New Global warming puzzle: Is it the sun?

I also know Knowm, that everything you speak of is already in the mindset of most (intelligent) people. To explain to me how the mind works was unnecessary.

If you think there are not many that share these thoughts you have, then you are wrong. It's all about viability. If it's viable to love someone (because it makes you feel you've accomplished something spiritually) then you will do this. As you said Knowm, the mind is slippery... In doing this you are merely repressing the other thoughts, putting a blanket over them if you will. They don't go away. I suppose it depends on where you WANT to put your focus.

So long as I can morally justify my actions I will continue being ME. I have my own laws... and sometimes people need to be hurt.
thoughts ARE.... thoughts exist... to say that "ONE thinks" is to believe the illusion... A man/woman does not control or HAVE thoughts... How can they be punished for something that is automatic...

and WHAT is punsihing THEM... and it is the same mind that has these "destructive/evil" thoughts that is so self rightous that it punishes other minds...

The problem is NOT the solution... to think that the mind that causes problems can also solve problems is like have he fox gaurd the hen house from other foxes... SO what else is their besides the mind?

to say... I think.. is as obsurd as saying.. I digest, or I breath... ONE can watch the mind an quickly realize this... man does not control ONE's' THOUGHTS

These are not my thoughts... most intelligent people think the thougts are THEIRS... that they are THE thoughts... this is because their AWARENESS is STUCK on the MIND... SHIFT the awareness..

ONE can be aware of thoughts or react to thoughts... BUT one can not have thoughts... this is a vital step for being able to intelectualize compassion...

Imagine a loud noise pulls ONE's attention from THOUGHTS to the outter world... maybe ONE is standing at a street corner remembering the blow job they got last night and then a car crash in front of this person....

WHAT is it that has shifted? This is what I speak of... some people call it focus or awareness.... BUT what is it THAT has shifted..? Can one become aware of THAT.... that, that has shifted....
This is what I speak of... it is nowhwere in the realm of thought...

This "THAT" that I speak of would never be struck or harmed... it is not possible for anything to happen to THIS... Some people call it "being aware of awareness" others call it a glimpse into eternity.. regardless... THIS can not be named nor harmed.... only realized/accepted... and then the concerns of harming others becomes moot...
Thoughts are only automatic because they are responses to events. Events that we are programmed to respond to in a certain way... we have the thoughts we are supposed to have. A child does not, can not, have the same thoughts as an adult as they have no experience of these thoughts. Thoughts are learned and so are our responsive thoughts. We respond to our thoughts with emotion... all a pretence. We adopt a personality like we adopt a football team to support... we also have different personalitys that we can, and do, turn on depending on the company we are in.

Reality is individual... a story we are writing.

Your reality is different to mine. In mine there are people in the world that I will (would?) gladly hurt. This 'that' that you speak of... awareness of self, takes THINKING about... are these thoughts automatic, or did you make a CONSCIOUS effort to think about them?

I never suggested punishing anybody for their thoughts... only their actions. What would you do to a child molestor? Personally, I favour castration... and yes, I could do it myself.