How To Spot A Liberal....


Well-Known Member
Heh, those aren't stereotypes...:lol: Like any good humor, there has to be truth in it to be funny.

I am the same way though perhaps..... I don't fit in any one box.
I rarely do this but I'll peg a few generalizations out there...
Pro abortion
Pro civil rights (who isn't?)
Pro gay marriage
Pro helping the "truly" needy
Pro weed decrim (I better be!)

Those are just a few....sound like a conservative to you? :wink:

I think this is the MAIN problem with our political system in the US. We have 2 parties whose ideas really aren't all that fundamentally different, and people who align themselves with a particular party even though their beliefs are more akin to those of the opposing party.

I mean, come on! Political parties are hindering our progress as a nation. Congress seems to spend most of their time arguing along party lines rather than actually trying to solve any of the problems that we're facing.

So, despite the fact that you call yourself a conservative and I call myself a liberal, we're really on the SAME SIDE OF THE FENCE. Kind of redundant, if you ask me.


New Member
I think this is the MAIN problem with our political system in the US. We have 2 parties whose ideas really aren't all that fundamentally different, and people who align themselves with a particular party even though their beliefs are more akin to those of the opposing party.

I mean, come on! Political parties are hindering our progress as a nation. Congress seems to spend most of their time arguing along party lines rather than actually trying to solve any of the problems that we're facing.

So, despite the fact that you call yourself a conservative and I call myself a liberal, we're really on the SAME SIDE OF THE FENCE. Kind of redundant, if you ask me.

I do not belong to either party......I'm not a republican.

I am for fiscal responsibility and efficient government. This leaves Obama OUT of contention. Now if tomorrow he WOKE up and realized his systematic errors and started to get back on the rail of reality, I'd start to praise him.

Bush was not a failure as president, but he didn't keep his eye on congress. I give him a pass because he took it to Al Queda and handed them their hat. About time (hear that Bill Clinton?). His last year was atrocious, not because of the war or Gitmo, but because his political capital had been spent and he simply rolled over on everything. Not a good exit domestically.


Well-Known Member
if you got fdd2blk in a room with sarah palin, you'd be one aquaman short of a crimefighting league...

but seriously, Cracker, "death panels"?!? its beginning like your side of the party drank the acid spiked punch...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's def 1 term, I ignored the lib above, wonder if it can figure it out.

8LegWhitey - yeah
ok when someone is talking about a kool aid drinker:
Jonestown massacre in 1978 when all of its inhabitants were directed to ingest cyanide-laced Kool-Aid.
you can figure why Righties refer to libs as kool aid drinkers, they are drinking their own demise.


Well-Known Member
Ohh yeah obama won't be in more than 1 term, I'm not even worried
by the time he has been in a year his approval rating will be equal of below Bush's,
and I tell you what if I'm wrong I'll slam my cock in a desk drawer so hard that for the rest of my life I piss sideways and my jizz gets trapped between my balls and shaft (if you watched weeds a few weeks ago you know what I'm talking about LOL)


New Member
if you got fdd2blk in a room with sarah palin, you'd be one aquaman short of a crimefighting league...

but seriously, Cracker, "death panels"?!? its beginning like your side of the party drank the acid spiked punch...

Not my side of any party.... I'm not a Republican. :lol:

Death panels aside....the bill is an abortion and the ppl are getting pretty peeved right now. Obama had better wake up. The campaign has been over for 7 months.


Well-Known Member
LOL well Im not a republican, Im in a whole nother class, I call it "being real"
Wont go into details but the only thing I can agree with obama on is Stem Cell research and atleast he did that when he got in, but that was the only good thing HOWEVER, he makes the research ok, just gonna make sure the treatment doesnt happen, and Wifey reminded me he severely limited funds to do research, so really it wasn't even half assed so I guess Id have to say we are barely any better on that note.
Yeah he is done son.

OHH about the Kool Aid, I found you a better definition of it
A specific derivative of drinking the kool aid that refers to the tendency of left- wing activists to blindly follow their leaders and ideological beliefs without any appreciation for reality or opposing points of view. Persons who are drinking the bong water will often attach themselves to liberal causes or pursuits that don't have a snowball's chance in Hades of achieving victory.


Well-Known Member
I never understand why people would allow themselves to be box in and labeled... WTF is liberal ...WTF is conservative... Nobody is all one... Was Bush conservative with his spending..hell no..... If someone said "hey they giving a way free seeds today @ atttitude"..."You just tell them how many you want up to a limit of 50" ... Now would you be liberal and say give me 50 or would you take the more conservative approach and say give me 5...Man all of us would say 50... I'm against abortion so does that make me a conservative ??? Hell no ???? I'm also against the death penalty ??? does that make me liberal..hell no.... People seem to love to box themselves in and to allow others to box them in as well...I'm both liberal and conservative depending on the situation..When I vote I vote whats best for me and my family...Thats another thing wrong with this country to damn divided... to busy fighting each other while the whole world passing us by..


Well-Known Member
I never understand why people would allow themselves to be box in and labeled... WTF is liberal ...WTF is conservative... Nobody is all one... Was Bush conservative with his spending..hell no..... If someone said "hey they giving a way free seeds today @ atttitude"..."You just tell them how many you want up to a limit of 50" ... Now would you be liberal and say give me 50 or would you take the more conservative approach and say give me 5...Man all of us would say 50... I'm against abortion so does that make me a conservative ??? Hell no ???? I'm also against the death penalty ??? does that make me liberal..hell no.... People seem to love to box themselves in and to allow others to box them in as well...I'm both liberal and conservative depending on the situation..When I vote I vote whats best for me and my family...Thats another thing wrong with this country to damn divided... to busy fighting each other while the whole world passing us by..
yeah Im against abortion but obama and his kool aid drinkers seem to think a 6 month unborn baby is ok to terminate.

I dont bother voting, waste my gas, FUCK NO.