Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC


Well-Known Member
Very nice job. Looks very professional Bob!

Things are going to start rocking and rolling I can feel it! Keep up the good work!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Very nice job. Looks very professional Bob!

Things are going to start rocking and rolling I can feel it! Keep up the good work!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
Thanks man, appreciate it - sorry about the mite problem you're battling, but just keep fighting the good fight.

For today, going to try and finish (I know this is like a broken record) setting up my flowering tent; also taking the tray back to the store to get another hole drilled in it (looked around the Home Depot plumbing section for hours, thank you kindly Mr. Twils - that place is the shit, I've got ideas galore now kiss-ass) - anyways, bought lots of things to try to make the hole work, but then found a stopper which fits great, so I'm just gonna plug the hole as opposed to dealing with problems that may arise from it, especially later on.

Also gonna pickup one more bag of hydroton (I figure I'm gonna need two more, but I'll start with one), and my pots for the flowering table should be arriving today, I believe.

So, as soon as the tent is setup, I can start taking some temp readings and things like that, just to get a ballpark feel for where the temp's gonna settle in at with just the light being cooled and then with all fans up and running - hoping for 5 and 2 degrees difference from room temp, respectively, although I'm guessing more like 7 and 4 or 8 and 5.

Might have to put a mini AC in there under the tray, already looking at them online :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, appreciate it - sorry about the mite problem you're battling, but just keep fighting the good fight.

For today, going to try and finish (I know this is like a broken record) setting up my flowering tent; also taking the tray back to the store to get another hole drilled in it (looked around the Home Depot plumbing section for hours, thank you kindly Mr. Twils - that place is the shit, I've got ideas galore now kiss-ass) - anyways, bought lots of things to try to make the hole work, but then found a stopper which fits great, so I'm just gonna plug the hole as opposed to dealing with problems that may arise from it, especially later on.

Also gonna pickup one more bag of hydroton (I figure I'm gonna need two more, but I'll start with one), and my pots for the flowering table should be arriving today, I believe.

So, as soon as the tent is setup, I can start taking some temp readings and things like that, just to get a ballpark feel for where the temp's gonna settle in at with just the light being cooled and then with all fans up and running - hoping for 5 and 2 degrees difference from room temp, respectively, although I'm guessing more like 7 and 4 or 8 and 5.

Might have to put a mini AC in there under the tray, already looking at them online :blsmoke:
Thanks Bob, those mites are mother f'er that's for sure. I'd like to think I've got the upper hand on them now, and determined to get every last one of those little bastards:blsmoke:

No problem my friend, Home Depot is the DIY paradise hehe.

Your starting to get things rocking and rolling! Keep up the good work (talk about a broken record :lol:) , I'm jealous that's for sure!

Hoping my wife and I can get through this pinch were in rather soon so I could start looking into getting some CO2 going and what not, all in due time I guess!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Thanks Bob, those mites are mother f'er that's for sure. I'd like to think I've got the upper hand on them now, and determined to get every last one of those little bastards:blsmoke:

No problem my friend, Home Depot is the DIY paradise hehe.

Your starting to get things rocking and rolling! Keep up the good work (talk about a broken record :lol:) , I'm jealous that's for sure!

Hoping my wife and I can get through this pinch were in rather soon so I could start looking into getting some CO2 going and what not, all in due time I guess!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
Yeah, spider mites are really no fun, but they were disastrous ten years ago when I dealt with them - seems like they have oodles and oodles of stuff to deal with them now, which is good - I've got confidence in you, kid :eyesmoke:

I've actually been pretty productive (and taking pics along the way to post later) - the flowering tent is about 85% setup, just need to hang an oscillating fan from the ceiling and install the Sentinel and CO2 tanks and it's done. (also need to buy and setup a reservoir - almost forgot)

The tray was plumbed for a second time yesterday (the guy at the hydro store), and last night I superglued a stopper in the hole that was way too big - tested it five minutes ago and it's as leakproof as they come :mrgreen:

Clones all have pre-roots forming, they should all be officially "rooted" within a day or two.

The 2 gallon plastic pots came - they're cheap as shit and couldn't be fllimsier, but they should get the job done - I guess that's why they're about $.20 a piece.

