Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

Looking good Bob! Your ladies are looking very happy there in that veg tent.

So did you get your E&F tray plumbed and your res etc etc?

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
Looking good Bob! Your ladies are looking very happy there in that veg tent.

So did you get your E&F tray plumbed and your res etc etc?

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
Funny you should ask.

Actually made good progress on getting my flowering tent setup last night, so only another hour or two on that and I should be good to go for some early dry runs.

Then it's on to the hydro store to get my tray plumbed and to pickup a regulator for my CO2 tanks, along with another big ole bag of hydroton.

Then it's on to Home Depot to look around for reservoirs (figure something around 25 gallons should do nicely), and also to pickup wood to build a stand for the tray. Also wanna pickup some plant stakes, if they still have them in stock (seasonal item).

Then, if there's still time in the day and I haven't passed out yet (didn't sleep a lick last night because I was tossing and turning with excitement for getting a lot of shit done today), I was gonna try to head to a ghetto welding place and get my three CO2 tanks filled up.

Anyways, wish me luck - been chugging coffee since 6:30, hoping to make it to 9 or 10 tonight and then get a great night's sleep.
Okay, so I'm fighting off the desire to sleep like you wouldn't believe, but have been pretty productive, if I do say so myself.

Couldn't bring myself to do any actual physical labor in terms of setting the tent up, so I did what I consider to be work, which means I shopped :blsmoke:


Got these assorted knicknacks from Home Depot - extension cords, surge protectors, nails and metal thingies.


Got lotsa lumber for the table I'm going to attempt to build for my tray - figure even I should be able to build a table, no?


These are the 6' bamboo poles that I'm going to cut in half and use as stakes for my plants instead of using a net - much more accessible and I can still move them around that way.


Stopped by the hydro store and picked up this CO2 regulator; everything I hear about it is that it's the best you can get and won't freeze, for whatever that's worth.


A picture of the light and fan I mounted last night - nothing special, same as it was the first time.


Now the astute observer might notice a difference in this picture, even though the filter and fan are in the same place - turns out that white thing around it (a "prefilter") was hidden inside of it, which I didn't realize until I had to break that tent down for the electrician to get in. I'd rather be lucky then good, I guess :roll:

So, just called the welding place fifteen minutes away from me, said that it's $15 to fill a twenty pound CO2 tank, so I'm kinda stoked on that.

He also said something that if "it's up to code", which I imagine mine aren't, that there's a three day wait and a $24 charge to get it up to code, so I guess I'll know shortly what the deal is with that.

Anyways, the pieces are just about all in place, save for getting the tray plumbed, which I told the dude I might be in this afternoon to do.

Getting pretty excited now, might actually be able to stay awake for another hour or two.
Sorry Bob probably a worthless post on my part, but can't help ya there on the c02, but would love to learn more my self about it!

Burn on! :peace:bongsmilie
Well Twils, it's time for both of us to start learning about it, buddy :mrgreen:

Just got back from the fucking ghe-tto...........


Notice anything different about those two tanks? Like how they look to be frosty on the bottom of them? That's because those two little bitches were just freshly filled to the gills with glorious CO2 (for $15 a piece, great price if you ask me).

The third one hadn't had an inspection in more then five years, so it was an extra $25 for them to test/certify/whatever that one and I'm going to pick it up on Friday afternoon.

So, $70 and I should have enough CO2 to last me for damn near a half year - can't wait to get this all hooked up to the Sentinel and really rocking.



Damn Bob everything looks great. I remember this summer when I lost full nights of sleep because I was so excited to get building the next day. Instead of this thread being just interesting and having me try to help you with some DWC stuff, it is going to be extremely informative for me. Hopefully we can learn about CO2 and E&F through your experiences haha.
Damn Bob everything looks great. I remember this summer when I lost full nights of sleep because I was so excited to get building the next day. Instead of this thread being just interesting and having me try to help you with some DWC stuff, it is going to be extremely informative for me. Hopefully we can learn about CO2 and E&F through your experiences haha.

