How To Spot A Liberal....


New Member
You are at a cocktail party and you meet someone new. Of course the convo leads all over, but in the end politics will be discussed.

So is the person you are talking to a Liberal, or not? Now in these changing days of events and topics, it can be difficult to spot them right off. Like flotsam and jetsom, liberals have no true base of principles and tend to drift from week to week, so this has an expiration date on it, but right now...if in conversation you hear anyone utter any of these things with actual know they are Liberal.

1.) That a government-run "public option" health insurance would not extinguish or even harm private insurance.

2.) That cap-and-trade carbon regulations will raise energy costs without injuring the economy

3.) That taxing Peter to subsidize Paul's purchase of a new car is a sound basis for economic growth

4.) That an 85% unspent stimulus has routed the recession.

Any or all of these are a tip off that the person you are talking to has been sipping the kool aid. Do not try and change them!! This will only enrage and confuse them (yes they are easily confused).

Smile and make your way to the saner part of the party.


New Member
dude your political ranting all over RIU so tiring.
First...look up the word rant. k? :lol:

Second.... it's funny, but in a sad sort of way. People actually go through life with these afflictions!

Third....this is the politics section. You were expecting a cake recipe?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok cracker, i know that the above is meant to be humour and isnt a rant but usually your posts are the latter.

second i care not really im more free choice than persecuting folks beliefs or afflictions lol

thirdly, yeah its the politics section, which i really think RIU would be better without.

a cake recipe would have been better imo :-P


New Member
No are forgiven...:lol:

Free choice? You have nothing to worry about're not a liberal..:wink:


Well-Known Member
5. We look like this:

If the people over by the "saner part of the party" look as crazy as this broad does:

then I'm doing fine right where I am. ;)


New Member
I try to beat each race evenly...:lol: To be fair....

yes, we'd be mates!! At least until i ducked out of the party....I can't take'm very long...:wink:


Well-Known Member
I'd call myself liberal in my political views, but I don't fit any of those stereotypes you laid out in the first post.

I've never heard a democrat say they don't mind being spied on by the government because they have nothing to hide. Around here, it's the conservatives who are gung-ho about any legislative measure that strips rights from the population. As long as nobody tries to take away their guns, that is.


New Member
Heh, those aren't stereotypes...:lol: Like any good humor, there has to be truth in it to be funny.

I am the same way though perhaps..... I don't fit in any one box.
I rarely do this but I'll peg a few generalizations out there...
Pro abortion
Pro civil rights (who isn't?)
Pro gay marriage
Pro helping the "truly" needy
Pro weed decrim (I better be!)

Those are just a few....sound like a conservative to you? :wink: