• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

New Global warming puzzle: Is it the sun?


New Member
Not if everybody drives an Escalade
NOt if everyne flushes toilets everytime they shit.

Not if everyone owns a microwave...

SHit... The earth could handle 100 BILLION people if they all just sat around and did nothing..

PUTTing it into context is VITAL to understanding and perspective :mrgreen:
Is all that shitting in the woods considered polluting?


New Member
A note on volcanoes. If one of the super volcanoes erupts, it will put more Co2 into the atmosphere than we ever have or even could in another thousand years, even if we tried really hard.

If you want to know what I think... I think we're fucked. New Orleans will be repeated, the Asian tsunami too. In England we have more tornado's every year than tornado alley. Nobody really knows about this as our tornadoes are usually so small as to not be there at all. USUALLY. The past couple of years has seen homes destroyed, people carried off and slammed violently into shop fronts or bus stops. This may seem pretty minor, but it's all about perspective... 1 decent tornado could bring this country to it's knees.

We're spending too much money on no-brain shit.


New Member
We're spending too much money on no-brain shit. Ain't it the truth. The money wasted on destroying Iraq could have done a lot of positive things on this earth, For one, it could have funded a national health care system for a hundred years, and made social security solvent into the 2100s, Just a sample of the idiotic leadership we've endured for the last 6 years in the good old USA. Can you say a trillion dollars, thats the the conservative figure being considered, let me put that into perspective One thousand Billion or $1,000,000,000,000.00, Would buy a lot of meals for the homless, in fact would probably build every one of them a pretty nice home. It's just fucking ridiculous! I hope every asshole that voted for Bush goes broke and needs a place to stay.


Active Member
If ya think man contributes entirely to global warming, then why not try this.

Turn off your computers, hell, everything in your house, throw it all out, get rid of the house, even, live in a cave or something, but don't start a fire to keep warm, oh no, it's too warm for the enviroment to handle. OK. Time to go to work...meh, why comute there? just walk 20 miles avoiding traffic, ok? And don't smoke ciggarettes, or pot, don't drink alcohol, because it takes heat to make, don't buy anything, don't hunt cause it hurts mother nature, can't eat the leaves, mother nature will be offended. Nope, just live like this a few days til you die, then mother nature can take in your carcas for nutrients. Happy yet?


Active Member

I ment for it to end in "Then why not try this..." then continued into what they should try which was my short, retarded rant...lol

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
You don't have to kill yourself.. i have another idea....

just walk three blocks to the corner liquor store when you run out of Malboro 100's don't fire up the subrban and drive there... you think you can do that? please..

and maybe just maybe you can recycle those 47 beers you drink on sunday instead of putting them in the backyard and using them for target practice...

and maybe you can bend over and pick the weeds that are comig up through the concrete on your driveway instead of using ortho weed killer that eventually goes into our drinking water....


thank you


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke Malboro, I smoke Skydancers... They are an ORGANIC Cigarette made by the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Grove Oklahoma. Also I don't drive suburban, I drive a little 4 cyclinder Saturn.


Active Member
I don't smoke ciggarettes, I smoke cigars, and I'm currently not driving cause my little 2 wheel drive smallashell pick up truck is in the shop. lol


New Member
A windfall profits tax is in the air, and we've seen what happens to other companies that dare to resist Congressional intimidation. It's to Exxon's credit that, in its response to the Senators, the company said that it will continue to fund free market research groups because "there is value in the debate" that helps promote "optimal public policy decisions." Too bad that's not what the Senators care about.
OpinionJournal - Featured Article We can only hope a windfall profits tax is in the air after what the oil companys have been doing to us for all these years! And exactly what is it that the senators care so much about other than preserving their own jobs ad infinitum?


New Member
Uhhh ... I think Jimmy Carter passed a "windfall profit" tax on the oil companies when he was president. If I remember correctly, gasoline was about fifty cents a gallon then.

There is no such thing as a windfall profits tax ... well in name only. Any tax incurred by corporations are passed along to the end consumer ... you and me.

You guys who believe in "Truth Speak" need to open yer eyes a bit.



Well-Known Member
Your View of economics is warped Vi, before Reagan and his deregulation the Oil Companies could not do that.
Besides I have told you time and time again, you can not raise prices higher than the market can bare.


New Member
What exatly does "deregulation of the oil companies" mean?

And if you are implying that deregulation (removing government regulations on private enterprise), increases prices, what does "regulation" (adding costs to produce a product) do to keep prices lower than "deregulation (removing those costs)?"



Well-Known Member
Yes Vi it does, because they have no controls on the way they do business, and any business left to it's own devices are going to try and screw everyone just to increase the bottom line.

Deregulation sounded good at first, but as we can see with the past decade that with no regulation corporations will stop at nothing to increase the bottom line... Does Enron or Global Crossing or Adelphia ring a bell?

Total Capitalism isn't the be all and end all of a society, it has it's ugly side.


Well-Known Member
Also SInce I have worked in the oil indistry (once upon a time) It really doesn't cost much to produce the produce... How much do you understand about the refining process?


New Member
I don't need to understand anything about the refining process. If you spent any amount of time in the oil business, then you must also have an appreciation of the exploration costs as well, no?

"Does Enron or Global Crossing or Adelphia ring a bell?"

Are there, or are there not, prison sentences being served as we speak?




New Member
Are there, or are there not, prison sentences being served as we speak?
Token at best. These people ruined more lives than a thousand mass murderers