Well, I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date and hopefully have more good news then bad news, for the most part..........anywho, to continue on with my day of stunning productivity, just got back from the hydro store.........


The larger hole on the left was made by some moron in the store a while ago, and is SLIGHTLY too large for the overflow fitting to be totally leakproof......the one on the right was drilled today and is absolutely flawless.............so, need to get back to Home Depot either today or tomorrow (might go today, if I still can't find one of my hammers in the next twenty minutes - need to nail together that stand for the tray) and look around for what they have - another rubber washer and some of the aquarium sealant I have should do the trick, methinks............although I'll take a look around and see what looks good.

BTW, clones are yellowing more towards their leaf edges, which means they're finally using some energy to make some roots.

Slower then I would've liked, but such is life.

Wow am I tired.
There is a suddle art form to bottled c02. How are you going to control it? With a setinle co2 controller right? Should be fairly easy. Much harder if your working with timers to get it dialed in right. But with your setup, just hook all the components together, set at roughly 1-7psi, and let the controller do the rest. I dont recall if the tent is going to be sealed. If so, I'd shoot for the 1500ppm but if its not, I'd go for a lower number around 1000ppm. Cant wait till I get back, you might have this stuff setup and growing like crazy. Good luck Bob and I'll see you on monday.
Still here and still waiting to see how everything turns out. That is going to be a sick setup when its all done. Keep it up.
Well Twils, it's time for both of us to start learning about it, buddy :mrgreen:

Just got back from the fucking ghe-tto...........

View attachment 598669

Notice anything different about those two tanks? Like how they look to be frosty on the bottom of them? That's because those two little bitches were just freshly filled to the gills with glorious CO2 (for $15 a piece, great price if you ask me).

The third one hadn't had an inspection in more then five years, so it was an extra $25 for them to test/certify/whatever that one and I'm going to pick it up on Friday afternoon.

So, $70 and I should have enough CO2 to last me for damn near a half year - can't wait to get this all hooked up to the Sentinel and really rocking.




I got my learning cap on my friend! Everything sounds like its working out for you.

Making nice progress too there, keep it up!

Nice deal filling that CO2! How much did that regulator run if you don't mind?

Been trying to get a cost in head as to how much it's going to cost to get CO2 running in my room.

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
There is a suddle art form to bottled c02. How are you going to control it? With a setinle co2 controller right? Should be fairly easy. Much harder if your working with timers to get it dialed in right. But with your setup, just hook all the components together, set at roughly 1-7psi, and let the controller do the rest. I dont recall if the tent is going to be sealed. If so, I'd shoot for the 1500ppm but if its not, I'd go for a lower number around 1000ppm. Cant wait till I get back, you might have this stuff setup and growing like crazy. Good luck Bob and I'll see you on monday.

Yeah, from everything I've read about them, it's basically plug it in and the Sentinel does the rest.

And yes, the goal is for the tent to be sealed - obviously in a tent you're gonna have small-ish leaks in different places, but I'll live with that and I'm gonna plan on running at 1500 (if not more once I'm dialed in).

BTW Integra, enjoy wherever you're headed off to.
I got my learning cap on my friend! Everything sounds like its working out for you.

Making nice progress too there, keep it up!

Nice deal filling that CO2! How much did that regulator run if you don't mind?

Been trying to get a cost in head as to how much it's going to cost to get CO2 running in my room.

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
Thanks man, appreciate it - was going like gangbusters until about 4:45 when I closed my eyes for about an hour after nailing some pieces of the stand together..........took me two hours to fully wakeup, so I'm done being productive for today - gonna try to finish up the flowering setup and the tray stand tomorrow.

As far as questions go, nothing's off limits, my friend :blsmoke: The CO2 breakdown is as follows:

Sentinel CHHC-1 - new off of Ebay, $510
3 used 20lb. tanks (Craigslist) - $125
Regulator - $170
Getting the tanks filled and serviced - $70

Total for the whole setup is $875, but if you wanted to you could find a used regulator off of Ebay for cheap and only buy one tank, could probably get both for less then $200.
If you're going the tank route Twills, let me know and I can post some links for a site that selles them cheap brand new with recent test dates so they're good for 5 years. 20lb battle of $90. But you may want to consider a co2 generator, it ends up being cheaper in the long run. and there are some really good choices for cheapish.
So, the last thing that I seem to need would be a reservoir for this table - based on my measurements, I have 22" of height under my tray, so I'd really be shooting for something in the 16" height range to give me some room for draining, filling, testing, etc.