Need to pickup my third CO2 tank from the welding supply place this afternoon, so we'll have all three ready to go.

Was going to buy a reservoir from the hydro store yesterday for a couple of hundred bucks, then picked it up and it seemed flimsy to me - so I'm gonna find something today to use as a reservoir.

Also made a neat little "system" to clean my hydroton, which I kinda like.

Finally, as any of you who've checked out that thread would understand, I'm now a full Lucas disciple, and ordered this last night (hooks right up to my hose in the garage):


Hopefully a pic update to come later today, but if not then definitely tomorrow.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
As I was lying in bed last night, had a thought that I might turn my veg tent into two different sections - the top section being the rooted clones that are vegging (in either an E&F tray or a drip system) for a couple of weeks before going into flower (they'd be under the 400), and the bottom section would be my mamas and my new cuttings under fluorescent lights.

Yeah, I know, I should get the flowering tent setup first, but I can handle a lot on my plate ;-)

Anyways, just a thought I'd throw out and see if anyone had any input.


Well-Known Member
Bob are those new york power diesel growing tall am interested as well but i wonder if they will grow tall as i am restricted to height.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Bob are those new york power diesel growing tall am interested as well but i wonder if they will grow tall as i am restricted to height.
I can certainly tell you right now that my super skunk are definitely taller then my NYPD (and both are taller then my Bubblelicious), but I'm also height restricted (can't go much if any higher then two feet), so I'll certainly let you know when I do.

If you'd like me to measure the three seedlings, lemme know and I will - off the top of my head, I'd guess a mean height of 7" for the three, if that helps.

Also, thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

Now, time for the long thread (with pics:clap:)....................

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Just need to grab one more extension cord for the oscillating fan and I'm done.

Apologies in advance for the disjointed nature of this post - kinda buzzed but also very, very excited to be all but done with the flowering tent setup.


The clone all have nice pre-roots showing and will be officially "rooted" by Sunday at the latest, me thinks (and hopes). Since I didn't have the wherewithal to take pics of the rootzone, you're just gonna have to take my word for that.


Came up with what (I thought) was a clever way to clean brand new hydroton (which, if any don't know, is dirty as hell) - I took one of the Rubbermaids I initially thought I'd be using and drilled numerous little holes in it, and ran that hydroton under the shower for a few hours - worked pretty damn well, if I do say so myself.


A couple of pics of my two drain setups - looked for forever in HD and couldn't find a way to make that hole in the middle work, so superglued a stopper in there - leak free, which is kinda big to me :clap:


Twils, great phucking call on the worm drive clamps - those shits are badass, and I don't even need to use duct tape anymore :weed: The only issue I still have is that taping a a semi-rigid duct to a fan or flange is still a bitch - the clamps only work on flexible ducting.


At some point I'm gonna make everything less loud with some of this fiberglass ducting, but it was too much of a bitch for me to deal with today.


Here's a pic showing that my tray can fit 30 plants - doubt that's how many are going to finish flowering in a week or two, but that's how many are gonna start.


So even though I bought a 16" wall mount fan for this tent, it seems as though the old 12" stand fan is the way to go - works great, ran it for a couple of hours and this is my personal favorite part of the tent (for my ingenuity).:-P


Mounted the Sentinel on the wall - just turned it on a half hour ago, that shit is phucking badass. Take my word for it.


This is where I hung the sensor - about 6" under the light, but not directly beneath it (although pretty close).


And this is how it looks with the tray in there - still an inch or two of space on each side, and you can see that I've cleaned the tray out pretty well - pretty spotless.


This is a pic of the 50 gallon Rubbermaid reservoir that I picked up today underneath the table - about 4 to 5" of space, but whatever the number, I'm 100% sure I'll have enough room.


A pic of the reservoir - actually went for the Sterilite 45 gallon reservoir, but the Rubbermaid was 2" shorter, darker, and held five more gallons..................just one little problem............


For some reason, the makers of this decided to put holes right in the handle - a phucking annoyance, if you ask me. Clearly need to figure out how to make them waterproof.


So let's talk CO2 - the floor where the tank is has a tilt, so I had to flatten it out with that cardboard.


