment had absolutely nothing to do with perception. He very clearly stated he was mocking me...HIS words.Asking for substative logic is not mocking.
You perceive it as mocking because you cannot respond with the answers or logic.
Then the desperation/frustration sets in and ur maturity level is revealed, and found wanting.
Speak for yourself...projection at large.WH is a cubic zirconia. A bit of flash, but no value.
I'm not fighting with the hell do you get in an argument with Johnny O? He's one of the nicest guys on this forum. I don't agree with some of the things he does,mostly a few points in politics, I think, but we've always been able to disagree civilly.
Babs, damn, if CJ really pisses you off so much, ignore him. Why not challenge the ideas you oppose, instead of all the name calling?
As for the being one's own god, I believe I'm originally the gal who said that...and I explained, it doesn't mean a god in an omnipotent or holy sense, but that I am the master of my own destiny,and that I don't recognize any outside entity or force guiding me on my path. That's not arrogance,it's just truth.It's accepting responsibility for one's own successes and failures,and realizing that the only way to move forward is through action on your own behalf.
Now, you've got just as much right to be in this thread challenging the views expressed as we atheists do in any other spiritual thread.But if all you're doing is calling people names and posting angry remarks with little substance, that's not exactly representing your position in a positive light.![]()
LOL, it is you that CAN'T possibly ignore me.......feel free to prove me wrong.OR .... take a position that is capable of a defense.
So far ... fail.
Please ignore me ... plz.![]()
There's no mystery as to what you're choking on.Cough cough choke cough. Ok, used to be that way...
Mommy! JohnnyO is being mean to me!edited:
I don't want to flame things up again, suffice to say we didn't get along all the sudden and I learned how he could get a bit out of control.
Save the insight for group therapy, Brokedick.Thanks
The negative reps I could care less about, it was that the fight never seemed to end like it should have.
Man has a very unhappy life I think atm.
Like you were doing all day Sunday.I don't get it either, but I'm still too pissed to talk in a pm. Maybe some day.
Did I receive my good reps for being an "atheist a/hole" too? I know you've not seen me post comments that would make you inclined to refer to me as such... atheist yes, but "a/hole" no. Or does one label automatically accompany the other?
In all fairness Babs, no deity has gotten people like you and me any closer to a cure than science has. It's been the opposite, in fact. How many people have died because they refused medical care that their religions frowned upon, if not outright forbade? (Christian traditions/denominations included.) These people died completely unnecessarily, due to having refused treatment proven to cure a high percentage of said treatment's recipients. (I don't even want to get into the children who've died thanks to their parents refusing treatment in order to please their deity... it makes me way to angry to have the ability to be civil!)
Exactly how I've viewed it since I was a child. And honestly, if I were to believe that there are deities that are perfect, I'd be carrying around a lot more anger about terminal and chronic illness than I already do; and it'd all be directed at these deities for allowing any unnecessary and undeserved suffering to happen in the first place, much less neglecting to put a stop to it. I can accept that genetics gets screwy sometimes, and we get sick as a result of whacky DNA combinations. I could never accept that a being creating us "in its image" could be omnipotent, as we would be as well. The image of perfection is perfection, is it not? We're far from perfect, and with reason. There is no such thing as "perfection" as we perceive it.
(Hope I'm making sense... due to the necessity to treat pain caused by aforementioned chronic illness, the thinking and speaking centers in my brain aren't communicating so well right now. LOL!)
Kat, as I recall, I gave you rep simply for being funny and entertaining. And if you go back, you will see where I clearly said that being an atheist does not necessitate being an a/hole. He's been nothing short of one. I will not recant.
I don't care if there's a thread out there in RIU land about "spirituality"...atheism...God ......OR how to make CO2 cheaply...
There he is!!! It's amazing how one can somehow COMPLETELY change the topic of the thread from post one and hijack a thread to be his own, while irritating the crap out of many while doing so.
For the record, I don't define my "friends" by their personal beliefs about God. To each, their own.
There is an obvious obsession with a certain few regarding "scary people like me." about accusing!!! I've been accused of everything under the sun from A to Z. A stranger reading this and other threads would think me the same kind of freaky "supposed" Christians that are exemplified so often from YouTube.
In fact, Padwan uses those extremes to compare me.....REEEEEEEDICULOUS.
--particularly when he's so adamantly sold on it. He'd damned determined to sell any other on it as well.
I don't see how that kind of immaturity adds "substance." It's foolish, childish behavior in my book.
With all of the glorified evidence and suggested salvations to mankind's existence by him, to nonchalantly just throw out that science is not responsible for finding a cure for my disease IS truly asinine.
If not science, who then?
I have NO anger towards God for having this disease. God didn't create it.
Know I get the whole thing about the brain not communicating quite as well as it should.
I'll just end this by saying just imagine expending the "extra" energy to add something of substance---only to be endlessly called a "retard"..among other childish and ugly names.
I gave up on believing a mature conversation could take place on these threads long ago.
I roll with silliness all the way now...good choice on my part.
In all fairness, it is my opinion that Hippie is merely playing a CJ.Babs if you are saying what I think you are saying (not that cracker is whatever but maybe that you understand hippie) can you decode hippie and you "get it" ?
Please you would be loved by the whole forum if you would just follow around from time to time and translate.