Been doing lots of searching trying to find the proper reservoir size for a 4x4 and can't seem to find the exact answer; that being said, I think that 25 gallons at a bare minimum would be acceptable, although I'd like about 35-40 in a perfect world.

Only problem is, they don't really make too many containers that hold 35-40 gallons and are that short.

The 35 gallon Sterilite latch tote would be my best choice for a single container, but even that's a little too tall for my liking - 18.5". Also, even though Sterilite are WAY sturdier then Rubbermaids, any of those plastic totes bend and stress from the weight of the water, which sucks.

Anyways, going to pick these up from Wal-Mart tomorrow - can't really tell from the pic, but I'm hoping they have some nice thick walls and won't stress from the water.


The plan is to plumb the two together (I can hear all of you laughing), but I think I can do it, and have the plumbing (for the tray) coming out the roof of one and have the other that I'll drain, fill, and check pH and EC from.

That's the plan, anyways, unless someone has another idea - the two of them would give me about 35-40 gallons, which is more then sufficient for a 4x4 table.

I believe at that point that I would (theoretically) be officially done spending money on my flowering setup.
Sweet set up Bob 400 hps the whole way thats what i am gonna do i just got one.
come check out my grow in my sig.
Damn Bob, you have a lot of gear my man! If it were me with all that stuff my brain would explode from all of the possibilities. That, or my whole house would be a grow room. Hopefully in the end it all pays for itself, but better than that... You get the satisfaction of growing and smoking your own medicine without the worry of contaminants and all the other shit they do/add to it. I love it when they run those commercials "if you buy drugs you are supporting terrorism", makes me completely justified in growing my own.
sounds good. Make sure you use the recommended drill bit this time, and I would practice a shitload on one of your leaky buckets. I mean turn it to swiss cheese until you are completely confident that you can drill without problems. Cant wait to see the setup when I get back. I know I keep saying I'm leaving, but my flight is at 4:30a.m.
sounds good. Make sure you use the recommended drill bit this time, and I would practice a shitload on one of your leaky buckets. I mean turn it to swiss cheese until you are completely confident that you can drill without problems. Cant wait to see the setup when I get back. I know I keep saying I'm leaving, but my flight is at 4:30a.m.

Yeah, will do, although I'm thinking the material is going to slightly different and less brittle, but we shall see.

So, picking those up today, and about to start hammering some more nails for my stand (also need to run back to HD to grab some more metal fasteners).

Then if I've still got juice in the tank, going to try to finish setting up my flowering tent.

FYI, the indica clones are rooting much more quickly then the sativa - there's some definite nubs on the indica side, whereas the sativa only has some bumps of where the roots will be.

Finally, and more to the point that I'm even posting right now, I do believe I've discovered the most enlightening thread I've ever read - only up to about page 10 now, but I HIGHLY recommend all of you to check it out - it's a thread about lots of things, mainly nutes, by a guy named Lucas (of "Lucas Formula" fame).

Check it out, I beseech you:


EDIT: this link is also kinda interesting - remember, these are from 2006, so take that into account, but he makes interesting points.

So, finished that up today - pretty easy, just takes some planning beforehand regarding the cuts and whatnot = two sides are 49.5 inches, two are 52.5 inches, and the legs are 24 inches.

The tray fits in it better then I could've hoped; it truly fits like a glove - nice to have at least one building success in a multitude of failures, even if it was a lowly table.

Also, this thing is so reinforced with metal plates that I can't even see the apocalypse bringing this down - it's sturdier then sturdy.

Also, as you can see from the attached pics, there's an inch or two of extra space around all sides in the tent.