So this a pic of the regulator that I screwed on; couldn't have been easier. Just plugged it into the Sentinel and (I assume) it's good to go.


Where the CO2 plug is on the Sentinel.


Pic of the valve that exhausts the actual CO2 - same diameter as any airpump tubing would be.


The regulator came with 12' of "CO2 Tubing"; my issue was that the tank was outside of the tent, so I didn't want tubing outside shooting CO2 wherever, so I used some general aquarium air pump tubing to run it into the tent.

Had to use a "T" fitting to another "T" fitting to run to the specialized tubing (once the specialized tubing was already in the grow tent).


Pics of the "special" tubing running at the top of the tent - CO2's heavier then air, so you want the tubing to be high.


So this is what I did about the holes in the handle of my rez - took a cheapo vinyle placemat from Walmart and cut pieces out to cover the parts that had holes (on the outside of the rez)..............after that dried, took some aquarium sealant and bombarded the inside of the rez with it - pretty sure that it should work, but I'll know more tomorrow.........

Anyhow, that's about it for now - just about 100% setup for flowering, clones should be totally rooted in 2-3 days, still planning on starting flowering on Novemer 8th, +/- 3 days.



Well-Known Member
Finally some flowering action starting up soon. That sealant should hold up just fine, I did my aero tub the same way and no leaks. I will say that you wont want to fill that thing up that high, it will bow and eventually break. About 4" under the handle is about where I was comfortable with... I tried to run 32 plants DWC style in that same tub, not a good plan. You could get another and double it up, that would work.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Finally some flowering action starting up soon. That sealant should hold up just fine, I did my aero tub the same way and no leaks. I will say that you wont want to fill that thing up that high, it will bow and eventually break. About 4" under the handle is about where I was comfortable with... I tried to run 32 plants DWC style in that same tub, not a good plan. You could get another and double it up, that would work.
Funny you mention about it breaking - actually planning on building a wooden frame around it to help it keep its shape when it's filled with water.

Planning on getting about 40 gallons in there, so need to see how high that is.

Glad to hear that you think the sealant will hold though.

DND, did you see that I ordered the RO filter in order to be a true Lucas-ite?


Well-Known Member
Funny you mention about it breaking - actually planning on building a wooden frame around it to help it keep its shape when it's filled with water.

Planning on getting about 40 gallons in there, so need to see how high that is.

Glad to hear that you think the sealant will hold though.

DND, did you see that I ordered the RO filter in order to be a true Lucas-ite?
Good call on the frame, that will work great. I didn't catch you were buying RO, must have been skimming too fast. That's sweet tho man, I cannot say how simple and effective the formula truly is. I think you will have even more success using RO as far ph/ppm's staying very steady and predictable. Even with tap water I don't have too much, but I'm guessing you'll have even less.

I'll admit, I was skeptical about the formula at first. What concerned me was putting my clones directly into 1300ppm and using one nutrient without additives, I thought for sure they would burn, die or show lack of something. Proof is in the pudding...in all my pics, not a single burn or deficency to date. And I'm thinking my yield will be decent too.

Are you using the one bottle FloraNova Bloom or the micro/bloom from the 3 part GH series?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Good call on the frame, that will work great. I didn't catch you were buying RO, must have been skimming too fast. That's sweet tho man, I cannot say how simple and effective the formula truly is. I think you will have even more success using RO as far ph/ppm's staying very steady and predictable. Even with tap water I don't have too much, but I'm guessing you'll have even less.

I'll admit, I was skeptical about the formula at first. What concerned me was putting my clones directly into 1300ppm and using one nutrient without additives, I thought for sure they would burn, die or show lack of something. Proof is in the pudding...in all my pics, not a single burn or deficency to date. And I'm thinking my yield will be decent too.

Are you using the one bottle FloraNova Bloom or the micro/bloom from the 3 part GH series?
Yeah, hoping that the frame will allow me to fill up the tub pretty darn high, but we'll see.

As far as the RO filter goes, I ordered this one:


And as far as using the 3 part or just the Nova bloom, I'm thinking just the Nova bloom - simpler is better, no?

Also, you got any guesses on your yield yet? Still shooting for 2 elbows or scaling back your expectations a bit?

