The constitution is a peice of shit. It gives you no right to consent so shut up.
Go read it fooly and you will realize that little peice of papper is why your voice dont mean jack fuck my man.
The constitution was a DOCUMENT did you sign it?
We dont need to go back to nothing. We dont need to FIX anything. We need to just stop fucking it up.
Remember no right to consent but you do have the right to go buy any weapon and shoot your neighbor. What a great document you support.
Perfect way to teach children if you cant have it your way go to academy and make it your way.
I think you might be a little misinformed on the Constitution. I'm not saying there aren't any flaws in it, but it's the document that outlines your way of life, the one that gives you freedom to do what you want (for the most part) without having any kind of oppressive government come in and stop you, it was written by men who were tired of tyranny in government and realized freedom over people in an entire nation is the only way to truly be free. It's part of the foundation of the justice system in this country..
The good far outweigh the bad when it comes to the Constitution. And think about it, what other country in human history has come up with something that has impacted so many people on such a big scale? (fuck the bible)
One other thing, Cracker this kind of shit is what makes ignorant people believe being a "liberal" is a bad thing. Go look up the definition, what you see now a days, people who advocate government involvement in private affairs is not a liberal quality, at all. There is NOTHING liberal about that. You and a lot of other 'conservatives' out there have been driving this one home for months now!
You're either about to eat your words or look really stupid, so lets see if you're the bigger man and can admit when your wrong about something..
So tell me, what is wrong with these traits, all of which would include being a liberal...
-favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
-favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
-of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
-free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant
-open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
-of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.
Cracker, you dirty fuckin' LIBERAL!