And I went shopping today - got a dehumidifier for the tent:


Going to HD in a bit to get some wood and other knicknacks, and am also going to pickup a small space heater for in the tent - at that point I'll probably be done.

For now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, hoping that the frame will allow me to fill up the tub pretty darn high, but we'll see.

As far as the RO filter goes, I ordered this one:


And as far as using the 3 part or just the Nova bloom, I'm thinking just the Nova bloom - simpler is better, no?

Also, you got any guesses on your yield yet? Still shooting for 2 elbows or scaling back your expectations a bit?

And I went shopping today - got a dehumidifier for the tent:


Going to HD in a bit to get some wood and other knicknacks, and am also going to pickup a small space heater for in the tent - at that point I'll probably be done.

For now.
Nice thread bob. Make sure the dehumidifier has an auto restart feature when the power goes off. Most of the ones with electronic controls dont and have to be restarted manually. I got mine from Best Buy. its a frigidaire 25pint as well but the controlls are not electronic its the old school turn nob. http://reviews.bestbuy.com/3545/9201115/reviews.htm

Also Bob i would hang the sensor for the controller lower and closer to the canopy. The temp that close to the light will definately be higher than at the canopy. So your readings wouldn't be completely right.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Nice thread bob. Make sure the dehumidifier has an auto restart feature when the power goes off. Most of the ones with electronic controls dont and have to be restarted manually. I got mine from Best Buy. its a frigidaire 25pint as well but the controlls are not electronic its the old school turn nob. http://reviews.bestbuy.com/3545/9201115/reviews.htm

Also Bob i would hang the sensor for the controller lower and closer to the canopy. The temp that close to the light will definately be higher than at the canopy. So your readings wouldn't be completely right.
Lol, just to reinforce my stalking reputation, I have the EXACT same dehumidifier - old school nob and all that ;-)

And as far as the sensor goes, I might do that, gonna play it by ear - do temp checks at different spots and go from there - I'm gonna try to run a little cooler then you (you were in the mid to high 80s, if memory serves); I'm gonna try to keep it from about 78-82, but I need to run everything first to see how plausible that is.

Just got back from HD, gonna put together the frame for the reservoir real quick before the Phil's game.


Well-Known Member
DAMN Bob! Your set up is off the hook my friend. Definitely great job , and the persistence paid off that's for sure!

Your on the right track my friend!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
DAMN Bob! Your set up is off the hook my friend. Definitely great job , and the persistence paid off that's for sure!

Your on the right track my friend!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
Thanks buddy, appreciate it :lol:

BTW, your flowering pics are sick from the other day........talk about a great job bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah, hoping that the frame will allow me to fill up the tub pretty darn high, but we'll see.

As far as the RO filter goes, I ordered this one:


And as far as using the 3 part or just the Nova bloom, I'm thinking just the Nova bloom - simpler is better, no?

Also, you got any guesses on your yield yet? Still shooting for 2 elbows or scaling back your expectations a bit?

And I went shopping today - got a dehumidifier for the tent:


Going to HD in a bit to get some wood and other knicknacks, and am also going to pickup a small space heater for in the tent - at that point I'll probably be done.

For now.
Good choice on the RO system.

YES, use the 1 part for simplicity...it's the same thing. Make sure you shake the shit out of it before every use, it's thick stuff.

I'm still shooting for 2lbs and I will probably get it with the addition of the 2 bigger plants, but not from the tub alone. If I do, I'll be thankful and surprised. The reason is simply environment, I'm in the garage and can't control the variables 100%. Although everything is within tolerance, when it gets colder out it will become an issue. Soon I will move this into a room once I have the space.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bob are you actually growing plants anymore or are you turning your garage into a museum of the cultivation of marijuana. "On your left you'll see the flowering tent, look there is his new dehumidifier. Here you see the CO2 tanks, very nice, aren't they?" hahaha

Just busting your balls brother, you are getting serious sir, I can't wait to see the outcome.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
About the lack of updates; been busy making progress and taking lots of pics, but I've misplaced my USB cord for my camera.

Will do a full update (a big one) with pics as soon as I find it - long story short, my veg tent is a fugging jungle and I need my RO filter to get here ASAP.

Flowering tent is 100% setup, just running some tests and whatnot on it now.